1. In Najd, does acceptance converse with you?
I think the wind understands what you say
١. أَفي نَجدٍ تُحاوِرُكَ القَبولُ
أَظُنُّ الرّيحَ تَفهَمُ ما تَقولُ
2. It sang in the travelers' bags until
The humps and the hobbled camels were alike
٢. تَغَنَّت في رِحالِ الرَّكبِ حَتّى
تَشابَهَتِ الذَّوائِبُ وَالذُّبولُ
3. Our youth in your lands passed their time
Taking turns feeble and wasting away
٣. صَحِبنا في دِيارِكُمُ صَباها
تَناوَبها التَّنَفُّسُ وَالنُّحولُ
4. And we rained tears of sorrow until
We thought it was pouring rain
٤. وَأَمطَرنا سَحابَ الدَّمعِ حَتّى
حَسِبنا أَنَّهُ مُهَجٌ تَسيلُ
5. And we lingered in ignorance, not knowing
Were we the askers or the shirkers?
٥. وَعُجنا ذاهِلينَ فَما عَلِمنا
أَنَحنُ السّائِلونَ أَمِ الطُّلولُ
6. And in mentioning you we stirred up longing
Which leaned with the breeze as it sways
٦. وَأَعدَينا بِذِكرِكُمُ الخُزامى
فَمالَ مَعَ النَّسيمِ كَما يَميلُ
7. In the she-camels are the soft, bending saddles
The short ropes holding them back from departure
٧. وَفي الأَظعانِ لَيِّنَةُ الثَّنِيِّ
عَصِيُّ الرِّدفِ مانِعَةٌ بَذولُ
8. We asked them to greet us, but they were stingy
Though it would be little, if they were generous
٨. سَأَلناها تُحَيِّينا فَضَنَّت
وَذَلِكَ لَو تَجودُ بِهِ جَزيلُ
9. They quenched the thirst of al-Suwayyah and al-Ghadah
As the smooth plains and valleys sprawled out
٩. سَقَت أَرضَ السَّوِيَّةِ وَالغَوادي
تَهاداها الأَباطِحُ وَالسُّهولُ
10. A she-camel of Yemen, slapped by ostriches
When she struts, and chased by the bull camels
١٠. يَمانِيَةٌ تُصَفِّقُها النَّعامى
إِذا خَطَرَت وَتَلحَقُها القَبولُ
11. As if the goat herder's hand caressed her
Fearing the floods would harm her
١١. كَأَنَّ يَدَ المُعِزِّ حَنَت عَلَيها
مَخافَةَ أَن تَضُرَّ بِها السُّيولُ
12. 'Amir tended the sickness of the cities until
Health spread throughout his dominion
١٢. شَفى مَرَضَ العَواصِمِ عامِرِيٌّ
تَنمُّ عَلى خَلائِقِهِ الشَّمولُ
13. He removed the rust of malady from them, and they recovered
So that nothing there is sick except the breeze
١٣. جَلا صَدأَ القَذى عَنها وَصَحَّت
فَلَيسَ سِوى النَّسيمِ بِها عَليلُ
14. And their flock is safe from every misfortune
As their patron resolves every complaint
١٤. وَآمَنَ سِربها مِن كُلِّ خَطبٍ
فَأمُّ النّائِباتِ بِها ثُكولُ
15. Noble, concealing favors as though
His many gifts were but paltry
١٥. كَريمٌ يَستُرُ المَعروفَ حَتّى
كَأَنَّ كَثيرَ ما يُعطي قَليلُ
16. His cavalry gallop into the midst of enemies
And the tips of their spears serve as guides
١٦. تَغيرُ عَلى سوابِقِهِ الفَيافي
وَتَضرِبُ في صَوارِمِهِ الفُلولُ
17. They came out from al-Jazirah at daybreak
As the hills and valleys called them
١٧. تَزورُ جِيادُهُ أَرضَ الأَعادي
وَأَطرافُ الرِّماحِ لَها دَليلُ
18. They raided the enemies' strongholds until
The armies and cavalry took warning
١٨. طَلَعنَ مِنَ الجَزيرَةِ في هَناتٍ
تَقاضاها الطَّوائِلُ وَالدُّخولُ
19. If their neighing deceived them, they would say
"The ostriches took flight from the footmen"
١٩. وَجُبنَ مَعاقِلَ الأَعداءِ حَتّى
تَناذَرَتِ الرَّكائِبُ وَالخُيولُ
20. And if the spurrings warned them of an attack
And the glistening spearpoints rose up
٢٠. إِذا خَدَعَتهُمُ بِالنَّقعِ قالوا
نَعامُ الدَّوِّ أَفزَعَها الرَّعيلُ
21. Escape saved them from the highlands
And the lowly may be saved from fate
٢١. وَإِن صَدَقَتهُمُ الخُرصانُ عَنها
وَلاحَت في عَجاجَتِها النُّصولُ
22. They took refuge in the cliffs with ravines
Where only the lazy hyena prowls
٢٢. أَجارَهُمُ الفِرارُ مِنَ العَوالي
وَقَد يَنجو مِنَ القَدَرِ الذَّليلُ
23. They grazed there on brush, which was adorned
By the threshing floors and wandering livestock
٢٣. وَحَلّوا بِالسَّماوَةِ في شِعابٍ
يُذَمُّ لَها مِنَ الطَّلَبِ الخُمولُ
24. When the brave heroes went out secure
And their encampments were emptied of tents
٢٤. رَعوا فيها الهَشيمَ وَقَد تَباهَت
بِزينَتِها المَخازِمُ وَالهُجولُ
25. They lodged the prisoners of war, who were comforted
By their mounts and the harnesses' jingling
٢٥. إِذا سَرَحَت قِلاصُ الحَيِّ أَمناً
وَسارَت عَن مَنازِلها الحُمولُ
26. Seekers whom no mishap could startle
With determination no refusal could shake
٢٦. ثَوَوا أَسرى الخِدارِ وَقَد أَريحَت
مَطِيُّهُمُ وَسالَمها الذَّميلُ
27. A kingdom which the torrents of valleys fortified
Realms pass away, but it does not pass
٢٧. طِلابٌ لا يُرَوِّعُهُ عِثارٌ
وَعَزمٌ لا يُنَفِّرُهُ نُكولُ
28. A heroic man preserved it from the trickery of nights
As exalted as what he guards is worth
٢٨. وَمُلكٌ شادَهَ ظَعنُ الهَوادي
تَزولُ الرّاسِياتُ وَلا يَزولُ
29. The summits of the highlands dread his might
For the awe of him makes them quake
٢٩. حَماهُ مِن مُخاتَلَةِ اللَّيالي
فَتىً مِثلُ المُرادِ بِهِ جَليلُ
30. In the darkness of the plains, his might brings out
Stars that set in the predawn glow
٣٠. تُحاذِرُ بَأسَهُ سُمرُ العَوالي
فَفيها مِن مَهابَتِهِ ذُبولُ
31. The clouds pass by it fearful
With no thoughts of rest in its expanse
٣١. وَيُطلِعُ في ظَلامِ النَّقعِ مِنها
نُجوماً في النُّحورِ لَها أفولُ
32. They established in its gloomy valleys
A beacon so no path goes astray
٣٢. مِنَ القَومِ الَّذينَ لَهُم أَكُفٌّ
يُبادِرُها فَتَنجابُ المُحولُ
33. Beware, for Haleeb has ferocious lions
And the tips of their spears have venom
٣٣. كُهولُهُم إِذا غَضِبوا شَبابٌ
وَمُردُهُم إِذا حَلِموا كُهولُ
34. From Damascus' interior to Dumayl
Are pastures with elongated thorns
٣٤. إِذا راعَت سُيوفُهُمُ المَطايا
تَمَنَّت أَنَّ مالِكَها بَخيلُ
35. Around it, for the people of Kilaab
Homes are built with no host inside
٣٥. غَدَت غُرَراً عَلى هامِ الأَعادي
وهُزَّ عَلى مَناسِمِها حُجولُ
36. Its valleys flow with the dew of wild thyme
To which they have no path back to dry fodder
٣٦. وَقَفرٌ قُيّدَت فيهِ الدَّياجي
فَما لِخِضابِها عَنهُ نُصولُ
37. It cloaked their crime when patience was lost
And their minds strayed from guidance
٣٧. تَسَتَّر فيهِ ضَوء الصُّبحِ خَوفاً
فَنَمَّ بِسِرِّهِ السَّيفُ الصَّقيلُ
38. Its people, when wrathful, are youthful lions
Yet when forbearing, aged men
٣٨. تَمُرُّ بِهِ السَّحائِبُ خائِفاتٍ
فَلَيسَ لَها بِساحَتِهِ هُمولُ
39. When their swords terrify the mounts
Those mounts wish their owners were stingy
٣٩. أَقاموا في غَياهِبِهِ العَوالي
مَناراً ما يَضِلُّ بِهِ سَبيلُ
40. They became embers upon the enemies' skulls
And their skulls were knocked by the clubs
٤٠. حَذارِ فَإِنَّ في حَلَبٍ لُيوثاً
وَآجامُ الرِّماحِ لَهُنَّ غيلُ
41. A rugged land where the steeds were tethered
So that their dye could not escape
٤١. وَمِن بَطنِ الشآم إِلى دُجَيلٍ
مَراتِعُ نَبتُها الأَسَلُ الطَّويلُ
42. The light of dawn hid there in fear
So the sharp sword slept with its secret
٤٢. يُشَيَّدُ دونَها لِبَني كِلابٍ
بُيوت ما يُضامُ لَها نَزيلُ
43. The clouds pass by it fearful
With no thoughts of rest in its expanse
٤٣. تَسيلُ شِعابُها بِنَدى ثِمالٍ
فَلَيسَ لَها إِلى كَلأ رَحيلُ
44. They made their abode in its gloomy valleys
A beacon so no path goes astray
٤٤. تَغَمَّدَ جُرمَها إِن طاحَ حِلمٌ
وَضَلَّت عَن هِدايَتِها عُقولُ
45. So guard them, for in your wrath is a lion
Bearing it adorns you, and with it you pounce
٤٥. وَصُنها فَهيَ في يُمناكَ عَضبٌ
يُزينُكَ حَملُهُ وَبِهِ تَصولُ
46. Before you the highlands were humbled and wounded
As if the spear's point strikes one despised
٤٦. فَدونَكَ عاجَلَت وَخزَ العَوالي
كَأَنَّ الرُّمحَ يَطعَنُهُ التَّليلُ
47. Under your banner are the unyielding people
Upon whose backs no weakling rode
٤٧. وَتَحتَ لِوائِكُم صَعبٌ أَباء
فَلَم يَركَب لَها ظَهرٌ ذَلولُ
48. I see my camels roaming freely in Qunu'
Drinking where no discomfort leaves a sickness
٤٨. أَرى إِبلي شَوارِعَ من قُنوعي
مَوارِدَ ما يُبَلُّ بِها غَليلُ
49. They know no harnesses restraining them
Nor a rope capturing the strays among them
٤٩. وَلَم تَعرِف لِمُصعَبِها قُيودٌ
وَلَم يَملِك لِشارِدِها جَديلُ
50. My hopes lie ruined by misfortune
As fate contends with them for long
٥٠. وَآمالي مُطرحَةٌ بِطاء
يُنازِعُ دونَها قَدَرٌ مَطولُ
51. I seek refuge for your affection from ruin
Which has destroyed communities of people
٥١. أعيذُ نَميرَ وُدِّكَ مِن أَوامي
وَقَد أَودى بِجِمَّتِهِ النُّهولُ
52. Can your generosity be pleased with my humiliation
When I am, for your open-handedness, miserly?
٥٢. فَهَل يَرضى لَكَ الكَرَمُ اطِّراحي
وَلَو أَنّي لجودِكُمُ عَذولُ
53. No era rises to my battle
And the shade of your side is forever shady
٥٣. فَما يَسمو الزَّمانُ إِلى قِراعي
وَظِلُّ جَنابِكُم أَبَداً ظَليلُ
54. Let not the nights gain power over me
For my hopes in you are beautiful
٥٤. وَلا تَسطو عَلَيِّ يَدُ اللَّيالي
وَظَنّي في رَجائِكُمُ جَميلُ