
When the wind stirs the branches of the trees

إذا حدت الريح عيس الحيا

1. When the wind stirs the branches of the trees
And lightning tears through the veil of darkness

١. إِذا حَدَتِ الرِّيحُ عِيَس الحَيا
وَهَتَّكَ بِالبَرقِ سِترَ الدُّجا

2. And continues to excel the atmosphere of the gardens
Polishing it with the morning breeze

٢. وَظَلَّ يُفَوِّقُ جَوَّ الرِّياضِ
وَيَصقُلُها بِنَسيمِ الصَّبا

3. It unleashes the bellies of the valleys
And crowns the peaks of the hills

٣. فَمَنطَقَ مِنها خُصورَ الوِهادِ
وَتَوَّجَ مِنها رُؤوسَ الرُّبا

4. And kisses in it the lips of the meadows
Flirting with the cheeks of the plains

٤. وَقَبَّلَ فيها ثُغورَ الأَقاح
مُداعَبَةً لِخُدودِ المَها

5. So it purified the thickets with its lights
And energized it with its flashing lightning

٥. فَجَلَّى الغُوَيرَ بِأَوضاحِهِ
وَنَجَّدَهُ بَرقُهُ المُنتَضى

6. And visited Udhaibah to provoke the virgin sands
To trip amidst the crests of the dunes

٦. وَزارَ عُذَيبَةَ زَورَ الخَيا
لِ يُعَثِّرُ بَينَ فُروجِ الكَرى

7. Then it wept over its soil
With the eyelids of the gardens and the tears of dew

٧. فَراحَ عَلى تُربِها باكِياً
بِجَفنِ الرِّياضِ وَدَمع النَّدى

8. And after it our guide remained
Kissing its knolls and land

٨. وَأَصبَحَ رائِدُنا بَعدَهُ
يُقَبِّلُ أَجراعَها وَالثَّرى

9. As if the son of Nasr set his palm upon it
And made the direction of life blush

٩. كَأَنَّ ابنَ نَصرٍ هَمى كَفُّهُ
عَلَيها فَأَخجَلَ صَوبَ الحَيا

10. A young man who gave wealth before being asked
And brought good news before death

١٠. فَتىً جادَ بِالمالِ قَبلَ السُّؤالِ
وَعاجَلَ بِالبِشرِ قَبلَ المُنى

11. And his gifts guided the seekers
So the journey was made easy and the road was paved

١١. وَقادَت مَواهِبُهُ الطَّالِبينَ
فَأَنضى المَطِيّ وَسَدَّ الفَلا

12. As if he had the oversights of time
To be generous while still young

١٢. كَأَنَّ لَهُ غَفَلاتُ الزَّمانِ
يَجودُ بِهِنَّ وَعَصرُ الصِّبا

13. When we remember him, we spare the journey
We know his virtues and greatness

١٣. إِذا ما ذَكَرناهُ خِلنا المَطِيَّ
عَرَفنَ مَكارِمَهُ وَالعُلا

14. They are hunters competing
To reach him, racing their steeds across the land

١٤. فَهُنَّ صَوادٍ إِلى قُربِهِ
تُسابِقُ أنساعَها وَالبرى

15. If that tribe set out to get something from him
You would see carnage in the bosoms of the land

١٥. مِنَ القَوم إِن خَطَروا لِلنَّوالِ
رَأَيتَ الرَّدى في نُحورِ الثَّرى

16. Their swords in the morning
Show the fires of their night upon the villages

١٦. تَدُلُّ صَوارِمُهُم في الصَّباحِ
عَلى نارِ لَيلِهِمُ لِلقِرى

17. For them are all well-bred and obedient horses
Spacious, safe, hardy

١٧. لَهُم كُلُّ أَجرَدَ مِلء العَنانِ
رَحيبُ اللّبانِ سَليمُ الشَّظا

18. Inclining with their movement, a gentle swaying
Turning with lightning wherever it went

١٨. تَميلُ بأَعطافِهِ هِزَّة
تُعَرِّضُ بِالبَرقِ لَمّا جَرى

19. And the night contested its lights
But the dawn kissed it when it emerged

١٩. وَنازَعَهُ اللَّيلُ أَوضاحَهُ
فَقَبَّلَهُ الصُّبحُ لَما نَجا

20. And it disdains to be humiliated
By any but their faces in confidential talk

٢٠. وَيَأنَفُ مِن عِزِّهِ أَن يذلَّ
بِغَيرِ وُجوهِهِمُ في السُّرى

21. So oh glory of their state, preserve it
For the open deserts are beneath the palaces

٢١. فَيا عِزَّ دَولَتِهِم قُدهُمُ
فَإِنَّ الأَباطِحَ دونَ الذُّرى

22. And roll up your sleeves, for the like of you
Energized the steeds and split the eggs of the ostriches

٢٢. وَشَمِّر فَمِثلُكَ أَنضى الجِيادَ
وَثَلَّمَ بِالضَّربِ بيضَ الظُّبا

23. And attain with glory the highest of matters
As the Bedouins followed the sun of morning

٢٣. وَنِل بِالمُعِزِّ عَليّ الأُمور
كَما تَبِعَ البَدوَ شَمسَ الضُّحى

24. For if the moon fled in fear of it
And inclined toward it, it would not be guided

٢٤. فَلَو هَرَبَ البَدرُ مِن خَوفِهِ
وَمالَ عَلى صَوبِهِ ما اهتَدى

25. Is not your father the perfect Abu Kamil?
Then does supremacy have a limit above him?

٢٥. أَلَيسَ أَبوكَ أَبا كامِلٍ
فَهَل فَوقَهُ لِلعُلا مُنتَهى

26. A young man who found honor where pigeons nest
And the harvest of glory grows from the corn husk

٢٦. فَتىً وَجَدَ العِزَّ حَيثُ الحِمامُ
وَمِن دَوحَةِ المَجدِ يَجني الرَّدى

27. The rain approached him in ignorance of him
But when it saw his generosity, it did not waver

٢٧. وَجاوَدَهُ الغَيثُ جَهلاً بِهِ
فَلَمّا رَأى جودَهُ ما هَمى

28. It quenched your fertility, so when the floodwaters
Filled toward you, the expanses of the course

٢٨. سَقاهُ نَداكَ إِذا ما العُفاةُ
مَلأنَ إِلَيكَ فُروجَ المَلا

29. So how many stands like the edge of a sword
With which the air turns crimson with blood

٢٩. فَكَم مَوقِفٍ مِثل حَدِّ الحُسام
يَغِضُّ بِهِ الجَوُّ سُمرَ القَنا

30. The spear meets it and is defeated
As if it had the hearts of enemies

٣٠. تَلَقَّى السِّنانُ بِهِ خاسِراً
كَأَنَّ عَلَيهِ قُلوب العِدى

31. And the egg whites have already sung in the waterskin
But the spear did not drink until it revived

٣١. وَقَد غَنَّتِ البيضُ في نَقعَة
فَما شَرِبَ الرُّمحُ حَتّى انتَشى

32. You ascended so you imagined
The stars were from the light of your face within them

٣٢. عَلَوتَ فَخَيَّلتَ أَنَّ النُّجو
مَ مِن نورِ وَجهِكَ فيها السَّنا

33. You were generous so you taught
That the clouds complain of your rest to the echo

٣٣. وَجُدتَ فَأعلِمتَ أَنَّ الغَما
مَ يَشكو إِلى راحَتَيكَ الصَّدى

34. I praise you, though I ask your love from you
When people seek riches from you

٣٤. مَدَحتُكَ أَخطُبُ مِنكَ الوِدادَ
إِذا حاوَلَ القَومُ مِنكَ الغِنى

35. And I have in your pride a path
And in the horizon, the full moon and radiance

٣٥. وَلي في فَخارِكُمُ شُعبَة
وَفي الأُفقِ بَدرُ الدُّجا وَالسُّها

36. When Aamir ascended the heights
And no elevated spot remained above it

٣٦. إِذا عامِرٌ فَرَعَت في العُلا
وَلَم يَبقَ مِن فَوقِها مُرتَقى

37. You clung to the edges of that carpenter
And settled with the enmity of that assistant

٣٧. عَلِقتَ بأَطرافِ ذاكَ النِّجارِ
وَحَلَّت بِعادِيِّ ذاكَ اليَنا

38. Calm when misfortunes strike me
And the knot of prohibition is loosened from fear

٣٨. وَقورٌ إِذا طَرَّقَتني الخُطوبُ
وَحَلَّ مِنَ الخَوفِ عِقدَ النُّهى

39. With twenty I spent in blocking them
And I found during the time of resolve

٣٩. بِعِشرينَ أَنفَقتُها في الصُّدودِ
وَجُدتُ بِها في زَمانِ النَّوى

40. And though I crave poetry
I store it from all people

٤٠. وَإِنّي عَلى شَغَفي بِالقَريضِ
لأَذخُرُهُ عَن جَميعِ الوَرى

41. But your love called it out
And man is ever slave to passion

٤١. وَلَكِنَّ حُبَّكَ نادَى بِهِ
وَلَم يَزَلِ المَرءُ طَوعَ الهَوى

42. Your worth has risen above my verse
But it is a course that must be followed

٤٢. وَقَد جَلَّ قَدرُكَ عَن نَظمِهِ
وَلَكِنَّها سُنَّة تُقتَفى