1. Tell the breeze, when it bears a greeting,
To spread peace to Gezira and its plateaus,
١. قُل لِلنَّسيم إِذا حَمَلتَ تَحِيَّةً
فاهدِ السَّلامَ لِجَوشَنٍ وَهِضابِهِ
2. And ask if spring has shed its cloak,
Or trailed the train of bounty from its clouds.
٢. وَاسأَلهُ هَل سحب الرَّبيعُ رِداءَهُ
أَو جَرَّ ذَيلَ الفَضلِ مِن هُدَّابِهِ
3. The gardens have smiled at it and spoken
With praise of its lightning flash and stretch of clouds.
٣. وَتَبَسَّمَت عَنهُ الرِّياضُ وَأَفصَحَت
بِثَناء بارِقِهِ وَمَدِّ سَحابِهِ
4. For I have yearned, and it has brought me back
A longing I grudged to share with its envoys.
٤. فَلَقَد حَنَنتُ وَعادَني مِن نَحوِهِ
شَجَنٌ بَخِلتُ بِهِ عَلى خُطّابِهِ
5. And a youthful passion that clings to my love-lorn heart,
And desire had reached him before its veil.
٥. وَصَبابَةٍ عَلِقَت بِقَلبِ مُتَيَّم
وَصَلَ الغَرامُ إِلَيهِ قَبلَ حِجابِهِ
6. When an exile pours towards his homelands,
His longing is towards his loved ones.
٦. وَإِذا الغَريبُ صَبا إِلى أَوطانِهِ
شَوقاً فَمَعناهُ إِلى أَحبابِهِ