
Sulayma set up camp, and after it tubal

بانت سليمى وأقوى بعدها تبل

1. Sulayma set up camp, and after it tubal
So the pastures expanded, and the wild goats, and men

١. بانَت سُلَيمى وَأَقوى بَعدَها تُبَلُ
فالفَأوُ مِن رُحبِهِ البِرِّيتُ فَالرِجَلُ

2. I stood in its abode asking her
But her abode did not reply, and the ruins were dumbfounded

٢. وَقَفتُ في دارِها أُصلاً أُسائِلُها
فَلَم تَجِب دارُها وَاِستَعجَمَ الطَلَلُ

3. When I remembered her, as she was departing
Covenants that illness had severed from me

٣. لَمّا تَذَكَّرتُ مِنها وَهِيَ نازِحَةٌ
مَواعِداً قَد طَبَتها دونِيَ العِلَلُ

4. Armies of sorrow kept hovering over me
And drunkenness enveloped, so the heart was confused

٤. ظَلَّت عَساكِرُ مِن حُزنٍ تُراوِحُني
وَسَكرَةٌ بَطَنَت فَالقَلبُ مُختَبَلُ

5. It appeared and passed away, and the outlines of its edifice
Wept an eye pouring as the torrent sweeps away the smooth stones

٥. بانَت وَناءَت وَأَبكى رَسمُ دِمنَتِها
عَيناً تَسيلُ كَما يَنفي القَذي الوَشَلُ

6. And fierce squalls assaulted it, blowing and welding it
And every downpour, its clouds are pouring heavily

٦. وَقَد تَبَدَّت بِها هَوجاءُ مُعصِفَةٌ
حَنّانَةٌ فَتُرابُ الدارِ مُنتَخَلُ

7. It has lightnings that stir the rumbling thunder
As embers smoulder in its outskirts

٧. كُلُّ الرِياحِ تُسَدّيها وَتُلحِمُها
وَكُلُّ غَيثٍ رُكام غَيمُهُ زَجِلُ

8. It's like there are among its abodes white-faced brides
With ear-rings in their ears, and twisted anklets

٨. لَهُ بُروقٌ تَهيجُ الرَعدُ آوِنَةً
كَما تَضَرَّمَ في حافاتِها الشُعَلُ

9. She stayed up late, keeping warriors from their competence
So a young, inexperienced one held back his steed

٩. كَأَنَّ في مُزنِهِ بُلقاً مُشَهَّرَةً
بِيضَ الوُجوهِ وَفي آذانِها شَقَلُ

10. It's as if she were a white camel-litter offered
With a constant downpour of generosity, all pouring

١٠. باتَت تَذُبُّ فُحولاً عَن مَهارَتِها
فَصَدَّ عَن عَسبِها عِلجٌ وَمُفتَحِلُ

11. It has a yearning, when it erupts fervently
Like a camel yearns for its calves

١١. كَأَنَّ مَصقولَةً بَيضاً يُهَّدُ بِها
لَهُ سَجيمَةُ جَودٍ كُلُّها هَطِلُ

12. It sees the lonely one staying, not leaving it
Excelling the seasonal rains in generosity when it pours

١٢. لَهُ حَنينٌ إِذا ما جاشَ مُبتَرِكاً
كَما تَحِنُّ إِلى أَطفالِها الإِبِلُ

13. The flash floods divert towards its meadows roaring
Without any slit or flaw in its clouds

١٣. تَرى العَزالي مُقيماً ما يُفارِقُها
فاقَ الغُيوثَ بِجَودٍ حينَ يَحتَفِلُ

14. Until it fills them with water and saturates
The succession of showers comes sweeping and embracing

١٤. يوهي السَناسِنَ مِنها صَوبُ رَيِّقِهِ
فَلَيسَ في غَيمِهِ فَتقٌ وَلا خَلَلُ

15. It covered the farms like the 'iraas does when it departs
Replenishing and saturating all the greens

١٥. حَتّى إِذا عَمَّها بِالماءِ وَاِمتَلَأَت
ساقَت تَوالِيَهُ شامِيَّةٌ شَمِلُ

16. From softness that amazes visitors with its splendor
And from aromatic herbs and thyme that adorn it

١٦. كَسا العِراصَ رِياضاً حينَ فارقَها
كَالعَبقَرِيِّ رِواءً كُلُّها خَضِلُ

17. It produced stallions and free noble females
A morning shone for it, and vegetation was complete

١٧. مِن حَنوَةٍ يُعجِبُ الرُوّادَ بَهجَتَها
وَمِن خُزامى وَكِرشٍ زانَها النَفَلُ

18. In it the oryx are protectors that fortify it
And the deer and sheep alongside it are docile

١٨. مِنها ذُكورٌ وَأَحرارٌ مُؤَنَّقَةٌ
بَدا لَها صَبَحٌ فَالنَبتُ مُكتَهِلُ

19. And everything that lays eggs, its chicks are gathered
As if clothed in a coat, all covered

١٩. بِها الظِباءُ مَطافيلٌ تُرَبِّعُها
وَالعِينُ وَالعونُ في أَكنافِها هَمَلُ

20. Its legs are like a wrestler's legs intertwined
When it grasps and holds on with strength

٢٠. وَكُلُّ أَخرَجَ أَبدى البيضَ جُؤجُؤُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ بِغُدافِيَّينِ مُشتَمِلُ

21. It kept pursuing unruly camels insistently
Neighing, while they are grumbling, led by the grumbler

٢١. كَأَنَّ رِجلَيهِ لَمّا حَلَّ بَينَهُما
رِجلاً مُصارِعِ قِرنٍ حينَ يَعتَقِلُ

22. As if their necks are pillars from their length
And fully vigorous, overpowering firmness

٢٢. لَهُ فَراسِنُ مِنها باطِنٌ كمُلَت
وَفِرسِنٌ نِصفُها في الخَلقِ مُفتَصَلُ

23. Like the Abyssinians, some have coats on their shoulders
Clanging, as the guide goat bleats for them

٢٣. ظَلَّ يُراطِنُ عُجماً وَهِيَ تَتبَعُهُ
نَقانِقاً زَعِلاتٍ قادَها زَعِلُ

24. So wildlife grazes in its meadows, dwelling in it
And it may be inhabited when its pastures are family

٢٤. كَأَنَّ أَعناقَها مِن طولِها عُمُدٌ
وَكُلُّها مِن نَشاطٍ يَعتَري جَذِلُ

25. You can see the remnants of its dwellings clearly
Like what appears on polished swords

٢٥. كَالحُبشِ مِنها عَلى أَثباجِها بُرَدٌ
قُرعٌ يَعِنُّ بِها هَيقٌ لَها شَوِلُ

26. Except ashes whose embers the fire made it swallow
And the tawny deer resides in it matching its color

٢٦. فَالوَحشُ في رَيعِها يَرعَينَ مُؤتَنِفاً
وَقَد تَكونُ بِهِ إِذ رَبعُها أَهِلُ

27. And the ostrich fleeing resides next to it
Without being alarmed by the predator wolves

٢٧. تَلوحُ فيهِ رُسومُ الدارِ دارِسَةً
كما تَلوحُ عَلى المَسقولَةِ الخِلَلُ

28. At night I traveled through it while the darkness obscured it
With a fearless old she-camel whose leg no reason controlled

٢٨. إِلا الأَثافي ضَبَتها النارُ تَلفَحُها
وَهامِدٌ بَينَها في لَونِهِ طَحَلُ

29. Wandering like an autumn leaf, its shoulders hunched
Its two forearms devoid of skin from rubbing

٢٩. وَالنُؤيُ فيها وَمَشجوجٌ يُجاوِرُهُ
وَلَيسَ أَن شُجَّ بِالأَفهارِ يَرتَمِلُ

30. It's as if when she walked there were cracks in her leg
And no shackles nor anklets could be seen on it

٣٠. فَقَد بَكَيتُ على رَسمٍ لِدَمنَتِها
فَالقَلبُ مِن ذِكرِها ما عِشتُ مُختَبَلُ

31. It endures being whipped by burning coals, unyielding
Neither snakes nor goats can subdue it, nor mountains

٣١. كَأَنّني نَصِبٌ مُضنىً تُماطِلُهُ
حُمّى تَخَوَّنُهُ حُمّى وَيَندَمِلُ

32. As if it and the riders' supplies follow it
Wailing, deeply saddened by mourning for the lost one

٣٢. لَو ماتَ حَيٌّ مِن الأَطلالِ تَقتُلُهُ
إِذَن لَمِتُّ وَعَيني دَمعُها سَبَلُ

33. I heard the Jinn's tune living there
And the darkness made me appear as a young boy

٣٣. أَنّى وَكَيفَ طِلابي حُرَّةً شَحَطَت
وَالرَأسُ مِن غُلَواءِ الشَيبِ مُشتَعِلُ

34. The owl answers the echoes answering it
And the wolf howls at it, madness in its eyes

٣٤. رِبَحلَةً إِن مَشَت أَرخَت مَفاصِلَها
فَاِرتَجَّ مِن بُدنِها الأَوصالُ وَالكَفَلُ

35. Until dawn brings the night forward expelling it
And the sun runs its course in orbit revolving

٣٥. شَمسُ النَهارِ وَبَدرُ اللَيلِ سُنَّتُها
زِينُ الحُلِيِّ وَلا يُزري بِها العَطَلُ

36. Its locusts get roasted when it flares up
The clothes of the walker almost catch fire from it

٣٦. عَجزاءُ عَبهَرَةٌ غَرّاءُ مُكمَلَةٌ
في مُقلَتَيها وَإِن لَم تَكتَحِل كَحَلُ

37. You see the ruined abodes as it shimmers
And every short shadow when the sun aligns

٣٧. ما دُميَةٌ ظَلَّت الرِهبانُ تَعهَدُها
يَوماً بِأَحسَنَ مِنها حينَ تَغتَسِلُ

38. Its birds stayed low to the ground there defeated
When the plain and hills ignited from it

٣٨. يَعلو مَآكِمَها فَرعٌ لَها حَسَنٌ
مِنَ السُخامِ أَثيتٌ نَبتُهُ رَجِلُ

39. I endured it while the darkness of night obscured it
With an old she-camel whose leg no mind controlled

٣٩. وَزانَ أَنيابَها مِنها إِذا اِبتَسَمَت
أَحوى اللِثاتِ شَتيتٌ نِبتُهُ رَتِلُ

40. Wandering like an autumn leaf, its shoulders hunched
Its two forearms devoid of skin from rubbing

٤٠. كَأَنَّ رِيقَتَها فِي مُضاجِعِها
شيبَت بِها الثَلجُ وَالكافورُ وَالعَسَلُ

41. It's as if when she walked there were cracks in her leg
And no shackles or anklets could be seen on it

٤١. يا لَيتَ حَظِّيَ مِنها مِن فَواضِلَها
مِمّا أُؤَمِّلُ مِنها نَظرَةٌ بَجَلُ

42. It withstands being whipped by flaming coals, unrelenting
Neither snakes nor goats can break it, nor mountains

٤٢. أَبيتُ ظُهراً لِبَطنٍ مَن تَذَكُّرِها
كَما تَقَلَّبَ مِمّا يَشتَكي المَغِلُ

43. As if it and the riders' supplies follow it
Wailing, deeply mourning the lost one

٤٣. قَلبي يَئِبُّ إِلَيها مِن تَذَكُّرِها
كَما يَئِبُّ إِلى أَوطانِهِ الجَمَلُ

44. I heard the Jinn's tunes living there
And the darkness made me seem a young boy

٤٤. أَهذي بِها في مَنامي وَهِيَ نازِحَةٌ
كَأَنَّني مُوثَقٌ في القِدِّ مُكتَبَلَ

45. The owl answers the echoes answering it
And the wolf howls at it, madness in its eyes

٤٥. فَقُلتُ لِلنَفسِ سِرّاً وَهِيَ مُثبَتَةٌ
وَالحِلمُ مِنّي إِذا ما مَعشَرٌ جَهِلوا

46. Until dawn brings the night forward expelling it
And the sun runs its orbit revolving

٤٦. كَم مِن مُؤَمِّلِ شَيءٍ لَيسَ يُدرِكُهُ
وَالمَرءُ يُزري بِهِ في دَهرِهِ الأَمَلُ

47. Its locusts get roasted when it ignites
The walker's clothes almost catch fire from it

٤٧. يَرجو الثَراءَ وَيَرجو الخُلدَ ذا أَمَلٍ
وَدونَ ما يَرتَجي الأَقدارُ وَالأَجَلُ

48. You see the razed abodes as it flickers
And every short shadow when the sun aligns

٤٨. وَالدَهرُ يُبلي الفَتى حَتّى يُغَيِّرَهُ
كَما تَغَيَّرَ بَعدَ الجِدَّةِ السَمَلُ

49. Its birds huddled low defeated there
When the plains and hills ignited from it

٤٩. وَالأَقوَرِينَ يَراها في تَقَلُّبِهِ
كَما تَقَلَّبَ خَلفَ الباقِرِ العَجَلُ

50. I cried over an image of its edifice
So the heart will remain confused as long as I live

٥٠. لا يُصبِحُ المَرءُ ذو اللُبِّ الأَصيلِ وَلا
يُمسي عَلى آلَةٍ إِلّا لَهُ عَمَلُ

51. It's like I'm a writhing pillar taunted
By recurring fevers that betray and exhaust me

٥١. وَفي الأَناةِ يُصيبُ المَرءُ حاجَتَهُ
وَقَد يُصيبُ نَجاحَ الحاجَةِ العَجِلُ

52. If a living soul dies from the ruins that kill it
I will then die, and my tears will pour

٥٢. إِحذَر ذَوي الضِغنِ لا تَأمَن بَوائِقَهُم
وَإِن طُلِبتَ فَلا تَغفَل إِذا غَفَلوا

53. How, and in what way can I seek delight
When my head is aflame with advanced white hair

٥٣. قَد يَسبِقُ المَرءُ أَوتارٌ يُطالِبُها
وَيُدرِكُ الوِترَ بَعدَ الإِمَّةِ الخَبِلُ

54. When she walks, her joints relax and give way
So her body shakes and her ankles tremble

٥٤. كُلُّ المَصائِبِ إِن جَلَّت وَإِن عَظُمَت
إِلّا المُصيبَةُ في دَينِ الفَتى جَلَلُ

55. She is the sun of daytime and moon of nightfall
The adornment of jewelry, without being tarnished by time

٥٥. وَالشِعرُ شَتّى يَهيمُ الناطِقونَ بِهِ
مِنهُ غُثاءٌ وَمِنهُ صادِقٌ مَثَلُ

56. A doe-eyed darling, cheeky and perfect
With kohl on her eyes, even without kohl

٥٦. مِنهُ أَهاذٍ تُشَجّى مَن تَكَلَّفَها
وَالبَسطُ وَالفَحمُ وَالتَقييدُ وَالرَمَلُ

57. She is no doll whom monks have groomed
With better than her, even when she bathes

٥٧. وَالناسُ في الشِعرِ فَرّاثٌ وَمُجتَلِبٌ
وَناطِقٌ مُحتَذٍ مِنهُم وَمُفتَعِلُ

58. A branch rises above her firm mouth
Acanthus sprouting, its shoots are pillars

٥٨. ذَر ذا وَرَشِّح بُيوتاً أَنتَ حائِكُها
لا بُدَّ مِنها كِراماً حينَ تَرتَحِلُ

59. And the gleam of her teeth when she smiles
Most delightful, glistening shoots

٥٩. وَبَلدَةٍ مُقفَرٍ أَصواءُ لاحِبِها
يَكادُ يَشمَطُ مِن أَهوالِها الرَجُلُ

60. It's as if her saliva in her resting place
Whitened snow, camphor, and honey there

٦٠. سَمِعتُ مِنها عَزيفَ الجِنِّ ساكِنِها
وَقَد عَرانِيَ مِن لَونِ الدُجى طَفَلُ

61. If only my share of her endowments
Were a glance I anticipate from her

٦١. تُجاوِبُ البومُ أَصداءً تُجاوِبُها
وَالذِئبُ يَعوي بِها في عَينِهِ حَوَلُ

62. I turned my back to the belly of one recalling her
Like the sick person turns from what pains him

٦٢. حَتّى إِذا الصُبحُ ساقَ اللَيلَ يَطرُدُهُ
وَالشَمسُ في فَلَكٍ تَجري لَها حُوَلُ

63. My heart yearns for her when I remember her
Like a camel yearns for its homelands

٦٣. تَشوي جَنادِبَها شَيّاً إِذا صَهَدَت
تَكادُ مِنها ثِيابُ الرَكلِ تَشتَعِلُ

64. I rave about her in my sleep as she moves away
As if tied up tight, all constricted

٦٤. تَرى الحَرابِيَّ فيها وَهيَ خاطِرَةٌ
وَكُلُّ ظِلٍّ قَصيرٌ حينَ يَعتَدِلُ

65. I said to myself secretly, as she was held back
Wisdom, when the foolish multitude rushes blindly:

٦٥. ظَلَّت عَصافيرُها في الأَرضِ حاجِلَةٌ
لَمّا تَوَقَّدَ مِنها القاعُ وَالقُلَلُ

66. How many hope for things out of their reach
And time makes them seem foolish in their lives

٦٦. قَد جُبتُها وَظِلامُ اللَيلِ أَقطَعُهُ
بِجَسرَةٍ لَم يُخالِط رِجلَها عَقَلُ

67. Wishing for wealth and eternal life with hope
While fate and death are beyond what they hope for

٦٧. عَيرانَةٍ كَقَريعِ الشَولِ مُجفَرَةٍ
في المِرفَقَينِ لَها عَن دَفِّها فَتَلُ

68. And time makes youth decay until it changes him
As the pigeon changes after the nape's feathers molt

٦٨. كَأَنَّ في رِجلِها لَمّا مَشَت رَوَحاً
وَلا يُرى قَفَدٌ فيها وَلا حَلَلُ

69. He sees the water-wheels spinning in its cycles
Like the young camel circles its kneeler camel

٦٩. تَخدي بِها مُجمَراتٌ ما يُؤَيِّسُها
مَروٌ وَلا أَمعَزٌ حامٍ وَلا جَبَلُ

70. A man of decent mind does not awaken
Nor sleep except having a purpose

٧٠. كَأَنَّها وَرِكابُ القَومِ تَتبَعُها
نَوّاحَةٌ قَد شَجاها مَأتَمٌ ثَكِلُ

71. With patience, man attains what he needs
And may attain swift success speedily

٧١. تَنضو جِذاعَ المَهارى وَهِيَ رَيِّضَةٌ
وَلا تُمالِكُها العِيدِيَّةُ الذُلُلُ

72. Beware of the envious, do not feel safe from their evils
And if sought, do not neglect when they neglect

٧٢. مِثلَ الحَنِيّاتِ صُفراً وَهيَ قَد ذَبَلَت
وَالقَومُ مِن عُدَواءِ السَيرِ قَد ذَبَلوا

73. One may surpass the strings of fate pursuing him
And the cord reaches the nation of fools

٧٣. كَالحُرسِ لا يَستَبينُ السَمعُ مَنطِقَهُم
كَأَنَّهُم مِن سُلافِ الخَمرِ قَد ثَمِلوا

74. All calamities, abundant and grand as they are
Except the calamity in the man's religion a grave disaster

٧٤. لَمّا رَأَيتَهُمُ غُنّاً إِذا نَطَقوا
وَكُلُّ أَصواتِهِم مِمّا بِهِم صَحِلُ

75. Poetry is diverse, the speakers rave about it
Some is rubbish, and some sincere parables

٧٥. وَهُم يَميلونَ إِذ حَلَّ النُعاسُ بِهِم
كَما يَميلُ إِذا ما أُقعِدَ الثَمِلُ

76. Some contrived by pretentious amateurs
Prose, rhymed prose, conciseness and correct meter

٧٦. قُلتُ أَنيخوا فَعاجوا مِن أَزِمَّتِها
فَكُلُّهُم عِندَ أَيديهِنَّ مُنجَدِلُ

77. And people regarding poetry are collectors and gatherers
And precise speakers among them, and some pretend

٧٧. ناموا قَليلاً غِشاشاً ثُمَّ أَفزَعَهُم
وَردٌ يَسوقُ تَوالي اللَيلِ مُقتَبِلُ

78. Leave this and groom houses you build
Inevitably made honorable when you pack up

٧٨. شَدّوا نُسوعَ المَطايا وَهِيَ جائِلَةٌ
بَعدَ الضُفورِ سِراعاً ثُمَّتَ اِرتَحَلوا

79. And an abandoned town whose howler is calling
Almost deranged by its horrors and fears

٧٩. يَنوونَ مَسلَمَةَ الفَيّاضَ نائِلُهُ
وَكَعبُهُ في يَفاعِ المَجدِ مُعتَدِلُ

80. I heard the jinn that live there warbling
And a young boy was exposed by the darkness

٨٠. صُلبُ القَناةِ رَبا وَالحَزمُ شيمَتُهُ
فَلَيسَ في أَمرِهِ وَهنٌ وَلا هَزَلُ

81. The owl answers the echoes answering it
And the wolf howls at it, madness in its eyes

٨١. قَضاؤُهُ مُستَقيمٌ غَيرُ ذي عِوَجٍ
فَلَيسَ في حُكمِهِ حَيفٌ وَلا مَيَلُ

82. Until dawn expels the night, driving it away
And the sun runs its orbit, cycles surrounding it

٨٢. وَأَنتَ حِرزُ بَني مَروانَ كُلُّهُمُ
أَنتَ لَهُم وَلِمَن يَعروهُمُ جَبَلُ

83. It burns its locusts to ashes when it flares up
The clothes of the walker almost catch fire from it

٨٣. نَمَتكَ مِن عَبدِ شَمسٍ خَيرُهُم حَسَباً
إِذا الكِرامُ إِلى أَحسابِهِم حَصَلوا

84. You see the vestiges clear as it glimmers
And every short shadow when the sun aligns

٨٤. ذَوو جُدودٍ إِذا ما نوضِلَت نَضَلَت
إِنَّ الجُدودَ تَلاقى ثُمَّ تَنتَضِلُ

85. Its birds huddled defeated on the ground
When the plain and hills ignited from it

٨٥. القائِلُ الفَصلَ وَالمَيمونُ طائِرُهُ
فَلَيسَ في قَولِهِ هَذرٌ وَلا خَطَلُ

86. I said to them, "Rest," and they recoiled from its slope
And each one by the women's hands knelt down

٨٦. لا يَنقُضُ الأَمرَ إِلّا رَيثَ يُبرِمُهُ
وَلَيسَ يَثنيهِ عَن أَمرِ التُقى كَسَلُ

87. Sleep a little restfully, then a passing rain awakened them
Bringing the succession of night while arriving

٨٧. إِنَّ الَّذينَ بِهِم يَرمونَ صَخرَتَهُ
لَن يَبلُغوهُ وَإِن عَزّوا وَإِن كَمَلوا

88. They saddled the rested steeds, now energetic
After some time, then they packed up and left

٨٨. لَن يُدرِكوكَ وَلَن يَلحَقكَ شَأوُهُمُ
حَتّى يَلِج بَينَ سَمِّ الإِبرَةِ الجَمَلُ

89. Heading towards Maslama the generous, its summit
His standard amid the glory of height aligned

٨٩. أَعدَدتَ لِلحَربَ أَقراناً وَهُم حَسَبٌ
السَيفُ وَالدِرعُ وَالخِنذيذُ وَالبَطَلُ

90. Strong, dignified, and decisive is his law
No weakness nor frivolity in his command

٩٠. إِذا فَغِمتَ بِقَومٍ جِئتَ أَرضَهُمُ
بِجَحفَلٍ أَرعَنِ الحافاتِ تَنتَقِلُ

91. His rule is straightforward, without crookedness
No injustice nor leaning in his judgement

٩١. يُصِمُّ فيهِ المُوَصّى مَن يُجاوِبُهُ
مِن رِزِّ عَودٍ إِذا ساروا وَإِن نَزَلوا

92. You, pride of Marwan's clan all of them
Are their protection, and who feuds with them, a mountain

٩٢. تُعَضِّلُ الأَرضَ مِنهُ وَهيَ مُثقَلَةٌ
قَد هَدَّها كَثرَةُ الأَقوامِ وَالثَقَلُ

93. You were born to Abd Shams, best of them by lineage
When the generous compete in their lineages

٩٣. فيهِ العَناجيجُ يَبري الغَزوُ أَسمَنَها
بَريَ القِداحِ عَلَيها جِنَّةٌ بُسُلُ

94. Of glorious ancestors, their roots entwined
Roots join, and then the branches intertwine

٩٤. قُبُّ البُطونِ قَد اِقوَرَّت مَحاسِنُها
وَفي النُحورِ إِذا اِستَقبَلتَها رَهَلُ

95. The conclusive sayer, and his omen is auspicious
No nonsense nor error in his words

٩٥. يَصيحُ نِسوانُهُم لَمّا هَزَمتَهُمُ
كَما يَصيحُ عَلى ظَهرِ الصَفا الحَجَلُ

96. He does not violate a pact once concluded
Nor turn him from the path of piety an aversion

٩٦. إِن قُلتَ يَوماً لِفُرسانٍ ذَوي حَسَبٍ
توصيهُمُ في الوَغى أَنِ اِحمِلوا حَمَلوا

97. Those who pelt his rock with schemes
Will never reach him, no matter their power or perfection

٩٧. النازِلونَ إِذا ما المَوتُ حَلَّ بِهِم
إِذا الكُماةُ إِلى أَمثالِها نَزَلوا