1. This is my book on the perfection of Salama
In it, I explain my state in summary
١. هَذا كِتابي عَن كَمالِ سَلامَة
عِندي وَحالِ شَرحِها في الجُملَةِ
2. There is worry, poverty, and fleeting life
And separation from homelands and loss of loved ones
٢. هَمٌّ وَإِقتارٌ وَعُمرٌ ذاهِبٌ
وَفِراقُ أَوطانٍ وَفَقدُ أَحِبَّةِ
3. O my brothers! If I am truthful, then you
Are brothers of the days, not brothers of mine
٣. يا إِخوَتي وَإِذا صَدَقتُ فَأَنتُمُ
مِن إِخوَةِ الأَيّامِ لا مِن إِخوَتي
4. Away with the hopes that I pinned on you
For they strayed on the path and were lost
٤. بُعداً لِآمالي الَّتي عَلَّقتُها
بِكُمُ فَجارَت في السَّبيلِ وَضَلَّتِ
5. Shall I be absent from Aleppo three months
Without you writing me a single word?
٥. أَأَغِيبُ عَن حَلَبٍ ثَلاثَةَ أَشهُرٍ
لَم تَكتُبوا فيها إِليَّ بِلَفظَةِ
6. It's as if I have wronged you
To deserve such great estrangement
٦. حَتّى كَأَنِّي قَد جَنَيتُ عَلَيكُمُ
ما أَستَحِقُّ بِهِ عَظيمَ الجَفوَةِ
7. You observed neither the sanctity of morals
Nor the right of brotherhood, nor the reins of companionship
٧. لا حُرمَةَ الآدابِ راعَيتُم وَلا
حَقَّ الإِخاء وَلا ذِمامَ الصُّحبَةِ
8. It's as if, when you cobble together
An excuse, it will resemble a well-known need
٨. وَكَأَنَّني بِكُمُ إِذا لَفَّقتُمُ
عُذراً كَمِثلِ الحاجَةِ المَعروفَةِ
9. You'll say, "We were busy with the siege, and after you
What remained of the dignitaries of the state"
٩. قُلتُم شُغِلنا بِالحِصارِ وَصَدَّنا
ما كانَ بَعدَكَ مِن مُعِزِّ الدَّولَةِ
10. And you'd be truthful - so by what logic
Were the merchants' letters allowed during that repentance?
١٠. وَصَدَقتُمُ فَبِأَيِّ حُكم صُدِّرَت
كُتُبُ التُّجارِ خِلالَ تِلكَ التَّوبَةِ
11. You failed to do what they intended
Away with one inferior to them in resolve
١١. أَعجزتُمُ عَن مِثلِ ما هَمُّوا بِهِ
بُعداً لِمَن هُوَ دونَهُم في الهِمَّةِ
12. Staying Christian seemed good to you, so you expected
After fasting, talk of my baptism
١٢. طاب التَّنَصُّرُ مِنكُمُ فَتَوَقَّعوا
بَعدَ الصِّيامِ حَديثَ مَعمودِيَّتي
13. If I wanted, I'd flee there from you
For I wouldn't intend anywhere but Constantinople
١٣. لَو شِئتُ أَهرُبُ مَرَّة مِن عِندِكُم
ما كُنتُ أَقصِدُ غَيرَ قُسطَنطينِيَةِ
14. And I'd write to you when I went
From the Monastery of St. Romanos in Rome
١٤. وَلأَكتُبَنَّ إِذا نَشَطت إِلَيكُمُ
مِن دَيرِ أَرمانوسَ بِالرُّومِيَّةِ
15. O son of the pretender - and the speech is all
Inclined toward you, for you're the head of the band
١٥. يا ابنَ المُقَلَّدِ وَالكَلامُ جَميعُهُ
عَطفٌ عَلَيكَ وَأَنتَ رَأسُ الزُّمرَةِ
16. You provoked it, yet absolved yourself of its consequences
That is the work of an old man of villainy
١٦. أَجَلَبتَها وَبَرِئتَ مِن تَبِعاتِها
هذي فِعالُ الشَّيخِ والِدَ مُرَّةِ
17. For God's sake, tell me why
You disregarded my covenant with you and my will
١٧. بِاللَّهِ خَبِّرني لأَيَّةِ عِلَّةٍ
أَعرَضتَ عَن عَهدي لَكُم وَوَصِيَّتي
18. Did you forget my companion whom you brought
And whose service you made as if an intimate affair?
١٨. أَلوَصلِ مُؤنِسِكَ الَّذي أَحضَرتَهُ
وَجَعَلتَ خِدمَتَهُ بِرَسمِ الخُلوَةِ
19. Those devoted do not share thus
In the rule of affection and privacy between them
١٩. ما هَكَذا يَتَناصَفُ الخِلَّانُ في
حُكم المَوَدَّةِ بَينَهُم وَالخُلَّةِ
20. Be as you wish, for your nearness after this
Is the limit of hope and the apex of desire
٢٠. كُن كَيفَ شِئتَ فَإِنَّ قُربَكَ بَعدَها
حَدُّ الرَّجاءِ وَغايَةُ الأمنِيَّةِ
21. As for your brother Abu al-'Ala, I still
Recognize in him the obscenity of companionship
٢١. أَما أَخوكَ أَبو العَلاء فَإِنَّني
ما زِلتُ أَعرِفُ مِنهُ لُؤمَ العِشرَةِ
22. I used to, when present, not ask him
About me - so how could he be in absence?
٢٢. قَد كُنتُ أَعدَمُ في الحُضورِ سُؤالَهُ
عَنّي فَكَيفَ يَكونُ عِندَ الغَيبَةِ
23. When will he yearn, still hunkered down
In intoxication and sprawled out in drunkenness?
٢٣. وَمَتى يَحِنُّ وَما يَزالُ مُرَنَّحاً
في نَشوَةٍ وَمُطَوَّحاً في سَكرَةِ
24. For your drunken companion, the excuse is clear
To me - so I don't blame him for estrangement
٢٤. وَلِخَلِّكَ الخَمرِيِّ عُذرٌ واضِحٌ
عِندي فَلَستُ أَلومُهُ في الجَفوَةِ
25. The sin is mine for what he gained
For I cast off manliness among the Kufan merchants
٢٥. وَالذَّنبُ لي فيما جَناهُ فَإِنَّني
رُمتُ المُروءَةَ مِن تُجارِ الكوفَةِ
26. And of the wonders is that Muhammad
While ancient of ties with the deaconry
٢٦. وَمِنَ العَجائِبِ أَن يَكونَ مُحَمَّدٌ
وَهوَ القَديمُ العَهدِ بِالقَدموسَةِ
27. Forgets my love - so he doesn't pass through his mind
Busy with that rabble of the market
٢٧. يَنسى هَوايَ فَما أَمُرُّ بِبالِهِ
شُغلاً بِتِلكَ العُصبَةِ السُّوقِيَّةِ
28. O barefoot one, they went to
The knight and the silent youth
٢٨. يا صاحِبَ الخُفَّينِ قَد ذَهَبا إِلى
عِندَ المُبارِزِ وَالشَّبابِ المُصمَتِ
29. And the burden's reward is upon you - so lead it, for
Among the people of the direction there's no dispute
٢٩. وَعَلَيكَ أَجرُ الحِملِ فَانقُدُه فَما
فيهِ خِلاف عِندَ أَهلِ القِبلَةِ
30. And by the right of a debt upon you, it
If you desire it, is most binding upon you
٣٠. وَبِحَقِّ دينارٍ عَلَيكَ فَإِنَّهُ
إِن كُنتَ تَهواهُ أَجَلَّ إِليَّةِ
31. Give greetings to Abu al-Hasan and tell him
This estrangement is enmity to the Shia
٣١. أَبلِغ أَبا الحَسَنِ السَّلامَ وَقُل لَهُ
هَذا الجَفاء عَداوَةٌ لِلشِّيعَةِ
32. I will be silent with what you've obstinately done
And relate what I endured from you as a jest
٣٢. فَلأَطرُقَنَّ بِما صَنَعتَ مُكابِراً
وَأَبُثُّ ما لاقَيتُ مِنكَ لِنُكتَةِ
33. And I will make you sit for the case between us
On Ashura in the east
٣٣. وَلأَجلِسَنَّكَ لِلقَضِيَّةِ بَينَنا
في يَوم عاشوراء بِالشَّرقِيَّةِ
34. Until I stir up for you from it a tribulation
That makes you forget the day of the Sufi raid
٣٤. حَتّى أَثيرَ عَلَيكَ مِنها فِتنَةً
تُنسيكَ يَومَ خَزانَةِ الصُّوفِيَّةِ
35. Leave this and tell me - you, son of a benefactor
While estrangement like yours is the essence of ordeals
٣٥. دَع ذا وَقُل لي أَنتَ يا ابنَ مُحَسِّنٍ
وَجَفاء مِثلِكَ مِن تَمام المِحنَةِ
36. Your ministry in which you placed me
Was like sublime service
٣٦. كانَت وَزارتُكَ الَّتي دَبَّرتَني
فيها كَمِثلِ الخِدمَةِ الرَّحبِيَّةِ
37. The crow cawed in it, so it scattered our unity
Fate in which disasters were mute
٣٧. صاحَ الغُرابُ بِها فَفَرَّقَ شَملنا
قَدَرٌ رَمَت فيهِ الخُطوبُ فَاصمَتِ
38. It wasn't your right to be bored - rather
The date of your connection was from the siege of the citadel
٣٨. ما كانَ حَقُّكَ أَن تَمَلَّ وَإِنَّما
تاريخُ وَصلِكَ مِن حِصارِ القَلعَةِ
39. I remembered you in the punishment of Heraclius
And the mountains of Nicea and the snow of highlands
٣٩. وَلَقَد ذَكَرتُكَ في عقابِ هِرَقلَةٍ
وَجِبال نيقِيَّةٍ وَثَلجِ الحِمَّةِ
40. And your baker friend is busy
With the concealed tale behind him
٤٠. وَصَديقُكَ الخَبَّازُ مَشغولٌ عَلى
أَدبارِهِ بِالقِصَّةِ المَكتومَةِ
41. Perplexed, seeking a place to be alone in
And that is the essence of ordeals
٤١. حَيرانُ يَطلُبُ مَوضِعاً يَخلو بِهِ
فيهِ وَذَلِكَ مِن تَمامِ المِحنَةِ
42. Give greetings to the jurist and tell him
While he is prepared to repel every calamity
٤٢. وَاقرَ السَّلامَ عَلى الفَقيهِ وَقُل لَهُ
وَهوَ العتادُ لِدَفعِ كُلِّ مُلِمَّةِ
43. Far be it from you to describe affection and its people
While your love is entirely by force
٤٣. حاشاكَ أَن تَصِفَ الوِدادَ وَأَهلَهُ
وَيَكونَ حُبُّكَ كُلُّهُ بِالقوَّةِ
44. It wouldn't have harmed you to send a greeting
And write five lines in a note
٤٤. ما كانَ ضَرَّكَ لَو بَعَثتَ تَحِيَّةً
وَكَتَبتَ خَمسَةَ أَسطُرٍ في رُقعَةِ
45. Does the garden thrive with the like of this?
Or the beauty of the abode increase in the plains?
٤٥. أَبِمِثلِ هَذا يَخصِبُ البُستانُ أَو
يَزدادُ حُسنَ الدَّارِ في السَّهلِيَّةِ
46. Let Abu al-Hasan the minister's friend Hamdi know
For that esteemed deed
٤٦. وَاعلِم أَبا الحَسَنِ الوَكيلَ صَديقَهُ
حَمدي لِتِلكَ القِصَّةِ المَشكورَةِ
47. I received from him one letter
Dated halfway through Dhu al-Qi'dah
٤٧. وَوَقَفتُ مِنهُ عَلى كِتابٍ واحِدٍ
تاريخُهُ لِلنِّصفِ مِن ذي القِعدَةِ
48. I found it containing mention of me without
News to somewhat soothe a bit of homesickness
٤٨. فَوَجَدتُهُ مُتَضَمِّناً ذِكري بِلا
خَبَرٍ أسَكِّنُ مِنهُ بَعضَ اللَّوعَةِ
49. As if, my friend, I am busy
With the paths of trade, compelled by my livelihood
٤٩. عَمَلاً كَبيراً أَي بِأَنّي سالِك
طُرُقَ التِّجارَةِ لازِمٌ لِمَعيشَتي
50. I didn't want from him except mention of the news
Of the group, apart from the state of the town
٥٠. ما كُنتُ أَطلُبُ مِنهُ إِلَّا ذِكرَ أَخ
بارِ الجَماعَةِ دونَ حالِ البَلدَةِ
51. O people, why have I become burdensome
After that protected intention?
٥١. يا قَومُ ما بالي ثَقلتُ عَلَيكُمُ
مِن بَعدِ تِلكَ النِّيَّةِ المَحروسَةِ
52. I reckon your longing for me is like
The Jews' longing for the time of tribulation
٥٢. وَأَظُنُّ شَوقَكُمُ إِليَّ كَأَنَّهُ
شَوقُ اليَهودِ إِلى زَمانِ الفِتنَةِ
53. After you I witnessed wondrous things in multitudes
And I saw every trifle and oddity
٥٣. شاهَدتُ بَعدَكُمُ عَجائِبَ جَمَّة
وَرَأَيتُ كُلَّ طَريفَةٍ وَغَريبَةِ
54. And I met a people - what's Abu al-Fadl ibn
Al-Anbari but inferior to them in meanness?
٥٤. وَلَقيتُ قَوماً ما أَبو الفَضلِ بنِ
الانباريِّ إِلَّا دونَهُم في الخِسَّةِ
55. If the messenger of the Gospel gathered to them
The Gospel, it wouldn't increase them from wickedness
٥٥. لَو جامِعٌ رُسُلَ المَسيحِ إِلَيهِم
الإِنجيلُ ما ذادوهُمُ عَن فِريَةِ
56. I recite hadith to them, but it's as if I
Have become like them in commanding force
٥٦. أَتلو الحَديثَ عَلَيهِمُ فَكَأَنَّني
قَد صِرتُ مِنهُم في خِطابِ القُوَّةِ