1. Umaymah has become uncontrollable
And your soul has become accustomed to remembering and longing for her
١. أَضحَت أُمَيمَةُ لا يُنالُ زِمامُها
وَاِعتادَ نَفسَكَ ذِكرُها وَسَقامُها
2. She saw your arrows but they did not deter her, so she turned away
And your heart was disturbed when her arrows struck you
٢. وَرَأَت سِهامَكَ لَم تَصِدها فَاِلتَوَت
وَاِختَلَّ قَلبُكَ إِذ رَمَتكَ سِهامُها
3. She has become like her howdah and litter are the crushed flakes of palm trees that her sleeves uncover
So I yearned when she was disobedient and my sadness raged
٣. وَغَدَت كَأَنَّ حُمولَها وَزُهاءَها
سُحُقُ النَخيلِ تَفَيَّأَت أَكمامُها
4. The memory of her consoled me when her madness cured me
Going away with my love for her and weakness to her would heal the sick with her soft talk
٤. فَاِشتَقتُ إِذ شَطَّت وَهاجَ كَآبَتي
ذِكرى وَنَفسي شَفَّني تَهمامُها
5. The beauty of pretty-faced maids embellishes her beauty
And it increases above their completeness
٥. وَذَهابُ هَمّي وَصلُ من عُلِّقتُهُ
وَهنانَةً يَشفي السَقيمَ كَلامُها
6. She walks on two brown wrappers in the forest
Twisted, their servants never failing
٦. يُربي عَلى حُسنِ الحَوابي حُسنُها
وَيَزيدُ فَوقَ تَمامِهِنَّ تَمامُها
7. When she stands, the sands slide down
From the top of the dune piling down violently
٧. تَخطو عَلى بَردِيَّتَينِ بِغابَةٍ
مَمكورَتَينِ فَما يَزولُ خِدامُها
8. Her scarf being restless and the strap of her litter
A nape to which its strap and order cling
٨. رُودٌ إِذا قامَت تَداعى رَملَةٌ
يَنهالُ مِن أَعلى الكَثيبِ هَيامُها
9. She has plaits that surmount high abodes
Their scent nourished by their splendor
٩. فَوِشاحُها قَلِقٌ وَشَبَّ سُموطَها
نَحرٌ عَلَيهِ سُموطُها وَنِظامُها
10. She has, to cool you, two black eyes with a tooth
That illuminates their darkness
١٠. وَلَها غَدائِرُ قَد عَلَونَ مَآكِماً
يُغذى العَبيرَ أَثيثُها وَسُخامُها
11. A blond one who at dawn is like a glowing flame
Increasing in beauty when the daylight awakes
١١. وَلَها كَهَمِّكَ مُقلَتانِ وَسُنَّةٌ
وَبِها يُضاءُ مِن الدُجى إِعتامُها
12. She meets you with cheeks that have reddened an enfeebled man
Over whom her saliva and smile flow
١٢. صَفراءُ تُصبِحُ كَالعَرارَةِ زادَها
حُسناً إِذا اِرتَفَعَ الضَحاءُ مَنامُها
13. A pasture irrigated as if showered from the direction
Of the passing (cloud) of spring, its arrows piercing it,
١٣. تَجلو بِأَفنانٍ أَغَرَّ مُفَلَّجاً
يَجري عَلَيهِ أَراكُها وَبَشامُها
14. As if it were perfume or cloves hoarded
That retain their seal over years
١٤. رِيفاً يَرِفُّ كَالأُقحُوانِ أَصابَهُ
مِن صَوبِ غادِيَّةِ الرَبيعِ رِهامُها
15. Her breath and the scent of her hair heals
The fever in heads when they drink
١٥. وَكَأَنَّ مِسكاً أَو شَمولاً قَرقَفاً
عَتَقَت وَأَخلَقَ بِالسِنين خِتامُها
16. Gray-haired with camphor and orange-blossom water
And excellent water that washes her lint white
١٦. يُشفى بِنَفحَتِها وَريحِ سِياعِها
عِندَ الشُروبِ مِن الرُؤوسِ زُكامُها
17. Running over her eyeteeth and front teeth
When its darkness fades and lightens
١٧. شيبَت بِكافورٍ وَماءِ قَرَنفُلٍ
وَبِماءِ مَوهَبَةٍ يَسِحُّ فِدامُها
18. She shows you gentility, happiness, slaying,
And that adorns her form and structure
١٨. يَجري عَلى أَنيابِها وَلِثاتِها
لَمّا تَكَرَّرَ وَاِنجَلى إِعتامُها
19. She straightens her branch equal to you so do not blame her
She whose uncles are her paternal uncles
١٩. وَتُريكَ دَلّا آنِساً وَتَقَتُّلاً
وَيَزينُ ذاكَ بَهاؤُها وَقَوامُها
20. She is the one who reached perfection resembling a doll
Or a pearl, her owner having paid highest prices for her
٢٠. فَرعاً مُقابَلَةً فَلا تَخزي بِها
وَهِيَ الَّتي أَخوالُها أَعمامُها
21. She returned after going through a difficult time
With the months and days replacing her nights and days
٢١. وَهِيَ الَّتي كَمَلَت تُشبَّهُ دُميَةً
أَو دُرَّةً أَغلى بِها مُستامُها
22. The winds pollinating her pollen
When the darkness of her elevation was stirred
٢٢. وَعَدَت عِداتٍ حالَ دونَ نَجازِها
صَرفُ اللَيالي بَعدَها أَيّامُها
23. A land fertilized by the four (cardinal) winds
That blew over the hill of Dumunnah and its rubbish
٢٣. فَنَأَتكَ إِذ شَطَّت بِها عَنكَ النَوى
وَعَقا لَها دِمَنٌ وَبادَ مَقامُها
24. Five purifying breezes and each impurity
Square-nosed whose (source of) sorrows piled up clouds
٢٤. مَرُّ الدُهورِ مَعَ الشُهورِ تَنوبُها
وَمِنَ الرِياحِ لِقاحُها وَعُقامُها
25. It rings as if there were locusts in her chambers
And the moaning after it of a 'ud jar neck
٢٥. غَربَلنَها وَنَخَلنَ أَليَنَ تُربِها
وَجَلالَها لَمّا اِستُثيرَ قَتامُها
26. The equipment drowned in her and slowed its passing
Burdens overwhelmed until their heap leaned
٢٦. تُربٌ تَعاوَرُها عَواصِفٌ أَربَعٌ
عَفّى مَعارِفَ دُمنَةٍ تَقمامُها
27. Until when it grew dark and its clouds died
The admirers in his darkness crammed each other
٢٧. خَمساً تُعَفّيها وَكُلُّ مُلِثَّةٍ
رَبَعِيَّةٍ أُنُفٍ أَسَفَّ غَمامُها
28. She staggered repeating "wa-hay" as her bones were disjointed
When the deluge intensified and her downpour intensified
٢٨. دَلَفَت كَأَنَّ البُلقَ في حَجَراتِها
وَحَنينَ عُوذٍ بَعدَهُ إِرزامُها
29. And the water overflowed above every high ground
And it increased without decreasing its intensity
٢٩. غَرِقَ الرَبابُ بِها وَأَبطَأَ مَرَّها
أَحمالُ مُثقَلَةٍ يَنوءُ رُكامُها
30. Until when it subsided and its rain clouds cleared away
It wore the weeds of plants as its blanket
٣٠. حَتّى إِذا اِعتَمَّت وَماتَ سَحابُها
حَفَشَ التِلاعَ بِثَجِّهِ تَسجامُها
31. And fresh moist growth whose plants
Entwined as she embellished the gardens accompanying them
٣١. وَوَهَت مُبَعِّجَةً تَبَعَّجَ عُظمُها
لَمّا تَزَيَّدَ وَاِدلَهُمَّ جَهامُها
32. The oryxes let down their heavy bodies
Dust wrapped around them, their cows moaning over them
٣٢. وَالماءُ يَطفَحُ فوق كُلِّ عَلايَةٍ
وَيَزيدُ فيهِ وَما يَني تَسجامُها
33. And you see the sheep bleat their new-borns around them
Joyful with a mark on their cheeks shining
٣٣. حَتّى إِذا خَفَّت وَأَقلَعَ غَيمُها
لَبِسَت تَهاويلَ النَباتِ إِكامُها
34. And you see she-camels wandering
Around it, only a heavy footed ostrich wandering around it
٣٤. وَالنَقعُ وَالرَيّانُ جُنَّ نَباتُهُ
مُستَأسِداً وَزَها الرِياضَ تُؤامُها
35. Pure in color as though it were
Plucked shoulder hairs disheveled in their ruins
٣٥. وَضَعَت بِها أُدمُ الظِباءِ سِخالَها
عُفرٌ تَعَطَّفُ حَولَها أَرآمُها
36. And a range of help whose stallions never
Cease, their harassment and combat lasting long
٣٦. وَتَرى النِعاجَ بِها تُزَجّى سَخلَها
رُجناً يَلوحُ عَلى شَواها شامُها
37. When the cry of warblers rose noisily in the early dawn
The hardy stallions did not settle and their neighing intensified
٣٧. وَتَرى أَداحِيَّ الرِثالِ خَوالِياً
مِنها سِوى قَيضٍ يَجولُ نَعامُها
38. They scattered in their successive raids and hatreds flared up
Enmities not even their wombs had borne
٣٨. صُحماً عَفاؤُها وَكَأَنَّها
شُوهُ الحَواطِبِ رُعبِلَت أَهدامُها
39. They resided in an abode whose marks were not visible
Their domes had resided in it
٣٩. وَمَجالُ عُونٍ ما تَزالُ فُحولُها
غَيري يَطولُ عِذامُها وَكِدامُها
40. So I left them without asking after new moons in Dumnah
When greeting them their response to "peace" was not returned
٤٠. فَإِذا أَضَرَّ بِعانَةٍ صَخِبُ الضُحى
جَأبُ النُسالَةِ لَم يَقِرَّ وِحامُها
41. And I chose "drifting" whose echo did not cease
The warblers trilling after the silence of nightfall
٤١. ضَرَحَت تَوالِيها وَهاجَ ضَغائِناً
وَعَداوَةً ما حُمِّلَت أَرحامُها
42. An unmarried girl with no humans or jinn around her
She is the one who makes stray, her flags not seen
٤٢. سَكَنَت بِدارٍ ما تُبَيِّنُ آيُها
كانَت بِهِنَّ قِبابُها وَخِيامُها
43. I left her with glorious festivities
Spotted, its knots for tying erected
٤٣. فَتَرَكتُهُنَّ وَما سُؤالي دِمنَةً
عِندَ التَحِيَّةِ لا يُرَدُّ سَلامُها
44. A brown one who takes unawares the rugged land with a sneaking
She makes the pebbles disappear and her mask smooths them
٤٤. وَاِجتَبتُ تِيهاً ما تَني أَصداؤُهُ
تَزقو وَغَرَّدَ بَعدَ بومٍ هامُها
45. With unyielding strength like a pole straight of it
Elevated its pliant strap and bridle stretching out
٤٥. عَذراءُ لا إِنسٌ وَلا جِنٌّ بِها
وَهِيَ المَضِلَّةُ لا تُرى أَعلامُها
46. So when she walked as if chained she leapt like
The strongest flood when its swimmers crossed it
٤٦. خَلَّفتُها بِجُلالَةٍ عِيديَّةٍ
مَضبورَةٍ يَبني القُتودَ سَنامُها
47. As if the most talkative of the lost were in her armpit
When their brightness dimmed after tireless efforts
٤٧. عَيساءُ تَغتالُ الفِجاجَ بِوَقَّحٍ
تَنفي الحَصى وَيَرُضُّهُ تَلثامُها
48. And those coming after find her companion
A pasture soft of growth, its wood intertwining
٤٨. بِعَنَطنَطٍ كَالجِذعِ مِنها أَسطَعٌ
سامٍ يُمَدُّ جَديلُها وَزِمامُها
49. She was thin so I made her plump
Until her skin was in harmony with her bones
٤٩. فَإِذا مَشَت مَقصورَةً زافَت كَما
يَجتازُ أَعظَمَ غَمرَةٍ عَوّامُها
50. I left her like the crescent whose complaint is that of the healthy
As if it were its ailment moaning
٥٠. وَكَأَنَّ أَخطَبَ ضالَةٍ في شِدقِها
لَمّا عَمى بَعدَ الدُؤوبِ لُغامُها
51. She intends and aspires to a successor calf
For this her effort and endeavor strive
٥١. وَيُصيبُ بَعدَ القادِمَينِ زَميلَها
رَيّانُ ناعَمَ نَبتَهُ إِعقامُها
52. A generous king who brings prosperity to the palm
Of a king whose palm is the best refuge, its dwellers guided
٥٢. كانَت ضِناكاً فَاِستَحَلتُ سَمينَها
حَتّى تَلاءَمَ جِلدُها وَعِظامُها
53. When stingy palms refrain she glows
And you do not see her eminences at the top of his palms
٥٣. وَتَرَكتُها مِثلَ الهِلالِ رَذِيَّةً
وَكَأَنَّما شَكوى السَليمِ بُغامُها
54. He who night and day does good
Diverse blessings he gave abundantly to him
٥٤. تَنوي وَتَنتَجِعُ الوَليدَ خَليفَةً
يُعنى بِذلِكَ جُهدُها وَجَمامُها
55. And when Quraysh preceded you, you preceded it
Through your old pact and you are its pillar
٥٥. مَلِكٌ أَغَرُّ نَمى لِمَلكٍ كَفُّهُ
خَيرُ العَطاءِ بُدورُها وَسَوامُها
56. And when Glory's path tried to take it
Through the breadth of your outstretching they were driven away, their bodies scattered
٥٦. تَندى إِذا بَخِلَ الأَكُفُّ وَلا تُرى
تَعلو بَراجِمَ كَفِّهِ إِبهامُها
57. You were the one who after God guided it
When its tribes gambled dangerously with you
٥٧. وَهُوَ الَّذي يُمسي وَيُصبِحُ مُحسِناً
شَتّى لَهُ نِعَمٌ جَدا إِنعامُها
58. So inherited its leader and obtained its wager
And litigated firmly one whose litigation was not undone
٥٨. وَإِذا قُرَيشٌ سابَقَتكَ سَبَقتَها
بِقَديمِ أولاها وَأَنتَ قِوامُها
٥٩. وَإِذا قَناةُ المَجدِ حاوَلَ أَخذَها
فَبِطولِ بَسطَتِهِ يُبَذُّ جِسامُها
٦٠. أَنتَ الَّذي بَعدَ الإِلهِ هَدَيتَها
إِذ خاطَرَتكَ بِأَقدُحٍ أَقوامُها
٦١. فَوَرِثتَ قائِدَها وَفُزتَ بِقِدحِها
وَخَصَمتَ لُدّاً لَم يَهُلكَ خِصامُها