1. For whom are tears between yearning and regret,
Imagined by an eyelid overflowing with tears?
١. لِمَن دِمَنٌ بَينَ الغُوَيرِ وَأَربُعُ
تَوَهَّمَها جَفنٌ مِنَ الدَّمعِ مُترَعُ
2. The morning of beauty erased them after its darkness,
And the breeze of morning blew them away, tottering.
٢. مَحاها صُبوحُ الغَين بَعدَ غُبوقِهِ
وَهَبَّت بِها ريحُ الصَّبا وَهيَ زَعزَعُ
3. My friend says, “Is this the breeze of a garden
Breathing, or the memory of love languishing?”
٣. يَقولُ صَحابي هَل نَسيمُ حَديقَةٍ
تَنَفَّسَ أَم ذِكرُ الهَوى يَتَضَوَّعُ
4. I swore I did not know - are the riders chanting
About the abode, or is it the melody of doves cooing?
٤. فَأَقسَمتُ ما أَدري أَرَكبٌ تَناشَدوا
عَلى الدّارِ أَم لَحنُ الحَمائِمِ تَسجَعُ
5. A fire over the dunes calls the camels
To the valley, or is it the whiteness of boats glistening?
٥. وَنارٌ عَلى الجَرعاءِ يَدعو بِها الدُّجا
إِلى الطَّرفِ أَم بيضُ القَواضِبِ تَلمَعُ
6. And I said to Sa’d while the ostriches were drinking it,
And yearning had made the riders turn back:
٦. وَقُلتُ لِسَعدٍ وَالنُّعامى تَنوشُهُ
وَقَد أَثمَلَ الرَّكبَ الحَنينُ المُرَجَّعُ
7. “Be determined to abandon the maidens, or find
A heart that will indulge them, and grieve.
٧. تَصامَم عَنِ الأَنضاء أَو فَالتَمِس لَها
فُؤاداً يُعاطيها الغَرامَ وَيَجزَعُ
8. And leave off brandishing lightnings, for they
Are swords cutting the mysteries of calamities.
٨. وَدَع عَنكَ إِيماضَ البُروقِ فَإِنَّها
صَوارِمُ في سِرِّ الجَوائِحِ تَقطَعُ
9. When his heart insisted on strife,
Its ardour stirred me, and the one who turns away grieves.
٩. فَلَمَّا أَبى إِلّا نِزاعاً فُؤادُهُ
شَجاني جَواهُ فَالعَزولُ المُفَجَّعُ
10. The morning breeze blew toward him, so I saw
The sorrowful heart - how it goes and returns!
١٠. وَهَبَّت لَهُ ريحُ الصَّبا فَأَرَيتَهُ
فُؤادَ الحَزينِ كَيفَ يَمضي وَيَرجِعُ
11. My two friends, if you do not recognize the sigh of passion,
And do not gladden me, then look how I act.
١١. خَليلَيَّ إِن لَم تَعرِفا زَفرَةَ النَّوى
وَلَم تُسعِداني فانظُرا كَيفَ أَصنَعُ
12. I feigned ignorance until a lovesick woman denied me,
Saying, ‘How the dearest departed guest has strayed!’
١٢. تَجاهَلتُ حَتّى أَنكَرَتني خَفاجَةٌ
وَقالَت بِما ضَلَّ الأَعَزُّ المُشَيَّعُ
13. I began hoping my happiness would return,
But there is no return for one covered by death.
١٣. وَأَصبَحتُ أَرجو أَن تَعودَ أَنايَتي
وَلَيسَ لِمَن تَطوي المَنِيَّةُ مَرجعُ
14. Sorrow blazed - is that time coming back to you?
Nor is there hope of a lovely creature near.
١٤. تَوَقَّد أَسى ما ذَلِكَ العَهدُ عائِدٌ
عَلَيكَ وَلا في قُربِ غَيداء مَطمَعُ
15. O clan of ‘Amir, they inflict on me the embers of enmity,
And I support you, though today I mediate with wounds.
١٥. بَني عامِرٍ يُلقونَ بي جَمرَةَ العِدى
وَأَنصُرُكُم وَاليَومَ بِالنَّقعِ أَشفَعُ
16. The one whose absence healed my body keeps me awake,
So I look for someone in the tribe who slumbers.
١٦. وَيُسهِرُني مَن شَفَّ جِسمي فِراقُهُ
فَأَنظُرُ طَرفاً في العَشيرَةِ يَهجَعُ
17. Wear the roses of patience, or follow the noble steadfast youth
Who acts as the generous eminent one acted.”
١٧. تَحاموا وُرودَ الصَّبرِ أَو فَاتبَعوا فَتى
يَقومُ بِما قامَ الكَريمُ السّمَيدَعُ