
Do you see their specter when they set out

أترى طيفكم لما سرى

1. Do you see their specter when they set out
Taking sleep and giving wakefulness?

١. أَتُرى طَيفُكُم لَمّا سَرى
أَخَذَ النَّومَ وَأَعطى السَّهَرا

2. Or did we become confused and our night prolonged
That we imagined the late supper as dawn?

٢. أَم ذَهَلنا وَتَمادى لَيلُنا
فَتَوَهَّمنا العِشاء السَّحَرا

3. We do not blame the night, but excuse it -
He who shortened it lengthened it

٣. ما نَلومُ اللَّيلَ بَل نَعذُرُهُ
إِنَّما طَوَّلَهُ مَن قَصَّرا

4. If we clothed it in dark gloom
While it was a bright morning

٤. إِن لَبِسناهُ ظَلاماً داجِياً
فيما كانَ صَباحاً مُسفِرا

5. O eyes asleep with resentment
God has forbidden you from seeing me

٥. يا عيوناً بِالغَضى راقِدَة
حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ عَلَيكُنَّ الكَرى

6. If you were fair, we would share intimacy
As we once shared glances

٦. لَو عَدَلتُنَّ تَساهَمنا جَوىً
مثلَما كُنّا اشتَرَكنا نَظَرا

7. Ask the boughs of the acacia about my heart, for
The lightning in what it mentioned was mistaken

٧. سَل فُروعَ البانِ عَن قَلبي فَقَد
وَهِمَ البارِقُ فيما ذَكَرا

8. It said in the open country and I did not think
That it parted from the clouds until it cracked

٨. قالَ في الرَّبع وَما أَحسَبَهُ
فارَقَ الأَظعانَ حَتّى انفَطَرا

9. The rain clouds have no prohibitions
From watering the blazes when your Lord is angered

٩. ما عَلى الغَيرانِ مِن سُقيا الحِمى
أَحَرامٌ عِندَهُ أَن يُمطَرا

10. So God watered the expanse and the faded traces
Good words were suited to you

١٠. وَإِذا أَغضَبَهُ ريُّكُمُ
فَسَقى اللَّهُ الفَضا وَالسُّمُرا

11. So tears flowed with them
The slanderer told and we had misgivings

١١. حَبَّذا فيكَ حَديث طاهِرٌ
فَطِنَ الدَّمعُ بِهِ فانتَشَرا

12. Suspicion necessitates blame in what he told
A glance that hid tears that did not cease

١٢. خَبَّرَ الواشي وَفينا رَيبَةٌ
توجِبُ التُّهمَةُ فيما خَبَّرا

13. Passion expressed through them until they flowed
O people of the tent, does your disgrace

١٣. نَظَرٌ مَوَّهَ دَمعاً لَم يَزَل
يُفصِحُ الوَجدُ بِهِ حَتّى جَرى

14. Prevent the distressed from gaining vengeance?
No free soul attains its goal

١٤. يا بَني العَوّام هَل ذُلُّكُمُ
يَمنَعُ المَوتورَ أَن يَنتَصِرا

15. With the mounts and tents being struck
I am not one who crouches in his den

١٥. دونَ نَيلِ الضَّيم نَفسٌ حُرَّة
وَالمَطايا وَالفَيافي وَالسُّرى

16. Wishing for triumph over the enemies
Do I see the incapacity as a cradle

١٦. لَستُ مَن يَقبَعُ في حَبوَتِهِ
يَتَمَنّى في الأَعادي الظَّفَرا

17. Seeking glory stirs up danger?
And he is overcome by his opponent

١٧. أَمِنَ العَجزِ مِهاداً أَرى
طَلَبَ العِزِّ يُثيرُ الخَطَرا

18. Following fate wherever it leads
O you who slumber from his vigor

١٨. وَهوَ مَغلوب عَلى صارِمِهِ
يَتبَعُ الدَّهرَ إِذا ما أَمَرا

19. The sword does not frighten until it is drawn
Your people, if you throw them

١٩. أَيُّها الرّاقِدُ عَن نُهزَتِهِ
ما يَروعُ السَّيفُ حَتّى يُشهَرا

20. Are a troop that settles and stirs up turmoil
Provoke them and they are, due to their defects

٢٠. إِنَّما قَومُكَ إِن رُمتَهُمُ
فَقعَةٌ تَسكُن وَعثاً قَرقَرا

21. Cloaking the atmosphere in darker clouds
Perhaps they will reveal an event

٢١. شُنَّها فَهيَ عَلى عِلَّاتِها
تُلبِسُ الجَوَّ عُجاجاً أَكدَرا

22. In which the white outpaces the black
Our cavalry in which riders mix

٢٢. عَلَّها تُسفِرُ عَن حادِثَةٍ
يَسبِقُ الأَبيَضُ فيها الأَسمَرا

23. With the Bedouin in settlements and towns
A band whose herder roused them

٢٣. فَالهُوَينا مَركَبٌ ما خِلتُهُ
يُشرِكُ البادونَ فيهِ الحَضَرا

24. And their departure cannot be prevented
We hoped in you, so roll up your sleeves

٢٤. ثُلَّةٌ هَوَّمَ راعيها فَما
يَعتَفي سِرحانُها أَن يَعقرا

25. For only one who rolls up his sleeves will achieve it
Glory refused except for one

٢٥. قَد رَجَوناكَ فَشَمِّر جاهِداً
إِنَّما يُدرِكُها مَن شَمَّرا

26. Who took its most difficult path
Were it not for his restraint

٢٦. وَأَبي المَجدُ لَقَد فازَ بِهِ
سالِكٌ فيهِ السَّبيلُ الأَوعَرا

27. Qais would have outdone Himer in generosity
Impoverished in wealth but rich in munificence

٢٧. مِن بَني الأَحرارِ لَولا كَفُّهُ
سَبَقَت في الجودِ قَيسٌ حِميَرا

28. He only drew near when he became destitute
A gathering in which doubt was planted

٢٨. مُعسِرٌ مالاً وَمُثرٍ كَرَماً
إِنَّما أَترَبَ لَمّا أَقتَرا

29. Then it did not flourish until it bore fruit
From generous men whose eggs hatched

٢٩. مُنتَدى قَد غُرِسَ الظَّنُّ بِهِ
ثُمَّ ما أَورَقَ حَتّى أَثمَرا

30. Into openings of glory and gates
They grew accustomed to the shade of loftiness and built

٣٠. مِن كِرام رَتَقَت بَيضُهُمُ
فُرَجَ المَجدِ وَكانَت ثُغَرا

31. With the spears of glory, the houses of encampments
An aid that clothed the land with water

٣١. أَلِفوا ظِلَّ العَوالي فَبَنوا
بِرِماحِ المَجدِ أَبياتَ القِرى

32. And stirred the dust high in the sky
And rain held back, so they constantly gave

٣٢. نَجدَة سَربَلَتِ الأَرضَ وَماً
وَحَثَت فَوقَ السَّماءِ العَفَرا

33. And adversity struck, so they shone brightly
A bestowal from palms that necessitated

٣٣. وَنَأى الغَيثُ فَجادوا دِيماً
وَدَجا الخَطبُ فَلاحوا غُرَرا

34. Obedience to munificence, so it became oceans
Ask about it, it almost flows

٣٤. وَنَوالٌ مِن أَكُفّ أَوجَبَت
طاعَةَ الجودِ فَصارَت أَبحُرا

35. Like channels of calligraphy, pure and gushing
Passion drove it, and when it arrived

٣٥. سَل بِهِ يوشِكُ إِذ أَرسَلَها
كَقَنا الخِطِّ خِفافاً ضُمَّرا

36. Blame was prevented from touching it
An onslaught, if pride speaks of it

٣٦. قادَها هَميا فَلَمّا وَرَدَت
حَظَرَ الطَّعنُ عَلَيها الصَّدَرا

37. Qahtan gained precedence over Mudar
And on the battlefield, their eggs returned

٣٧. وَقعَةٌ إِن نَطَقَ الفَخرُ بِها
فَضَلَت قَحطانُ فيها مُضَرا

38. Every light-colored intestine to a dark-colored abdomen
They unfurled in it mighty palms

٣٨. وَعَلى المَرجِ أَعادَت بَيضُهُم
كُلَّ جَون في مَعَدٍّ أَشقَرا

39. That taught the lofty summits lessons
And steeds that it supposed were attacking

٣٩. أَشرَعوا فيها أَكُفّاً سَبطَةٌ
عَلَّمَت وَخزَ العَوالي زُفَرا

40. With hooves striking sparks
The clan of Sawwar son of Zayd grew accustomed

٤٠. وَجِياداً ظَنَّها واثِبَةً
مُطرِقُ القَينِ أَثارَ الشَّرَرا

41. To abundant generosity and pouring water
And with Ali they had

٤١. رَهطُ سَوّارِ بنِ زَيد أَلِفوا
كَرَماً دَثراً وَماء ثَرثَرا

42. A vast basin that the palaces did not equal
He saw them while he is the one who informs them

٤٢. وَاِستَطالَت بِعَلِيٍّ لَهُمُ
دَوحَةً لَم تَكُ تَشكُ القِصَرا

43. Bringing together the horizon, the star and the moon
O Abu Nasr, a prayer from one

٤٣. فَشَآهُم وَهوَ مَن يُخبِرُهُم
يَجمَعُ الأُفقَ السُّها وَالقَمَرا

44. Made victorious by it averts disasters
I am, when raiding to protect you

٤٤. يا أَبا نَصرٍ دُعاء أَمِنَ ال
خَطبِ مَن كانَ بِهِ مُنتَصِرا

45. A fearless lion, a cunning horseman and a charging warrior
I have, due to the sincerity of the affection between us

٤٥. أَنا عِندَ الذَّبِّ عَن أَحسابِكُم
لَجِبٌ عَبٌّ وَقَرمٌ هَدَرا

46. A select few whose sincerity the bitterness did not spoil
Every cunning deceitful person envied

٤٦. لِي فيكُمُ عَن وِدادٍ أَمِنَت
صَفوَةُ الإِخلاصِ فيهِ الكَدَرا

47. The later ones against the earlier ones
When I recite it to a caravan, they find

٤٧. كُلُّ غَرّاء شَرودٍ حَسَدَت
أَوَّلُ الدَّهرِ عَلَيها الأخَرا

48. The scent of the wind, intimate with flowers
The speeding camels halt their pace

٤٨. يَجِدُ الرَّكبُ إِذا أَنشَدتُها
عبقَةَ الرِّيحِ تَنوشُ الزَّهَرا

49. And hearing in it falls silent before seeing
So make excuses, for we have not swerved

٤٩. يَحبِسُ العَجلانُ عَن حاجَتِهِ
وَيَصُمُّ السَّمعُ فيهِ البَصَرا

50. From sending to your abundant sea, its pearls

٥٠. فَابسُطِ العُذرَ فَما زِلنا إِلى
بَحرِكَ الزَّاخِرِ نُهدي الدُّرَرا