1. O rider of the lean camel crossing
Below Al Udhayb on a covenant and calves,
١. يا راكِبَ العِرمِسَ الوَجناء مُعتَرِضاً
دونَ العُذَيبِ عَلى مَيثٍ وَأَجراعِ
2. Convey to Khafaja on my behalf if you pass by her,
And call upon her though she may not answer the caller's call,
٢. بَلِّغ خَفاجَةَ عَنّي إِن مَرَرتَ بِها
وَنادِها لا أَجابَت دَعوَةَ الدّاعي
3. May Allah disappoint those who hope for your generosity,
How you deny me my hopes and greed,
٣. يا خَيَّبَ الله مَن يَرجو نَوالَكُمُ
كَم تَمنَعوني آمالي وَأَطماعي
4. And the love of Huwaina and your cousin
Is flung into the field of humiliation with clamor,
٤. وَتَلبَسونَ الهُوَينا وَابنُ عَمِّكُمُ
في ساحَةِ الذُّلِّ مَقذوفاً بِجَعجاعِ
5. You thought glory was neglected troops
And a few for which the herdsman cried out in its outskirts,
٥. ظَنَنتُمُ المَجدَ أَذواداً مُهَمَّلَةً
وَثُلَّةً صاحَ في أَرجائِها الرّاعي
6. May Allah terrify you if you reward
Anyone except with a slaughtering sword like a cutting star,
٦. فَرَوَّعَ اللَّهُ جاري إِن جَزَيتَكُمُ
إِلّا بِمُنصَلِتٍ كَالنَّجمِ قَطّاعِ
7. I am the son of one who left no hoard for his heir
Except for steeds and a brown-skinned one with commotion,
٧. أَنا ابنُ مَن لَم يَدَع ذُخراً لِوارِثِهِ
إِلّا الجِيادَ وَسُمراً ذاتَ زَعزاعِ
8. Dani, the hamlets, the wolf does not censure his company,
Nor settle upon anxiety and cravings,
٨. داني القِرى لا يَذُمُّ الذِّئبُ صُحبَتَهُ
وَلا يَقِرُّ عَلى هَمٍّ وَأَذماعِ
9. My crime to the people is that I have not borne for them
A submissive heart or a palm that does not conceal,
٩. ذَنبي إِلى القَوم أَنّي ما حَمَلتُ لَهُم
قَلباً ذَليلاً وَكَفّاً غَيرَ مِضياعِ
10. And they denounced me with agonizing ills
And an anguish that hides between my ribs,
١٠. وَأَنكَروا بي أَسقاماً مُؤرِّقَةً
وَلَوعَةً تَتوارى بَينَ أَضلاعي
11. It is not for them when I say in euphoria,
O morning rain give drink to the plain of the dunes,
١١. وَما عَلَيهِم إِذا ما قُلتُ مِن طَرَب
يا دِيمَةَ الغَيثِ حَيّي سَرحَةَ القاعِ
12. Yes, I love Sulayma so shun my torment,
For the heart is my heart and the agonies are my agonies,
١٢. نَعَم أُحِبُّ سُلَيمى فَاهجروا عَذَلي
فَالقَلبُ قَلبيَ وَالأَوجاعُ أَوجاعي
13. And if passion calls me I shall answer its call,
For love is the most honorable I have answered from a caller.
١٣. وَإِن دَعاني الهَوى لَبَّيتُ دَعوَتَهُ
وَالحُبُّ أَكرَمُ ما لَبَّيتُ مِن داعي