1. Despair not of relief though remote the goal
Stay fast and firm and you shall reach your soul
١. اليَأسُ مِن طولِ الثَواءِ رَواحُ
وَالمُكثُ فيهِ تَثَبُّتٌ وَنَجاحُ
2. In modesty from probing into vice
Lies virtue in this life and paradise
٢. وَفي التَعَفُّفِ عَن مسائِلَ جَمَّةٍ
تُزري بِصاحِبِها حَياً وَفَلاحُ
3. Let no man wear deceit as garb to cheat
As mirage duped the lances in defeat
٣. لا يُلبِسَنَّ أَخٌ أَخاهُ مَواعِداً
خُلُفاً كَما لَبِسَ السَرابَ رُماحُ
4. For poems their virtues and their faults alike
Are waters both fresh and bitter in their type
٤. إِنَّ القَصائِدَ خَيرَها وَشِرارَها
مِثلُ المَناهِلِ عَذبَةٌ وَمِلاحُ
5. When a steed volunteers with gifts of dew
Accept, and leave the miser his false pride too
٥. فَسَلِ الجَوادَ إِذا تَبَرَّعَ بِالنَدى
وَذَرِ البَخيلَ فَإِنَّهُ أَنَاحُ
6. Not equal are the noble and the base
One reached the peak, one stumbled in disgrace
٦. لا يَستَوي ذو بَسطَةٍ نالَ العُلا
وَمُقَصِّرٌ وَهنُ القُوى دَحداحُ
7. Who buys fair praise with riches has the gain
Profit and merit both his skill attain
٧. المُشتَري حُسنَ الثَناءِ بِمالِهِ
فَلَهُ بِذاكَ مَزِيَّةٌ وَرَباحُ
8. Ignorance fears no shame until the end
Folly it is, though gentle be its blend
٨. وَالجَهلُ ما لَم تَخشَ يَوماً ذِلَّةً
غَيٌّ وَعاقِبَةُ الحُلومِ صَلاحُ
9. Aid your friend what you can, and curb excess
For gentleness leads on to righteousness
٩. فَاِنفَع صَديقَكَ ما اِستَطَعتَ وَلا تَخِم
إِن جَدَّ وَعاقِبَةُ الحُلومِ صَلاحُ
10. With patience one attains in life's quick tide
Though buffeted, like wrestler well tried
١٠. وَالمَرءُ يُدرِكُ في الأَناةِ بِحِلمِهِ
وَيُضامُ وَهُوَ مُدَرَّبٌ مِلحاحُ
11. The best of sires adorns; the worst demeans
One shows wisdom; one shamelessness demeans
١١. وَمِنَ الفُحولِ أَبٌ يَزينُ وَشائِنٌ
وَمِنَ الطَروقَةِ رِشدَةٌ وَسِفاحُ
12. His word he keeps inviolate and rare
While souls are generous, and souls are spare
١٢. وَالوَعدُ مِنهُ مُنجَزٌ وَخِلابَةٌ
وَمِنَ النُفوسِ سَخِيَّةٌ وَشِحاحُ
13. Life is two drafts: one pure we love to quaff
One bitter poison that we only laugh
١٣. وَالعَيشُ شَتّى شَربَتانِ فَمِنهُما
مَحضٌ يُعاشُ بِطَعمِها وَضَياحُ
14. Time ruins generations without cease
Uprooting all their works in war's caprice
١٤. أَفنى القُرونَ وَجَذَّ كُلَّ قَبيلَةٍ
دَهرٌ يُقَلِّعُ غَرسَها مُجتاحُ
15. It wears the new and frees the hands of youth
Night's darkness comes, then morning's radiant truth
١٥. يُبلي الجَديدَ وَيَعتَقي أَيدَ الفَتى
لَيلٌ يَكُرُّ عَلَيهِمُ وَصَباحُ
16. Till worn by age he seems molded anew
Like cup its cracks by bees cemented true
١٦. حَتّى يَعودَ مِنَ البِلى وَكَأَنَّهُ
قَدَحٌ تَثَّلَمَ ناحِلٌ رَحراحُ
17. He owns a cloak his lousy rags to hide
Like shrub whose shoots spring fresh on every side
١٧. وَلَهُ حِفافٌ ما يُواري قَملَةً
خَزئ النَباتِ كَأَنَّهُ رُبّاحُ
18. Then death - no refuge can its stroke efface
No shield withstand the fury of its chase
١٨. ثُمَّ المَنايا لَيسَ عَنها مَزحَلٌ
بَل لَيسَ دونَ سِهامِهِنَّ وِجاحُ
19. By night I've heard birds flying, yet none could see
Their wings by daylight - mystery!
١٩. وَلَقَد سَمِعتُ بِطائِراتٍ في الدُجى
شُرُدُ النَهارِ وَما لَهُنَّ جَناحُ
20. No lewd man from his God can cover sin
Though doors and walls conceal him, shutting him in
٢٠. بَل لَيسَ يَخفى فاجِرٌ مِن رَبِّهِ
كِنٌّ يَكونُ بِهِ وَلا بَرواحُ
21. Glances like arrows pierce the heart outright
Yet no wounds show in cheek however white
٢١. وَنَوافِذٍ خَلَّ القُلوبَ سِهامُها
ما إِن تُرى لِكُلومِهِنَّ جِراحُ
22. An imp with form of fawn put me to the test
Seduction's snare - I stood above the rest
٢٢. وَلَقَد دَعاني لِلبَطالَةِ رَبرَبٌ
هِيفٌ نَواعِمُ كَالظِباءِ صِباحُ
23. His smile concealed a frost, but setting seemed
Ambergris portions where sweet musk had streamed
٢٣. يَبسِمنَ عَن بَرَدٍ كَأَنَّ غُروبَهُ
مِسكٌ يُخالِطُ عَرفَهُ الفُقّاحُ
24. He sought my company, approved my ways
A confluence of charms in perfect maze
٢٤. تَهوى مُواصَلَتي وَتَرضى شِيمَتي
بِيضٌ وَأُدمٌ في الفَريدِ مِلاحُ
25. I answered with no rudeness, yet aloof -
Chaste rigor foils temptation's weary proof
٢٥. فَأَجَبتُهُنَّ بِلا جُناحٍ رابَهُ
يَكفي الفَواحِشَ رِيبَةٌ وَجُناحُ