
Ask the scout between the sand dunes, so he makes clear

سل العيس ما بين اللوى فأبان

1. Ask the scout between the sand dunes, so he makes clear
A few words that annihilate misfortune with sorrow

١. سَلِ العيسَ ما بَينَ اللِّوى فَأَبانِ
خِماصاً تَبيدُ البيدَ بِالوَخدانِ

2. About the caravan in its valleys, did it get devastated
Except for its ostriches on fluttering wings

٢. عَنِ الرَّكبِ في أَكوارِها هَل تَسانَدَت
أَنامِلُهُ إِلّا عَلى خَفَقانِ

3. And did the wind tear open its saddlebags such that they did not stop
Flying from the intensity of bouncing around

٣. وَهَل نَشَقَت ريح العَرارِ فَلَم تَزَل
حَقائِبُها مِن شِدَّةِ النَّزَوانِ

4. My Arab brother, drive them on, for without driving
There is room for gazelles to roam freely

٤. أخا العُربِ سُقها إِنَّ دونَ سُوَيقَةِ
مَجالَ عُيونٍ في عِراض مَغاني

5. I confided my love, if you accept me as a companion
When you do not support me in shedding tears of grievance

٥. سَلَوتُ غَرامي إِن رَضيتُكَ صاحِباً
إِذا لَم تُعِنّي في بُكاء مَعاني

6. She circled around from the skirts of mountains and her abode
Is that of a Hijazi; we are quite different

٦. تَلَفَّتُّ مِن سَفحِ الجِبالِ وَدارُها
حِجازِيَّةٌ إِنَّا لَمُختَلِفانِ

7. The eyes did not fail to discern its faded outline
In the distance were it not for the numerous mirages

٧. فَلَم تَجهَلِ العَينانِ لائِحَ رَسمِها
عَلَى البُعدِ لَولا كَثرَةُ الهَمَلانِ

8. My friend, did protection cease after its people left
And did the milestones become vacant after we left

٨. خَليلَيَّ هَل زالَ الحِمى بَعدَ أَهلِهِ
وَهَل أقفرت مِن بَعدِنا العَلَمانِ

9. Is there any connection between a autumn rain in Aqeeq
And my heart or did I befriend others than my own

٩. وَهَل لِخَشيفٍ بِالعَقيقِ عَلاقَةٌ
بِقَلبِيَ أَم دانَيتُ غَيرَ مُداني

10. As for the chicks of birds attacked with the winds
While their chicks were in the unawareness and safety

١٠. وَما ذاتُ أَفراخ نُهِشنَ مَعَ الصِّبا
وَأَفراخُها في غَفلَة وَأَمانِ

11. Opportunities were made available to them while time is tightfisted
Impetuous with red camels that blaze

١١. أُتيحَ لَها وَالدَّهرُ جَمٌّ صُروفُهُ
عَجولٌ بِحمراوَينِ يَشتَعِلانِ

12. The darkness of gloom continues to crawl with its will
When others weaken from flying

١٢. يَظَلّ قَذى الظَّلماء يَنزو بِعَزمِهِ
إذا غَيرُهُ أعيا على الطَّيرانِ

13. Until there remained nothing but the impairments of everything torn
As if the effects of a Yemeni sword were upon it

١٣. فَلَم يَبقَ إِلّا شلوُ كُلِّ مُمَزَّق
كَأَن بِهِ آثارَ حَدِّ يَمانِ

14. When it sees a flock of leaves laughing
It thinks its wings are the heart of heavens

١٤. إذا ما رَأت سِرباً مِنَ الوُرقِ ضاحِياً
ظَنَنت جناحيها فؤاد جنان

15. It moans in an incomprehensible voice, which
Clarifies the sorrow of the grieved better than any speech

١٥. وَناحَت بِصَوت أَعجَمِيٍّ وَإِنَّهُ
يَبينُ عَنِ المَحزونِ أيَّ بَيانِ

16. More intensely than me when it says you passed me by
You see me despite time - I see you

١٦. بِأَجزَعَ مِنّي إِذ تَقولُ عَدَيتُهُ
تَراكَ عَلى رَغمِ الزَّمانِ تَراني

17. But by its life if it saw me it would magnify
My words that I am suffering from love of you

١٧. أَما وَأَبيها لَو رَأَتنِي لأَكبَرَت
مَقاليَ إِنّي في غَرامِكِ عاني

18. If you wish, try the blades of my firm resolutions
And the truthfulness of lightning is known by pouring rain

١٨. إِذا شِئتَ تَبلو مُرهَفاتِ عَزائِمي
وَيُعلَمُ صِدقُ البَرقِ بِالهَطَلانِ

19. So ponder in the land a sound thought, for it
Shows you the location of a star without a location

١٩. فَشِم في الوَرى فِكراً صَحيحاً فَإِنَّهُ
يُريكَ مَكانَ النَّجم دونَ مَكاني

20. And leave me and her be, for if I do not win her
Quickly, then I am not the son of Sinan

٢٠. وَذَرني وَإِيّاها فَإِن لَم أَفُز بِها
سَريعاً وَإِلّا لَستُ نَجلَ سِنانِ

21. I desire nothing but what you already know
When they intend a matter, that is more helpful

٢١. وَما أَرَبي إِلّا الَّذي تَعلَمونَهُ
إِذا ما عَنوا أَمرا فَذاكَ أَعانِ

22. I surpassed and did not reach ten years whole
So how could I when I passed eighteen

٢٢. سَبَقتُ وَما بَلَّغتُ عَشراً كَوامِلاً
فَكَيفَ وَقَد جاوَزتُها بِثَمانِ

23. And I have in confronting misfortunes, firm resolutions
That show you attaining a star by Saturn

٢٣. وَلي في قِراعِ النّائِباتِ عَزائِمٌ
تُريكَ بُلوغَ النَّجمِ بِالزحلانِ

24. A group who shared between them the intoxication of wine
Not a moment passed except meeting with sweet wine

٢٤. وَرَكبٍ تَعاطَوا بَينَهُم نَشوَةَ الكَرى
فَلا لمَّةٌ إِلّا لقي بِلبانِ

25. We asked them while the scout was grieved from the dew
And the wings of night and dawn contending

٢٥. سَأَلناهُمُ وَالعيسُ حَسرى مِنَ الوَجى
وَجُنحَ الدُّجا وَالصُّبحُ يَصطَرِعانِ

26. Who is the caravan, they said, from Lu'ayy bin Ghalib
The lamps of my days of attainment and piercing

٢٦. مَنِ الرَّكبُ قالوا مِن لُؤيِّ بنِ غالِبٍ
مَصابيحُ يَومَي نائِلٍ وَطِعانِ

27. So we said, the sons of the noble uncle Muhammad
The sulfur of hostility, striker of every harasser

٢٧. فَقُلنا بَنو عَمِّ الشَّريفِ مُحَمَّدٍ
سِمامِ العِدى ضَرّاب كُلِّ جَرانِ

28. It delighted them to mention him and they sang
With the ethics of softening the riding animals, passionately

٢٨. فَأَطرَبَهُم تِذكارَهُ وَتَرَنَّموا
بِأَخلاقِ مِفلاقِ الرِّكابِ هِجانِ

29. They leaned on the valleys intoxicated as if
They bid farewell in ecstasy bidding farewell

٢٩. وَمالوا عَلى الأَكوارِ سَكرى كَأَنَّما
تَسافَوا عَلى وَجدٍ رِضابَ غَواني

30. Among the people are those whose youth is ongoing
For spending gifts or protecting the reins

٣٠. مِنَ القَومِ طَلقٌ لا يَزالُ بَنانُهُ
لِبَذلِ نَوال أَو لِصَونِ عَنانِ

31. The bravest if you strike him with a sword
The most knowledgeable if you debate him with a tongue

٣١. وَأَشجَعُ إِن ضارَبتَهُ بِمُهَنَّدٍ
وَأَعلَمُ إِن جادَلتَهُ بِلِسانِ

32. The most eloquent above the poles of a minbar
And the kindest above the back of a horse

٣٢. وَأَبهى بَياناً فَوقَ أَعوادِ مِنبَرٍ
وَأَمضى جِناناً فَوقَ ظَهرِ حِصانِ

33. My brother Hashim, how often you made it Hashimi
Jealous are stuffed from its usefulness, the despots

٣٣. أَخا هاشِم كَم قُدتَها هاشِمِيَّةً
يغصُّ بِها مِن نَفعِها المَلَوانِ

34. You won it confused to the spite of haters
Who scowled with hatred and animosity

٣٤. وَفُزتَ بِها تَهفوا عَلى رَغمِ حاسِدٍ
تَلَمَّظَ بِالبَغضاءِ وَالشَّنَآنِ

35. So if the nights strike you with something terrible
No wonder that the two moons are eclipsed

٣٥. فَإِن طَرَقَت فيكَ اللَّيالي بِفادِحٍ
فَلا عَجَبٌ أَن يُكسَفَ القَمَرانِ

36. The days did not lead you to a lowly position
Nor made tender other than swords

٣٦. وَما قادَتِ الأَيّامُ مِنكَ موقِعاً
ذَلولاً وَلا أَرهَفنَ غَيرَ سِنانِ

37. I praise you, not seeking your praise, rather
I profess affection for you without disgrace

٣٧. مَدَحتُكَ لا أَبغي نَداكَ وَإِنَّما
أَبوحُ بِوُدٍّ مِنكَ غَير مُهانِ

38. Affection is not evident in ease; rather
The loyalty of a youth in the affliction of events

٣٨. وَلَيسَ يَبينُ الوُدُّ في اليُسرِ إِنَّما
وَفاء الفَتى في لزبة الحَدَثانِ

39. I wish I could share with you the evil, forgiving
With open arms for harm and gardens

٣٩. فَيالَيتَني شاطَرتُكَ الشر سامِحاً
بِبَسطِ بنانٍ لِلأَذى وَجنانِ

40. And our two hearts became confidantes of misfortunes
As if sympathizing in private, accompanying one another

٤٠. وَأَصبَحَ قَلبانا نَديمَي نَوائبٍ
كَما غُودِرا في الخَفضِ يَصطَحِبانِ

41. And the likes of you, the nights wanted, for it
Makes the land fertile in the place of seeds

٤١. وَمِثلَكَ أَردَتهُ اللَّيالي فَإِنَّها
تحلُّ الثَّرى في مَوطِنِ الدَّبَرانِ

42. And the time of the incapable diminished, so I
Honor myself to say it is my time

٤٢. وَقَلَّ زَمانُ العاجِزينَ فَإِنَّني
لأُكرِمُ نَفسي أَن أَقولَ زَماني

43. When relationships distance us, it brings us
A affection for neither people nor procrastinators

٤٣. إِذا باعَدَت مِنّا المَناسِبُ قَرَّبَت
مَوَدَّةَ لا ناس وَلا مُتَواني

44. Indeed the spear point supports its posterior
From afar, not appeased by the flatterer

٤٤. وَإِنَّ سِنانَ الرُّمحِ يُنجِدُ كَعبَهُ
عَلى بُعدِهِ لازُجُّهُ المُتَداني

45. While others in the lowliness and safety of time
Sluggish, so ambitions do not fall for them

٤٥. وَغَيرُكَ في خَفضِ الزَّمانِ وَسِلمِهِ
خَمولاً فَما تَهوي بِهِ القَدَمانِ

46. As for me, since I was created, its circumstances
Standing upon what saddened and enraged me

٤٦. وَغَيري فَإِنّي مُذ خُلِقتُ صُروفُهُ
وقوف عَلى ما ساءَني وَشَجاني