
You travel in Najd forcing the wolf to carry provisions,

تروح بنجد تغصب الذئب زاده

1. You travel in Najd forcing the wolf to carry provisions,
While your people are in spacious dwellings in Rawha.

١. تَروحُ بِنَجدِ تَغصِبُ الذِّئبَ زادَهُ
وَقَومُكَ بِالرَّوحاءِ في المَنزِلِ الرَّحبِ

2. That is nothing but a whiff of ungracious wind
Which has ruined the lives of nomads in the wilderness.

٢. وَما ذاكَ إِلَّا نَفحَةٌ حاجِرِيَّةٌ
هَوَيتَ لَها عَيشَ الأَعاريبِ وَالجَدبِ

3. You sleep with a hungry belly except what you get from love,
And you wake up with a worried mind except for passion.

٣. تَبيتُ خَميصَ البَطنِ إِلَّا مِنَ الجَوى
وَتَغدو رَخِيَّ البالِ إِلَّا مِنَ الحُبِّ

4. The Yemeni lightning agitated you while it was raining,
Praying for you. What can lightning do? It weeps while the heart grieves.

٤. وَهَيَّجَكَ البَرقُ اليَمانِيُّ مَوهِناً
صَلا لَكَ ما لِلبَرقِ وَيبَكَ وَالقَلبِ

5. The untidy Hayyan woke us up at the break of dawn
When the camels had rested from the fatigue of traveling.

٥. وَأَشعَثَ حَيَّينا بِهِ غُرَّةَ الدُّجى
وَقَد نَشِطَ التَّهويمُ عَن مُقَلِ الرَّكبِ

6. When the morning breeze sings between its coolness,
The passing wind sighs in the moist branch.

٦. إِذا ما تَغَنَّت بَينَ أَبرادِهِ الصَّبا
تَرَنَّحَ مَرُّ الرِّيحِ بِالغُصُنِ الرَّطبِ

7. You drew near while rain clouds are stingy
Far are the days of fertility and prosperity.

٧. قَرُبتَ وَأَنواء الغَمامِ بَخيلَةٌ
بَعيد بِأَيام الغَضارَةِ وَالخِصبِ

8. He refused to take provisions that cannot be attained
Through tyranny or plunder or greed of companions.

٨. أَبى اتِّخاذَ الزَّادِ ما لا يَنالُهُ
مِنَ الغَصبِ أَو يأسوبِهِ سَغَبَ الصَّحبِ

9. The troubles and spears have invited him
So O the near one, you have not responded to stabbing and striking.

٩. دَعا آلَ حَزنٍ وَالرِّماحُ تَنوشُهُ
فَيا قُربَ ما لَبَّيتَ بِالطَّعنِ وَالضَّربِ

10. Had I called him, his reply would have been
Swifter than my drawing a sword in anger.

١٠. وَلَو أَنَّني أَدعوهُ كانَ جَوابُهُ
بِأَسرَعَ مِن سَلّي لِحادِثَةٍ عَضبي

11. I found you sweeter in my eyes than others
And more delightful in my soul than fresh sweet water.

١١. وَجَدتُكَ أَحلَى في جُفوني مِنَ الكَرى
وَأَعذَبَ في نَفسي مِنَ البارِدِ العَذبِ

12. Tell my side at Ghuwair drizzling
That Khuzama are playing with wood.

١٢. فَقُل لِجَناب بِالغُوَيرِ تَضَوَّعَت
عَلَيكَ الخُزامى وَهيَ تَلعَبُ بِاللُّبِّ

13. The flow of tears has quenched you thinking its generosity
Exposes the hidden rainbows.

١٣. سَقاكَ رَسِيلُ الدَّمعِ تَحسبُ جُودَهُ
أَكُفُّ الخَفاجِيين فاضِحَةَ السُّحبِ

14. When their faith is tested, its lightning
Are swords. Is the faith of my people without staves?

١٤. إِذا خِلتَهُ إِيمانَهُم فَبروقُهُ
سُيوف وَهَل إِيمانُ قَومي بِلا قَضبِ

15. I did not like that it would end but with tears
Except that this is the habit of Arabs.

١٥. وَما كُنتُ أَهوى أَن يَحُلَّ فَناءَهُ
سِوى الدَّمع إِلَّا أَنَّها عادَةُ العُربِ

16. My praise is difficult for a group
Who slander me until slander makes them arrogant.

١٦. يَعُزُّ مَديحي دونَ إِعراضِ مَعشَرٍ
يَهمُّونَ بي حَتّى يَغُرُّهُمُ سَبيِّ

17. I was not pleased with their meanness towards me
Why did they not make me the judge if they blamed me?

١٧. وَما كُنتُ أَرضى بِالدَّنِيَّةِ مِنهُمُ
سُبابي فَهَّلا حاكَموني إِلى الحَربِ

18. A man among them promised me a raid
That will be launched. How excellent the meeting of Bani Kaab!

١٨. وَا وَعَدَني مِنهُم رِجالٌ بِغارَةٍ
تُشَنُّ فَأَمنا يا لقاحَ بَني كَعبِ

19. They knew I made their chests
My shelter. They left me; I am created from fright.

١٩. وَقَد عَلِموا أَنِّي جَعَلتُ صُدورَهُم
مَقَرِّي فَخالوني خُلِقتُ مِنَ الرُّعبِ

20. They forgot the sublime acts like guests while their neighbor
Is far from settlements other than Rabeelah and Ushb.

٢٠. أَضاعوا المَعالي كَالضُّيوفِ وَجارُهُم
بَعيدُ القِرى غَيرُ الرَّبيلَةِ وَالعُشبِ

21. I examined my brethren but did not see among them
A loyal affectionate friend who does not insist on a fault.

٢١. تَصَفَّحتُ إِخواني فَلَم أَرَ فيهِمُ
صَفِيَّ وِدادٍ لا يَقِرُّ عَلى ذَنبِ

22. My heart said do not obey an estranged one.
But I opposed it and chose my people over my heart.

٢٢. وَقالَ فُؤادي لا تُطِع مُتَجَنِّباً
فَخالَفتُهُ وَاِختَرتُ قَومي عَلى قَلبي

23. But I have a brother from Tanookh who wants me
Despite the distance if a friend betrays in proximity.

٢٣. وَلَكِن أَخٌ لي مِن تَنوخُ يَوَدُّني
عَلى البُعدِ إِن خانَ الصَّدِيقُ عَلى القُربِ

24. We got accustomed to the darkness of night as if we
And your nightly journeys are better than meteors.

٢٤. أَلِفنا ظَلامَ اللَّيلِ حَتّى كَأَنَّنا
وَجَدِّكَ أَولى بِاللَّيالي مِنَ الشُّهبِ