
Oh, did I not stay awake longing for the lightening's flash

ألا أرقت للمع برق سار

1. Oh, did I not stay awake longing for the lightening's flash
That the rains' hand kept stripping bare?

١. أَلا أَرقت لِلَمعِ بَرقٍ سارِ
باتَت تُجَرِّدُهُ يَدُ الأَمطارِ

2. It appears and hides as life does, as though
A resolve torn between thoughts.

٢. يَبدو وَيُخفيهِ الحَيا فَكَأَنَّهُ
عَزمٌ تجاذبهُ مِنَ الأَفكارِ

3. It has come in disheveled wildness that their hate
Made fertile, vulnerability of the noble and lair of the vile.

٣. وافى عَلى شُعثٍ أَضاعَ كَراهُمُ
خِصبُ اللِّئامِ وَضَيعَةُ الأَحرارِ

4. They took up their swords as though they
Had become their ally against the fates.

٤. عَمَدوا إِلى أَسيافِهِم فَكَأَنَّها
آلَت لِتُنجِدَهُم عَلى الأَقدارِ

5. The generous one of an honored tribe sings of their glory
The enemy's humiliation through it and the neighbor's honor.

٥. يَحدو بِعِزِّهِمُ كَريمُ قَبيلَةٍ
ذُلُّ العَدوِ بِها وَعِزُّ الجارِ

6. He rests easy with the illuminating lightening even if it cast
In each limb a blazing ember.

٦. يَرتاحُ لِلبَرقِ المُضيء وَلَو رَمى
في كُلِّ جارِحَةٍ بِحَذوَةِ نارِ

7. Sweet dreams, what led you to a tribe
Who accompanied darkness scintillating without sobriety?

٧. أَخيال عَذبَةَ ما هَداكِ لِعُصبَةٍ
صَحَبوا الدُّجا نَشوى بِغَيرِ عُقارِ

8. Anger's separation still rends their unity
Until it knocked them about destitute.

٨. ما زالَ عَضبُ البَينِ يَفري شَملَهُم
حَتّى طَرَقتَهُمُ عَلى الأَكوارِ

9. Oh Sukayna's house, our friends
Calm it, and the night is the hue of pure wine.

٩. يا دارُ سُقيا لِلكَثيبِ وَصَحبُنا
آرامُهُ وَاللَّيلُ لَونُ عِذارِ

10. Days in you, when the hand of passion wishes
Flow with a full moon's light and sun's rays.

١٠. أَيّام فيكَ إِذا تَشاء يَدُ الهوى
جادَت بِبَدرِ دُجاً وَشَمسِ نَهارِ

11. Their nights shortened but they
Leave souls lengthy in remembrance.

١١. قَصُرَت لَيالِيهِنَّ إِلّا أَنَّها
تَذَرُ النُّفوسَ طَويلَةَ التَّذكارِ

12. So it watered all your twisting torrent valleys
Undertaking the blossoms' smiles.

١٢. فَسَقى طُلولَكَ كُلَّ مُدَّلِج
مُتكَفِّلٍ بِتَبَسُّمِ الأَزهارِ

13. A songster composing over coursing steeds
The aroma of a meadow, fragrant and fresh.

١٣. هَزِجٌ يُنَظِّمُ فَوق أَجيادِ الرُّبا
سِمطَي عَرارٍ فائِحٍ وَبَهارِ

14. A flower like the flower of meteors except
It smiles with their flowing tears.

١٤. زَهرٌ كَزهرِ الشُّهبِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
مُتَبَسِّمٌ مِن دَمعِهِنَّ الجاري