1. O my singer friends, what has happened to your club?
It has lost its night visitor and conversationalist,
١. يا لِغَنيٍّ ما لِناديكُمُ
قَد فَقَدَ الطّارِقَ وَالسّامِرا
2. And neglected its enclosure in all its expanse,
With neither a repeller in it, nor a barren woman.
٢. وَأَهمِلَ السَّرح بِأَرجائِهِ
لا ذائِداً فيهِ وَلا عاقِرا
3. Perhaps a spreading wrath against decay
Has incurred the anger of the destroying state.
٣. لَعَلَّ عَضباً لِلرَّدى بائِراً
أَصابَ عَضبَ الدَّولَةِ الباتِرا
4. The heir found after him
Only a tale circulating in the heights.
٤. ما وَجَدَ الوارِثُ مِن بَعدِهِ
إِلّا حَديثاً في العُلا سائِرا
5. He went away downcast like a mournful she-dog
Profusely shedding tears on the soil.
٥. راحَ بِنَجلاء كِلابِيَّةً
تَسفَحُ جُوداً في الثَّرى قاطِرا
6. So this house has no one to look after it,
Or keep it up as a house of hospitality.
٦. فَما لَهَذا البَيتِ مِن عامِرٍ
لَم يُبقِ بَيتاً لِلنَّدى عامِرا