
My two friends, I have shed my tears over you both

خليلي بثا ما أملت عليكما

1. My two friends, I have shed my tears over you both
For I do not desire love to remain a secret

١. خَلِيلَيَّ بُثّا ما أَملت عَلَيكُما
دُموعي فَإِنِّي ما أُريدُ الهَوى سِرّا

2. May the mornings of love afflict you both
That it may pave the way of excuse between your two hearts

٢. أَصابَكُما بَرحُ الغَرامِ لَعَلَّهُ
يُمَهِّدُ لي ما بَينَ قَلبَيكُما عُذرا

3. God watered days of life that were not touched
By them as if we had not known life through them

٣. سَقى اللَّهُ أَيّاماً مِنَ الدَّهرِ لَم تَشِب
بِهِم كَأَنّا ما عَرَفنا بِها الدَّهرا

4. The bending of supple waists from the intoxication of youth
Love made me drink it pure and its tipsiness sang

٤. وَمائِلَةِ الأَعطافِ مِن نَشوَةِ الصِّبا
سَقَتني الهَوى صِرفاً وَرَنَّحَها سُكرا

5. Her eyes shot my eyes and went safely
So who will judge between kohl and tears?

٥. رَمَت عَينُها عَيني وَراحَت سَليمَةً
فَمَن حاكِمَ بَينَ الكَحيلَةِ وَالعَبرى

6. So my glancing eye, I cautioned you against the look
That you stole - you did not observe prohibition or order

٦. فَيا طَرفُ قَد حَذَّرتُكَ النَّظرَةَ الَّتي
خَلَستَ فَما راقَبتَ نَهياً وَلا أَمرا

7. And oh my heart, I protected you once before
Woe to you if you obey it once again

٧. وَيا قَلبُ قَد أَرداكَ مِن قَبلُ مَرَّة
فَوَيحَكَ لَو طاوَعتَهُ مَرَّة أُخرى