1. A lover who wishes for his soul and procrastinates
About returning to the covenant that he used to know
١. محبٌّ يمنى نفسَهُ ويسوّفُ
بعودٍ إلى العهد الذي كانَ يعرفُ
2. And is aware of the sincerity and affection between them
So he hopes that they will be kind and show affection
٢. ويدري بما قد صحَّ من صدقِ ودهِ
لديهم فيرجو أن يرقوا ويعطفوا
3. But they turned away while fully aware that his heart
Is too weak to carry resentment along with love
٣. جفوْهُ وهم أدرى بأن فؤاده
مع الحبِّ عن حمل القطيعة أَضعفُ
4. It would be a disgrace for a free man to see his beloved
Wronged, yet turns away his gaze and abandons him
٤. وحاشا لحرٍّ أَن يرى من يحبه
مُضاماً فيثني الطرف عنه ويصرفُ
5. And if I died with sorrow for my beloved,
I would not grieve for myself but for you I would grieve
٥. ولو مت وجداً ما أسفت لمهجتي
ولكنْ عليكم دونها أتاسَفُ
6. And If I knew what pleases you I would not
Refrain from death to please you
٦. ولو كنت أَدري كيف ترضون لم أَكن
عن الموتِ في مرضاتكم أتخلفُ
7. It is not an obligation for me to mount a sharp sword
To reach you while great effort is required of me
٧. فليس ركوب السيف والسيف مرهفٌ
إِلى وصلكم فيه عليُّ تكلّفُ
8. My dear ones, why do nights among you
Make the nights go by while they scorn me
٨. أَحبتنا مالي إِ الأَينِ فيكم
صروف الليالي والليالي تعجرْفُ
9. You believe my opponent in what he claims against me
And you deny what I rightfully deserve and swear it untrue
٩. تقر لخصمي بالذِي لي عندها
وتنكرني ما استحق وتحلفُ
10. And you dress another in the beauty that I yearn for
And accuse me wrongfully and devalue me
١٠. وتلبسُ غيري ما أشتهى من محاسني
وتلقي مساويه عليَّ وتُضعفُ
11. By my life, such is the state of one whose luck
Works against him, and misfortune is never just
١١. وهذا لَعمري حالُ من جارَ حظَهُ
عليه وجوْرِ الحظَّ ما منه منصفُ
12. I am content, though he is discontent
Facing the turns of fate from which he cannot escape
١٢. رضيتُ وقد يرضى على رغم أَنفه
ملاقي صروف مالها عنه مصرفُ
13. O time, you have wronged a man in his misfortune
And exceeded such that you are said to be excessive
١٣. ظلمتَ امرءًا يا دهرُ في نحسِ حظهِ
وأكثرت حتى قيل إِنك مُسرفُ
14. You claimed the sun is more hidden than the stars
And that the earth flows faster than water and is smoother
١٤. زعمتَ بأن الشمس أخفى من السَها
وأَن الثرى أجرى من الماءِ وأَلطفُ
15. So O days, wait, for I am aware and know
The turns of fate and its cold blows
١٥. فيا أَيُّها الأَيام مهلاً فإِنني
بردِّ صروفِ الدهر أَدري وأَعرَفُ
16. And if I raised one voice, O Ahmad
The horses and men would stand still in awe of you
١٦. ولو صحْتُ صوتاً واحداً يا لأحمدٍ
لظلّتْ عليك الخيلُ والرجل توجفُ
17. And whoever appeals what I appeal to time against its tyranny
Would be answered by a young man who refuses and disdains
١٧. ومن يدعُ ما أَدعوه للدهر إِنْ طغى
يُجبهُ فتىً يأَبى عليه ويأنفُ
18. When he walks, the land pours canals behind him
For it is nothing but barren and drying
١٨. إِذا سار سالت بعده الأَرض بالقنا
فما هي إِلاَّ ذابلٌ ومثقَّفُ
19. And if he said tie them up, the beasts would shake in fear
And the hearts of east and west would tremble and quiver
١٩. وإن قال شدّوا ارتاعت الوحشُ بالفلا
وظلَّ فؤاد الشرق والغرب يرجفُ
20. Fate assists him for it is his troops
With which he accomplishes the impossible and is successful
٢٠. تساعدهُ الأَقدار فهي جنودُهُ
يروم بها ما يستحيل فيسعفُ
21. Each day the Most High makes an exception for him
Which is linked to another and another in succession
٢١. له كل يومٍ في العلا خرقُ عادةٍ
تناطُ بِأُخرى بعد أُخرى وتردفُ
22. We have heard and seen kings but none among them
Were described to possess a merit equal to yours
٢٢. سمعنا وأبصرنا الملوك فلم يكن
على الأَرض منهم من بفضلك يوصَفُ
23. By my life you have been given what no other king deserves
Of power and determination that does not delay
٢٣. لعمري لقد اوتيتَ ما ليس ينبغي
من الملك والعزمِ الذي لا يسوّفُ
24. And God endowed you with a love from Him
That makes hearts obsessed and passionately love you
٢٤. والقى عليك الله منه محبة
تهيم بها فيك القلوب وتشغف
25. The flesh of all people trembles when
Your noble face appears like the full moon at its clearest
٢٥. تخفُّ حلومُ العالمين إِذا بدى
محياك مثلَ البدرِ والبدرُ منصفُ
26. And sights stare while hands cast their weapons
Reaching out longingly to you
٢٦. وتشخصُ أبصار وتلقي سلاحها
أيادٍ بها تومي إِليك وأكففُ
27. So no eyelid but is confused by you
And no beloved but aspires to your love
٢٧. فلا مقلةً إِ لها فيك حيرةٌ
ولا مهجة إلا بحبك تكلفُ
28. Your father named you Ismail and his father approved
And his father Al-Abbas and the grandfather Joseph
٢٨. سما بكَ إسماعيل والدك الرضى
ووالدهُ العباسُ والجدُّ يوسفُ
29. They are the pride of all above and beneath the soil
The kings of people while time itself was an infant
٢٩. وهم فخر من فوق الترابِ وتحتَه
ملوك الورى والدهرُ في المهد يحرفُ
30. The Most High boasts through them and were it not for their swords
The Most High would not be, nor would pride be known
٣٠. بكم تفخرُ العليا ولولا سيوفُهم
لما كانتِ العلياءُ ولا الفخر يعرفُ
31. So the pillars of your kingdom will never weaken
For this is how it will remain and will not decline
٣١. فلا برحت للملك منك قوائمٌ
يقوم عليها هكذا ليس يضعفُ