
God willed that you be blessed with good fortune,

أبى الله إلا أن يكون لك السعد

1. God willed that you be blessed with good fortune,
So none can deny what you seek nor turn it back.

١. أَبى اللَّهُ إِلَّا أَن يَكونَ لَكَ السَّعدُ
فَلَيسَ لِما تَبغيهِ مَنعٌ وَلا رَدُّ

2. When fate refuses something you force it upon her,
Then it returns being attainable to you.

٢. إِذا أَبَتِ الأَقدارُ أَمراً قَسَرتَها
عَلَيهِ فَعادَت وَهيَ في نَيلِهِ جُندُ

3. Aleppo fulfilled its promise though after delay,
And the best union is that after estrangement.

٣. قَضَت حَلَبٌ ميعادَها بَعدَ مَطلِهِ
وَأَطيَبُ وَصلٍ ما مَضى قَبلَهُ صَدُّ

4. The crescent was never the first to appear
When pleased, no rancour remained in its heart.

٤. وَما كانَتِ الوَرهاء أَوَّلَ غادَةٍ
إِذا رَضِيَت لَم يَبقَ في قَلبِها حِقدُ

5. My pact with it was white until you attained it,
Your lances reddened and faces darkened.

٥. وَعَهدي بِها بَيضاء حَتّى وَرَدتَها
وَتُربُكَ مُحمَرّ وَجَوُّكَ مُسوَدُّ

6. A group brandishing the banner of glory around you
When they sought, they attained; when they tied, they pulled tight.

٦. تَهُزُّ لِواءَ الحَمدِ حَولَكَ عُصبَةٌ
إِذا طَلَبوا نالوا وَإِن عَقَدوا شَدّوا

7. Swords of brown steel and coats of mail like white eagles,
Quivers of bows and straight spears.

٧. وَخَطيَّةٌ سُمرٌ وَبيضٌ صَوارِمٌ
وَضافِيَة زَغفٌ وَصافِنَةٌ جُردُ

8. Eyes of onlookers were dazzled and faces of men
Darkened like its aversion - unbending.

٨. فَحارَت عيونُ النّاظِرينَ وَأَظلَمَت
وُجوهُ رِجالٍ مِثلُ إِعراضِها رُبدُ

9. They saw you and feared your prowess, and the like of them
Find it hard to be disgraced by you.

٩. رَأوكَ فَخافوا مِن ظُباكَ وَمِثلُهُم
يَعزُّ عَلَيها أَن يُذَلَّ بِها خَدُّ

10. They believed in the miracles that descended upon them
But only after the barrier was opened.

١٠. وَقَد آمَنوا بِالمُعجِزاتِ الَّتي طَرَت
عَلَيهِم وَلَكِن بَعدَ ما فُتِحَ السَدُّ

11. God made succeed a people who yielded their neighbour's home
While the lion clutched it in its claws.

١١. لَحا اللَّهُ قَوماً أَسلَموا بَيتَ جارِهِم
وَقَد عَلِقَتهُ في مَخالِبها الأُسدُ

12. They shot Aleppo after its people became helpless,
Pacts of perfidious ones having no loyalty.

١٢. رَموا حَلَباً مِن بَعدِ ما عَزَّ أَهلَها
عُهودُ أَكُفٍّ ما لَها بِالنَّدى عَهدُ

13. Vile natures have no faithfulness or neighbourhood,
So their treachery is not hidden nor fire concealed.

١٣. لِئامُ السَّجايا لا وَفاء وَلا قِرى
فَلا غَدرُهُم يَخفى وَلا نارُهُم تَبدو

14. They went away praising distance in avoidance of you,
For humiliation is only where distance protects them.

١٤. مَضوا يَحمِدونَ البُعدَ في الذَّبِّ عَنهم
وَما الذُّلُّ إِلَّا حَيثُ يَحميهِمُ البُعدُ

15. They remained steadfast till you rose over them
As the rays of morning met bleary eyes.

١٥. وَقَد ثَبَتوا حَتّى طَلَعتَ عَلَيهِمُ
كَما قابَلَت شَمسَ الضُّحى الأَعيُنُ الرُّمدُ

16. If you show them goodwill it is a gift, no reward nor praise,
And if blamed for excesses, the misguided oft rave at them, by them the right is made distinct.

١٦. فَإِن تَفعَلِ المَعروفَ فيهِم فَقَد مَضَت
مَواهِبُ لا أَجرٌ عَلَيها وَلا حَمدُ

17. When their burdens could barely flee, and no mockery or zeal remained,
They came to you recounting the past, and had they kept

١٧. وَإِن عُوتِبوا بِالمُرهَفاتِ فَطالَما
أَصاخَ لَها الغاوي وَبانَ بِها الرُّشدُ

18. Their pact it would be as they claimed,
But they coveted by deceit an unattainable goal,

١٨. وَلَمّا اِستَقَلَت بِالفِرارِ حُمولُهُم
وَلَم يَبقَ هَزلٌ لِلطِّعانِ وَلا جِدُّ

19. God willed that only your servant could limit it.
They never submitted with sincerity, and with them

١٩. أَتوكَ يَعُدُّونَ القَديمَ وَلَو وَفوا
بِعَهدِهِمُ فيهِ لَكانوا كَما عَدّوا

20. Good fortune never aligned.
Your brown swords helped you on the slope of the pass,

٢٠. وَلَكِنَّهُم راموا عَلى المَكرِ غايَةً
أَبى اللَّهُ إِلَّا أَن يُقَصِّرَها عَبدُ

21. Loyal long swords, no perverse or malignant ones.
They gained no aid from Qais, and a mother has two steps:

٢١. فَما سَلَّموا بِالمَسلَمِيَّةِ عِندَهُم
وَلا وافَقَ السَّعِديُّ عِندَهُمُ سَعدُ

22. A father, and one she attains herself.
Abu Hazim, how could Rabiah' yield you victory

٢٢. أَفادَتكَ في سَفحِ المَضيقِ فَوارِسٌ
طِوالُ الموالي لا لِئامٌ وَلا نُكدُ

23. When between us is a pact and affection?
How could humiliation escape us and them

٢٣. وَلا ظفروا مِن عِندِ قَيسٍ بنصرة
والأم خطبان يَكونُ لَها عندُ

24. When our swords are Indian steel and theirs are the same?
The day of Marj you did nothing unfamiliar,

٢٤. أَبا حازِمٍ ما أَسلَمتكَ رَبيعَة
وَبَينكُم عَهد يُراعى وَلا وُدُّ

25. Nor can you be blamed for any act.
And a people who impugned my honour - had I wished

٢٥. وَكَيفَ يَفوتُ الذُّلُّ مِنَّا وَمِنهُمُ
وَسُمرُهُمُ لُدن وَالسُنُنا لُدُّ

26. I would have unleashed a torrent of dispraise,
But dishonour is only that between their homes

٢٦. وَما كانَ يَومُ المَرجِ مِنكَ غَريبُهُ
وَلا لَكَ مِن فِعل تُلامُ بِهِ بُدُّ

27. Are talks containing no dispute or denial.
The sword erased what they said, and many a pedigree

٢٧. وَقَومٌ رَموا عِرضِيَ وَلَو شِئتُ كانَ لي
مِنَ الذَّمِّ حاد في جِمائِلِهِم يَحدو

28. Did your biting blades refine.
When discourse grew intricate I had marvels at hand,

٢٨. وَما العارُ إِلَّا أَنّ بَين بُيوتِهِم
أَحاديثُ ما فيها نِزاعٌ وَلا جَحدُ

29. Deemed nonsense by listeners, or knots.
And plotting against enemies whose quivers

٢٩. مَحا السَّيفُ ما قالوا وَرُبَّ نَسيبَةٍ
مِنَ القَولِ وَفّاها طِعانَكُمُ النَّقدُ

30. Launch no salvos of peace or coolness.
Abu Sabiq, God sends His victory against no faction

٣٠. وَعِندي إِذا عَزَّ الكَلامُ غَرائِبٌ
هيَ الغُلُّ عِندَ السّامِعينَ أَوِ العِقدُ

31. Except you are its counter.
Congratulations on the kingdom you attained by right,

٣١. وَكَيد عَلى الأَعداءِ يَرمي زَنادُهُ
لواذِعَ ما فيها سَلامٌ وَلا بَردُ

32. With the swords of nobles, no inheritance or aid.
You have the lofty lineage above any rank,

٣٢. أَبا سابِقٍ ما أَنزَلَ اللَّهُ نَصرَهُ
عَلى فِئَةٍ إِلَّا وَأَنتَ لَها رَدُّ

33. Your prestige is higher than Nuza' or Ad.
God made people comply to an idea

٣٣. هَنيئاً لَكَ المُلكُ الَّذي نِلتَ حَقَّهُ
بِسُمرِ العَوالي لا تُراثٌ وَلا رِفدُ

34. In which they were certain that you are the sword and the support.
Some summoned the Turks so calamity befell them -

٣٤. لَكَ النَّسَبُ السّامي عَلى كُلِّ مَنصِبٍ
وَقَدرُكَ أَعلى مِن نِزار وَمِن أَدُّ

35. But God knows what the diligent man has done.
Had they united you would altogether be against wrongdoing,

٣٥. وَقَد وَفَّقَ اللَّهُ الأَنامَ لِفِكرَةٍ
تَيَقَّنَ فيها أَنَّكَ السَّيفُ وَالعُضدُّ

36. The gentle lion would ward off harm from the tender.
But they listened to the words of a slanderer

٣٦. دَعا التركَ أَقوامٌ فَكانَ عَلَيهِمُ
نَكالاً أَلا لِلَّهِ ما صَنَعَ الجدُّ

37. Who visits them with gossip or rises early.
So if the fruits of his view become evident in them

٣٧. وَلَو وُفِّقوا كُنتُم جَميعاً عَلى العِدى
وَدافَعَ دونَ الغيلِ ذا الأَسَدُ الوِردُ

38. The master may be taken to account for the acts of a servant.
And if they opt for peace you would heed in them

٣٨. وَلَكِنَّهُم أَصغوا إِلى قَول كاشِحٍ
يَروحُ عَلَيهِم بِالنَّميمَةِ أَو يَغدو

39. Bonds that glory refuses to neglect.
Peace is but an opportunity for a fighter

٣٩. فَإِن ظَهَرَت فيهِم عَواقِبُ رَأيِهِ
فَقَد يُؤخَذُ المَولى بِما صَنَعَ العَبدُ

40. From you gaining some loot or captives each day.
You remained an asset to me - excellence of your wisdom

٤٠. وَإِن جَنَحوا لِلسِّلمِ راعَيتَ فيهمُ
أَواصِرَ يَأبى أَن يُضَيِّعَها المَجدُ

41. Is glorious, carefree life and plenty.
With you is victory - swords you tested

٤١. وَما السِّلمُ إِلَّا فُرصَةٌ لِمُحارِبٍ
لَهُ كُلُّ يَومٍ شلة مِنكَ أَو طَردُ

42. So the worthy became distinct when unsheathed.

٤٢. بَقِيتَ فَلي مِن حُسنِ رَأيِكَ نِعمَةٌ
هِيَ العِزَّةُ القَعساءُ وَالعيشَةُ الرَّغدُ

٤٣. وَدونَكَ مِن نَصرٍ حُسامٌ بَلَوتَهُ
فَبانَ شَباهُ حينَ فارَقَهُ الغِمدُ