
Abu Hasan, how much I blame separation

أبا حسن كم ألوم الفراق

1. Abu Hasan, how much I blame separation
And my fate makes it be far

١. أَبا حَسَنٍ كَم أَلومُ الفِراقَ
وَحَظِّيَ يوجِبُ أَن يَبعُدا

2. How much I prolong sleep until I see you
And prevent my eyes from sleeping

٢. وَكَم أَمطُلُ النَّومَ حَتّى أَراكَ
وَأَمنَعَ عَينِيَ أَن تَرقُدا

3. So to me in them it has become a habit
That teaches my sleep to wander

٣. فَقَد صارَ لي فيهِما عادَة
تُعَلِّمُ نَومِيَ أَن يَشرُدا

4. My excuse from the Romans, the neighbor of separation
Wronged me by a judgment of his and transgressed

٤. عَذيري مِنَ الرُّومِ جارَ الفِراقُ
عَلَيَّ بِحُكمٍ لَهُ وَاِعتَدى

5. I called you from their land suffering
So you let me drink from that channel

٥. دَعَوتُكَ مِن أَرضِهِم عانِيا
فَناهَلتَني ذَلِكَ المَورِدا

6. And you tied your soul tightly to me
Until I ceased to find

٦. وَأَوثَقتَ نَفسَكَ خِرصاً عَلَي
يَ حَتّى عَدمتُ بِأَن أَوجَدا

7. So neither was their promise what revived
In it hopes, nor what cooled

٧. فَلا كانَ وَعدُهُم ما أَغَث
ثَ فيهِ المِطالُ وَما أَبرَدا

8. Perhaps this long stay of yours
Will be for their appointed time

٨. لَعَلَّ مَقامَكَ هَذا الطَّويلَ
يَكونُ لحينَهمُ مَوعِدا

9. So their patriarch may come out Muslim
And make their church a mosque

٩. فَيُخرِجُ بطريكَهُمُ مُسلِماً
وَيَجعَلُ قُسّاً بِهِم مَسجِدا

10. So their ruler will know that they
Incited against you the enraged lion

١٠. فَيَعلَمُ حازِمَهُم أَنَّهُم
أَثاروا بِكَ الأَسَدَ المُلبَدا

11. And you had come to them conciliatory
Yet by their ignorance were corrupting

١١. وَإِنَّكَ قَد جئتَهُم مُصلِحاً
فَكُنتَ بِجَهلِهمُ مُفسِدا

12. So if they demand from you return to the country
Then the nearest has joined the farthest

١٢. فَإِن طَلَبوا مِنكَ عَودَ البِلادِ
فَقَد لَحِقَ الأَقرَبُ الأَبعَدا

13. And if they attempt to hurt you
Then they initiated breaking the bones

١٣. وَإِن حاوَلوا بِكَ سَيرَ الجِراحِ
فَقَد شَرَعَت في العِظامِ المُدى

14. And you told your people who thought your
Stay with them was eternal

١٤. وَخبَّرتَ قَومَكَ ظَنّوا ثَوا
كَ عِندَهُمُ أَبَداً سَرمَدا

15. So their humiliation in animosity exceeded
That to which they were accustomed

١٥. فَأَسرَفَ إِذلالُهُم في الجَفا
وَجاءَ يَفوقُ الَّذي عَوَّدا

16. And if you were not an intercessor for them
Then from where did you become their master

١٦. وَإِن لَم تَكُن صافِحاً عَنهُمُ
فَمِن أَينَ صِرتَ لَهُم سَيِّدا

17. Your father was their father, and were it not for the light
The full moon would not have surpassed the barely visible star

١٧. أَبوكَ أَبوهُم وَلَولا الضِّيا
ءِ ما فَضَلَ القَمَرُ الفَرقَدا

18. Goodness to me when I was sick
I would conceal it out of habit

١٨. لَكَ الخَيرُ عِندي داء مَرِضتُ
فَكُنتُ أُكاتِمُهُ العوَّدا

19. And there is passion in fervor I do not take help
With other than you, happily fortunate

١٩. وَفَنٌّ مِنَ الوَجدِ ما أَستَعينُ
بِغَيرِكَ مِن جودِهِ مُسعَدا

20. I want to conceal but the intermediary
Exposes it whenever he chirps

٢٠. أُريدُ لأَكتَم وَالواسِطي
يُ يَفضَحُهُ كُلَّما غَرَّدا

21. I regretted like al-Buhturi regretted
And exceeded him in the distance of scope

٢١. نَدِمتُ كَما نَدِمَ البُحتُرِيُّ
وَزِدتُ عَلَيهِ بِبُعدِ المَدى

22. So without my love the breeze blew in vain
It would not have found its way

٢٢. فَدونَ هَوايَ فَلاً لَو سَرى
نَسيمُ الرِّياحِ بِهِ ما اِهتَدى

23. So is there in your view a strategy
That would help a lost wanderer

٢٣. فَهَل عِندَ رَأيِكَ مِن حيلَةٍ
تُعينُ بِها هائِماً مُفرَدا

24. For long your hands have saved me
And the ropes of firmness have attached me

٢٤. فَقَد طالَما أَنقَذَتني يَداكَ
وَقَد عَلِقَتني حِبالُ الرَّدى

25. And you have borne your money that cannot be borne
So you were best in easing its difficulty

٢٥. وَحملتَ مالَكَ ما لا يُطاق
فَكُنتَ عَلى عُسرِهِ أَحمَدا

26. By God, I perceive no rain but you
Either your friendship or the echo

٢٦. وَوَاللَّهِ لا شِمتُ غَيثاً سِواكَ
فَإِمّا نَداكَ وَإِمّا الصَّدى