1. Cease your words, O son of Amr, for they are
A shameful gossip whose drivel has no worth.
١. تَوَقَّ كَلامي يا ابنَ عَمرو فَإِنَّهُ
أَسنَّةُ عارٍ لا يُبَلُّ طَعينُها
2. You have disputed my glory among the tribes,
Filling their lifetimes with that which degrades them.
٢. فَقَد نازَعتَني العِزَّ فيكَ قَبائِلٌ
مَلأتَ عَلَيها دَهرَها ما يُهِينُها
3. I left them, settling in a foreign land.
Alas, homelands of song do not preserve their honor.
٣. وَفارَقتُها مُستَبدِلاً دارَ غُربَةٍ
أَلا إِنَّ أَوطانَ الغنا ما يَصونُها
4. Their chests blaze against me with anger,
And their eyes glance at me in pretended fear.
٤. تَوَقَّدُ مِن غَيظٍ عَليَّ صُدورُها
وَتَزوَرُّ مِن خَوف إلَيَّ عُيونُها
5. My poverty has made me a target for their slander
With their chastity, if baseness could diminish it.
٥. غَدَت فِقَرٌ مِنّي تُثيرُ مَخازِياً
بِأَعراضِها لَو كانَ لُؤمٌ يُشينُها
6. O fools who hope to easily seduce them,
Soon their sadness will startle you.
٦. خَلائِقُ نَدبٍ أَطمَعَتكُم سُهولُها
سَتُفزِعُكُم عَمّا قَليلٍ حُزونُها
7. How could I be shamed when Aamir
Settles their debts at mountain peaks?
٧. وَكَيفَ يُرامُ الذُّلُّ مِنّي وَعامِرٌ
تُقَضَّى بِأَطرافِ العَوالي دُيونُها
8. Their chests are not ignorant of the white swords,
Nor are their spear-shafts unaware of the brown lance.
٨. وَما نَكَرَت بيضَ السُّيوفِ صُدورُها
وَلا جَهِلَت سُمرَ الرِّماحِ مُتونُها
9. I have discarded you as I would discard dishonor; if
My left hand extended to you, my right would forsake it.
٩. نَبَذتُكَ نَبذَ العارِ مِني فَلَو صَبَت
إِلَيكَ شِمالي فارَقَتها يَمينُها
10. If I were lightning in Al-Ghuwair then would appear
The abodes of Salma, its plains and undulating dunes,
١٠. وَلَو كُنتُ بَرقاً بِالغُوَيرِ بَدَت بِهِ
مَنازِلُ سَلمى سَهلُها وَوَجينُها
11. I would turn away from it while passion dwells within it
And wrest from it a soul made mad by its madness.
١١. لأَعرَضتُ عَنهُ وَالجَوى في مَقَرِّهِ
وَنازَعتُ نَفساً جُنَّ مِنها جُنونُها
12. When I wander with the clouds as my friends,
My concerns commune with the winding valleys.
١٢. مَتى أَنا غادٍ بِالغَميمِ وَصُحبَتي
تُجاوِدُ هَطّالَ الغَوادي شُؤونُها
13. For hearts I have filled with yearning for them,
Passionately in love, and in love driving them mad.
١٣. عَلَى ضُمُرٍ بارَيتُهُم بِحَنينِها
غَراماً وَبارَها سَقاماً حَنينُها
14. You will find, when the treasonous winds blow,
That you are misguided if you expect softness from them.
١٤. تَجِد إِذا هَبَّت رِياحٌ مَريضَةٌ
ضَلالَكَ مِنها إِن تَوَعَّكَ لينُها
15. When the polished blades of Al-Ghuwair are unsheathed,
You will wish their eyelids were closed fast.
١٥. إِذا خِلنَ غُدرانَ الغُوَيرِ صَوارِماً
تَمَنَّينَ لَو أَجفانَهُنَّ جُفونُها
16. In my heart is such anguish over 'Udhaybah
That doubt's greed admits no certainty.
١٦. فَإِنَّ بِقَلبي مِن فِراق عُذَيبَةٍ
طَماعَةُ شَكّ لا عَراني يَقينُها