1. Your youth has passed away according to its guarantee
So when will you be generous with it upon its eyelids?
١. أَمّا ظُباكَ فَقَد وَفَت بِضَمانِها
فَمَتى تَجودُ بِها عَلى أَجفانِها
2. For you is every day an ailment that harms
It makes the days pass quickly before their time
٢. لَكَ كُلَّ يَوم غَضبَةٌ مُضَرِيَّةٌ
تُدني بِها الآجالَ قَبلَ أَوانِها
3. Troubles will obey you so if it disobeys
One day then it will know the extent of its disobedience
٣. تَجري بِطاعَتِكَ الخُطوبُ فَإِن عَصَت
يَوماً فَقَد عَرَفَت مَدى عِصيانِها
4. Islam does not deny that its borders
Became strong and the vines of your spear are among its pillars
٤. ما يُنكِرُ الإِسلامُ أَنَّ ثُغورَهُ
عَزَّت وَسُمرُ قَناكَ مِن أَركانِها
5. You disciplined the turns of fate in it after
Its events confused its inhabitants
٥. أدَّبتَ صَرفَ الدَّهرِ فيها بَعدَما
جَمَحَت حَوادِثُهُ عَلى سُكّانِها
6. And blocked it from its path so it is as if
The orbits stopped for you from their circling
٦. وَصَدَدتَهُ عَن نَهجِها فَكَأَنَّما
وَقَفَت لَكَ الأَفلاكُ عَن دَوَرانِها
7. If Antioch showed your elevation
Sorrow, then it laughed at its cotton sellers
٧. إِن أَظهَرَت لِعُلاكَ أَنطاكِيَّةٌ
حُزناً فَقَد ضَحِكَت عَلى قُطّانِها
8. The postman sent a message about an uprising
Which he was more in need of hiding it
٨. بَعَثَ البَريدُ مُخَبِّراً عَن وَثبَةٍ
ما كانَ أَحوَجَهُ إِلى كِتمانِها
9. When your banner's shadow protected him
The faces of humiliation were known in its crucifixions
٩. لَمّا أَظَلَّ لَهُ لِواؤُكَ خافِقاً
عُرِفَت وجوهُ الذُّلِّ في صُلبانِها
10. If a side of its cunning returns to you
The orators stood for you in its pulpits
١٠. إِن عادَ نَحوَكَ جانِبٌ مِن كَيدِهِ
قامَت لَكَ الخُطَباء في قسانها