
A gazelle from the Turks, the breeze has inclined him,

وظبي من الأتراك رنحه الصبا

1. A gazelle from the Turks, the breeze has inclined him,
So he leaned, and from his sides wine is ladled.

١. وَظَبيٌّ مِنَ الأَتراكِ رَنَّحَهُ الصِّبا
فَمالَ وَمِن أَعطافِهِ تُقبَسُ الخَمرُ

2. When he takes the mirror and looks at his face,
You would think them two suns with a moon between them.

٢. إِذا أَخَذَ المِرآةَ يَنظُرُ وَجهَهُ
ظَنَنتَهُما شَمسَينِ بَينَهُما بَدرُ