
The sky blessed you with its rains

حبتك السماء بأمطارها

1. The sky blessed you with its rains
How can it be stingy with its neighbor?

١. حَبَتكَ السَّماء بِأَمطارِها
وَكَيفَ تَضِنُّ عَلَى جارِها

2. The gardens did not cease blossoming in your land
Pouring the radiance of their lights

٢. وَلا بَرِحَت في ثَراكَ الرِّياضُ
تَفُضُّ لَطائِمَ نُوّارِها

3. And the beautiful gazelles have turned away from it
So your memory is the most fragrant of its flowers

٣. وَقَد نابَ عَنها جَميلُ الثَّنا
فَذِكرُكَ أَعبَقُ أَزهارِها

4. The nights were so long that we thought
You sprouted in the pre-dawn hours

٤. أَطَلتَ لَيالِيَّ حَتّى ظَنَن
تُ أَنَّكَ نُبتَ بِأَسحارِها

5. And I let my tears go, unrestrained
So I distanced what was between their lids

٥. وَغادَرتُ دَمعي رَقيبَ الجُفونِ
فَباعَدتُ ما بَينَ أَشفارِها

6. And I have a burning anguish from you that does not subside
So I complain to you according to its extent

٦. وَبي لَوعَةٌ مِنكَ ما تَطمَئِنُّ
فَأَشكو إِلَيكَ بِمِقدارِها

7. My craving for you in the disheveled hair of the spring storms
Throwing its rains towards you

٧. فَلَهفي عَلَيكَ لَشَعثِ العُفا
ةِ تَرمي إِلَيكَ بِأمطارِها

8. Roaming the expanses until it rests
At the ruins of the old dwelling place

٨. تَجوبُ المَهامِهَ حَتّى تُنيخَ
بِقاري العَشيرَةِ عَفّارِها

9. Like a she-camel who has lost her baby in the darkness
Mourning its distance from her abode

٩. وَساغِبَةٍ عَلَّلَت في الظَّلامِ
بَنيها بِقُربِكَ مِن دارِها

10. So you were quicker to grant what I wished for
Than the fancy of my thoughts

١٠. فَكُنتَ إِلى بَذلِ ما أَمَّلَت
هُ أَسرَعُ مِن وَهمِ أَفكارِها

11. And a starry night in which the stars are visible
Dotted between its horizons

١١. وَبَهماء تَلمَحُ فيها النُّجومَ
مُصَيَّفَةً بَينَ أَقطارِها

12. You have wronged it, travelling at night
Taking the wild beasts away from the path of their lairs

١٢. تَعَسَّفتَها سارِياً وَالقَطا
جَوائِرَ عَن نَهجِ أَوكارِها

13. And a companion in misfortune whom worries would visit
Circling around him with their hooks

١٣. وَعانَ دَعاكَ وَصَحبُ الهُمومِ
تَروحُ عَلَيهِ بِسُمّارِها

14. So you saved him from the hands of calamities
When they had clung to him with their claws

١٤. فَأَنفَذتَهُ مِن يَدِ الحادِثاتِ
وَقَد عَلِقَتهُ بِأَظفارِها

15. And bright dawn whose corners
Are ridiculed by the hands of misery and its nails

١٥. وَنَجلاء تَهزَأ أَرجاؤُها
بِأَيدي الأساةِ وَمِسمارِها

16. So suspicions slipped between the hearts and their depths
And my craving for you, as the spring winds pull

١٦. فَضَلَّت بِها خَطراتُ الظُّنو
نِ بَينَ القُلوبِ وَأَغمارِها

17. The trains of their storms
With a dusty she-camel who sweats the fur of mounts

١٧. وَلَهفي عَلَيكَ وَهوجُ الرِّيا
حِ تَسحَبُ أَذيالَ أَعصارِها

18. Until she groans under their burdens
You have uncovered its darkness, and the generosity

١٨. بِغَبراء تَعرِقُ كُومَ المطي
يِ حَتّى تَنوءُ بِأَوبارِها

19. That would host guests with excuses
And your sword argued with the brave heroes

١٩. جَلَوتَ غَياهِبَها وَالكِرا
مُ تُقري الضُّيوفَ بِأَعذارِها

20. When they had armored themselves with their dust
And the drinking cups you have shared

٢٠. وَجَدَّلَ سَيفُكَ شَول اللِّقاح
وَقَد كَسَّعوها بِأَغبارِها

21. Useless beside their hands
And my craving for the brothers of true loyalty whose lives

٢١. تَقَسَّمَها وَرَبابُ القِداح
مُعَطَّلَةٌ عِندَ ايسارِها

22. You have prolonged for the rest of their lifespans
You have ruled their consciences and your generosity

٢٢. وَلَهفِي لأخوانِ صِدق أَطَلتَ
عَلَيها بَقِيَّةَ أَعمارِها

23. Has stolen the freedom of the noble ones
So if they have shed for you the water of their eyes

٢٣. مَلَكتَ ضَمائِرَها وَاِستَرَق
قَ جودُكَ رِبقَةَ أَحرارِها

24. You are the human of their sights
And if they have severed for you the love of hearts

٢٤. فَإِن نَزَحوا فيكَ ماء الجُفونِ
فَإِنَّكَ إِنسانُ أَبصارِها

25. You were the place of their secrets
In spite of me, I came to a house whose people

٢٥. وَإِن عَقَروا لَكَ حَبَّ القُلوبِ
فَقَد كُنتَ مَوضِعَ أَسرارِها

26. Have pawned its wealth and stones
It turns, and has none of your sheltering

٢٦. بِرَغمي نَزَلتُ بِدارٍ تُقي
مُ رَهنَ ثَراها وَأَحجارِها

27. Except the passion for its visitors
And you were its lofty pillars

٢٧. تُدارُ وَلَيسَ بِها مِن قِرا
كَ إِلّا الغَرامَ لِزُوَّارِها

28. That illuminate the stars, year after year
Whenever riders pitch their tents in its lands

٢٨. وَكُنتَ بِعَلياء مَطروقَةٍ
يُضيءُ النُّجومَ سَنا نارِها

29. They are safe from the severity of its calamities
And if the rebels descend upon it

٢٩. إِذا عَرَّسَت في ذُراها الرِّكابُ
فَقَد آمَنَت شَدَّ أَكوارِها

30. You will carry the pages of their burdens
Abu Hassan, it is a life whose destinies

٣٠. وَلَو نَزَلَت بِكَ فيها العُصاةُ
حَمَلتَ صَحائِفَ أَوزارِها

31. Transcend its destinies
It flowed against your father according to its habit

٣١. أَبا حَسَنٍ هِيَ دُنيا تُنا
لُ أَقدارُها فَوقَ أَقدارِها

32. Where the generous die by its strings
And after him, it has overlooked you

٣٢. جَرَت في أَبيكَ عَلَى عادَةٍ
تَموتُ الكِرامُ بِأَوتارِها

33. So its darkness is like its dawns
You have followed his path in leadership

٣٣. وَقَد صَفَحَت عَنكَ مِن بَعدِهِ
فَإِظلامُها مِثلُ إِسفارِها

34. So he was aware of its defects
And he has graced us with you after the generous ones

٣٤. جَرَيتَ عَلى نَهجِهِ في العُلا
فَكانَ خَبيراً بِأَوعارِها

35. So the liar of its news has proven true

٣٥. وَجادَ لَنا بِكَ بَعدَ الكِرام
فَصَدَّقَ كاذِبُ أَخبارِها