
Seek God's forgiveness, the Eternal, and seek refuge in Him

استغفر الله القديم وعذ به

1. Seek God's forgiveness, the Eternal, and seek refuge in Him
From the evil of a vigorous rival among the ruins

١. استَغفِرِ اللَّهُ القَديمَ وَعُذ بِهِ
مِن شَرِّ عاف في الحُطامِ مُنافِسِ

2. Do good that does not waste away
And be gentle with your power to the weak and miserable

٢. وَاصنَع جَميلاً لا يَضيعُ صَنيعُهُ
واسمَح بِقوتِكَ لِلضَّعيفِ البائِسِ

3. Be content, for in the life of contentment there is bounty
That the palm of time, the fading, cannot diminish

٣. واقنَع فَفي عَيشِ القَناعَةِ نِعمَةٌ
لا تَتَّقي كَفَّ الزَّمانِ الخالِسِ

4. Do not incline towards contention, for it
Is the cause of all alienation and hatred

٤. لا تَركِنَنَّ إِلى المِراء فَإِنَّهُ
سَبَبٌ لِكُلِّ تَنافُر وَتَشاوسِ

5. The Banu Gatafan went astray when
Their chiefs were killed in anger over Dahis

٥. ضَلَّت بَنو غَطفانَ لَمّا قُتِّلَت
سادَاتُها غَضَباً لِلَطمَةِ داحِسِ

6. And al-Harith al-Bakri rose up in turmoil
After he had made the resolution of one sitting

٦. وَالحارِثُ البَكرِيُّ قامَ إِلى الوَغى
مِن بَعدِ ما أَمضى عَزيمَةَ جالِسِ

7. The miser has become accustomed to hoarding his money
While life passes by him unheeding

٧. أَلِفَ البَخيلُ مَكاسَهُ في مالِهِ
وَالعُمرُ أنفِقَ مِنهُ غَيرُ مُماكِسِ

8. And he passed away, then his inheritance became
A portion overflowing with the tears of the disposer

٨. وَثَوى فَأرمسَ ثُمَّ صارَ تُراثُهُ
قَسَماً يَفيضُ بِهِ دموعُ الرّامِسِ

9. The Banu Jawwa sought refuge from Iblis in
This world, and how many kinds of evils are among them

٩. عاذَت بَنو جَوّاء مِن إِبليسَ في ال
دُنيا وَكَم فيهِم فُنونُ أَبالِسِ

10. They studied knowledge to overpower with their arguments
Minds and gatherings

١٠. دَرَسوا العُلومَ لِيَملِكوا بِجِدالِهِم
فيها صُدورَ مَراتِبٍ وَمَجالِسِ

11. And practiced asceticism until they found an opportunity
To take the money of mosques and churches

١١. وَتَزَهَّدوا حَتّى أَصابوا فُرصَةً
في أَخذِ مالِ مَساجِدٍ وَكَنائِسِ

12. The palace of Kisra became a pasture for rabble
And his abode a resting place for brides

١٢. إِيوانُ كِسرى صارَ مَرتَعَ ثُلَّةٍ
وَدِيارُهُ باتَت مَناخَ عَرائِسِ

13. And al-Hirah al-Bayda, its charm was changed
To a pot obeyed by the cities of Persia

١٣. وَالحِيرَةُ البَيضاءُ بُدِّلَ أنسُها
قَدَرٌ أَطاعَتهُ مَدائِنُ فارِسِ

14. O intellect, you have no sound approach to subtleties
So if you stumble, the sleeping person is not blamed

١٤. يا عَقلُ ما لَكَ في اللَّطائِفِ مَنهَجٌ
فَلإِن عَثَرتَ فَلا لَعاً لِلنَّاعِسِ

15. As for the stars, their affair contains
The ignorance of the sensible and the deprivation of the toucher

١٥. أَما النُّجومُ فَقَد تَضَمَّنَ شأنَها
جَهلُ اللَّبيبِ وَبُعدُ نَيل اللامِسِ

16. My life! Those who contemplated them are gone
And they did not gain anything but whisperings

١٦. عمري لَقَد ذَهَبَ الَّذينَ تَفَكَّروا
فيها وَما ظَفِروا بِغَيرِ وَساوِسِ

17. The saying of Ptolemy about them is not evidence for me
Nor that transmitted from Aristalis

١٧. ما قَولُ بَطليموسُ فيها حُجَّةً
عِندي وَلا المَروِيَّ عَن رُسطالِسِ

18. People were confused - neither the insight of an observer
Comforts minds, nor the sign of a divider

١٨. حارَ الأَنامُ فَلا دَلالَةُ ناظِرٍ
تَشفي العُقولَ وَلا إِمارَةُ قابِسِ

19. Do not care about what their pages contain
Even if you find it in the writing of a cultivator

١٩. لا تَحفَلَنَّ بِما حَوَتهُ صَحائِفٌ
لَهُمُ وَإِن وجدَت بِخَطِّ دارِسِ

20. For calumny is embedded in four natures
And truthfulness is counted among the fifth type

٢٠. فالمَينُ رُكِّبَ في طَبائِعَ أَربَعٍ
وَالصِّدقُ عُدَّ مِنَ القَبيلِ الخامِسِ

21. How strange is a protector who argues with his opponent
About the family of Yarbu' and the clan of Habis!

٢١. عَجَباً لِهَمّامٍ يُنازِعُ خَصمَهُ
في آلِ يَربوعٍ وَأسرَةِ حابِسِ

22. Alas! The nobility of ancestry is of no benefit
Unless it has branches from a planted tree

٢٢. هَيهاتَ ما شَرَفُ الأُصولِ بِنافِعِ
حَتّى يَكونَ ذَوائِبٌ لِمغارِسِ

23. Do not act, and if you do act, then with piety
Be virtuous and in giving noble deeds be competing

٢٣. لا تَفعَلن وَإِن فَعَلتَ فَبِالتُّقى
ناضِل وَفي بَذلِ المَكارِمِ نافِسِ