
Associate with the noble of lineage and faith,

عليك بكل ذي حسب ودين

1. Associate with the noble of lineage and faith,
For they are the people of loyalty.

١. عَلَيكَ بِكُلِّ ذي حَسَبٍ وَدينٍ
فَإِنَّهُمُ هُمُ أَهلُ الوَفاءِ

2. And if you are given a choice between them,
Then stick to the people of wisdom and modesty among them.

٢. وَإِن خُيِّرتَ بَينَهُمُ فإلصَق
بِأَهلِ العَقلِ مِنهُمُ وَالحَياءِ

3. For wisdom, when merits are distinguished,
Has no equal.

٣. فَإِنَّ العَقلَ لَيسَ لَهُ إِذا ما
تَفاضَلَتِ الفَضائِلُ مِن كِفاءِ

4. And do not trust the slanderer in what
He tells you in secret out of benevolence.

٤. وَلا تَثِقَنَّ بِالنَمّامِ فيما
حَباكَ مِنَ النَصيحَةِ في الخَلاءِ

5. And know that what secrets are disclosed to him
Are uncovered and exposed.

٥. وَأَيقِن أَنَّ ما أُفضِي إِلَيهِ
مِنَ الأَسرارِ مُنكَشِفُ الغِطاءِ