
He gave drink to Bana, the thirsty one, from the belly of Tuwaḍaḥ,

سقى بانة الجرعاء من بطن توضح

1. He gave drink to Bana, the thirsty one, from the belly of Tuwaḍaḥ,
And people have ways of watering the abodes.

١. سَقى بانَةَ الجَرعاء مِن بَطنِ تُوضَحِ
وَلِلنّاسِ في سُقيا الدِّيارِ مَذاهِبُ

2. A gentle breeze like the polished breath of maidens
Kissed by the winds of ostriches, kissed by the clouds.

٢. نَسيمٌ كَأَنفاسِ الخُزامى صَقيلَةٌ
بِريحِ النَّعامى قَبَّلَتها السَّحائِبُ