1. My friend, we left youth and grew mature
If only I knew, will it be like it once was?
١. خَليلَيَّ خَلَّينا الصِّبا وَتَعاقَلنا
فَيالَيتَ شِعري هَل يَعودُ كَما كُنّا
2. Alas! Worry prevented our comfort
And the prime of youth parted us
٢. وَهَيهاتَ حالَ الهَمّ دونَ مَراحِنا
وَفارَقَنا شَرخُ الشَّبابِ وَفَرَّقنا
3. May God water the days of innocence
With wine, for God has allowed intoxication
٣. سَقى اللَّهُ أَيّامَ السِّباحَةِ رِيَّها
مُداماً فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ قَد أَرحَضَ المُزنا
4. And long live the era of Al-Asma'i and Nathira
To Al-Dailami, which left behind between us, song
٤. وَحَيّا زَمانَ الأَصمَعِيِّ وَنَظرَة
إِلى الدَّيلَمِي غادَرَت بَينَنا ضِغنا
5. And our night at Al-Burj, from the fortress of Sima'
God has sustained that night, and the tower, and the fortress
٥. وَلَيلَتَنا بِالبُرجِ مِن حِصنِ صمَّع
رَعى اللَّهُ ذاكَ اللَّيلَ وَالبُرجَ وَالحِصنا
6. And the war of Abi Amro and the house of Ibn Tha'lab
So much madness we knew through it, art
٦. وَحَربَ أَبي عَمروٍ وَدارَ ابن ثَعلَبٍ
فَكَم قَد عَلِمنا في الجُنونِ بِها فَنّا
7. And a night we stayed up with Al-Qurayti, prolonging
When he stresses the meems in his singing, a melody
٧. وَلَيلاً قَصَرنا بِالقُرَيطيِّ طولَهُ
إِذا شَدَّدَ الميمات في شَدوِهِ صِحنا
8. And Ali's words to the asleep, "Do you know
The buried corpse and the rotting tooth?"
٨. وَقَولَ عَلِيٍّ لِلنِّيام تَعَرَّفا
عَلى الجَسَدِ المَقرورِ وَالمُقلَةِ الوَسنا
9. The dens of the youth and their playgrounds
Recalling the bliss made us sadder
٩. مَعاهد أتراب الصبا وَملاعب
أَجَدَّ لَنا ذكرُ السُّرور بِها حُزنا
10. Nights where we don't fear a Turkish raid
Nor do we ask permission to visit friends
١٠. لَياليَ لا نَخشى مِنَ التُّركِ غارَة
وَلا نَبتَغي في وَصلِ أَحبابنا إِذنا
11. We'd stay up drinking wine
And set out to remove garments as we were
١١. نَبِيتُ نَشاوى ما شَرِبنا مُدامَةً
وَنَغدو إِلى خَلعِ العِذارِ كَما كُنّا
12. And how many jesters came to us, returning us
But when we refused to budge, they left us
١٢. وَكَم مُلِحٍّ وافى إِلَينا يَرُدُّنا
فَلَما أَبَينا أَن نَروحَ مَضى عَنّا
13. Conversations - the words are clear
Explicit, yet few understand the meaning
١٣. أَحاديثُ أَمّا لَفظُها فَهوَ واضِحٌ
جَلِيٌّ وَلَكِن قَلَّ مَن يَفهَمُ المَعنى
14. And an inquirer asked us, so we answered his question
With gibberish, neither imparting knowledge nor guess
١٤. وَمُستَخبِرٍ عَنّا أَجَبنا سُؤالَهُ
بِعَجماء لا عِلماً أَفادَت وَلا ظَنّا
15. He came to us, so we called the matter far-fetched
So he frowned and we were amused
١٥. أَتانا فَسَمَّينا لَهُ الأَمرَ ناسِقاً
فَأَنبَسَ في إِبهامِهِ وَتَلَذَّذنا
16. Each reveler explains it to the people
The days grew distant in his absence from us
١٦. يُفَسِّرُها لِلقَوم كُلُّ مُلَذَّذٍ
تَواحَشَتِ الأَيّامُ في بُعدِهِ عَنّا
17. We remembered our loved ones and tears flowed
Leaving no eye or eyelid untouched
١٧. ذَكَرنا بِها أَحبابَنا فَتَناثَرَت
مَدامِعُ لا يَتركنَ عَيناً وَلا جَفنا
18. They left and we remained in misery without them
We visit homes, finding in them no joy
١٨. مَضوا وَبَقِينا لِلشَّقاوَةِ بَعدَهُم
نَزورُ دِياراً ما نُحِبُّ لَها مَغنى