1. Time is brief in its preaching
And I gained eloquence in its brevity
١. أَمّا الزَّمانُ فَموجِزٌ في وَعظِهِ
وَظَفِرتُ بِالإِشهابِ في إِيجازِهِ
2. Be not deceived, for its reality
Is but a metaphor when it forbids
٢. لا تُخدَعَنَّ فَما حَقيقَةُ أَمرِهِ
عِندَ النُّهى إِلّا كَمِثلِ مَجازِهِ
3. The vile outpaced the noble as though
Its valleys were tethered to their heels
٣. سَبَقَ اللِّئامُ بِهِ الكِرامَ كَأَنَّما
قيدَت هَواديهِ إِلى أَعجازِهِ
4. How many promises made, the ambitions clung
Only for death to bar their fulfillment
٤. كَم مَوعِدٍ مِنهُ تَعَلَّقَ طامِعٌ
سَفَهاً فَحالَ المَوتُ دونَ نَجازِهِ
5. Whoever is content has found riches
In Syria, Iraq and the Hijaz
٥. مَن كانَ مُقتَنِعاً فَقَد وَجَدَ الغِنى
في شامِهِ وَعِراقِهِ وَحِجازِهِ