1. The slanderers have wronged him
They conveyed and said other than what they knew
١. أما الوشاة به فقد ظلموه
نقلوا فقالوا غير ما علموه
2. The slanderers claimed that my heart had turned away
They lied about my heart with what they claimed
٢. زعم الوشاة بأن قلبي قد سلا
كذبوا على قلبي بما زعموه
3. O Lord, take revenge on them for him and distract them
From him by themselves as they distracted him
٣. يارب خذ منهم له واشغلهم
عنه بأنفسهم كما شغلوه
4. A helpless victim against his loved ones
With no prior sin, they abandoned him
٤. مسكين مغلوب على أحبابه
من غير ذنب سابق هجروه
5. He weeps when he remembers his worry and it increases
His agony if they blame him
٥. يبكى إذا ذكر الحما ويزيده
في شجوه العذال ان عذلوه
6. The slanderers gloated over him so when they saw
The effects of what they did to him, they pitied him
٦. شمت الوشاة به فلما عاينوا
آثار ما فعلوا به رحموه
7. And the enemies grieved for him out of pity
Oh what a pity from those who pitied him
٧. ورثوا له وهم الاعادي رحمة
يا ويح من يرثا له شانوه
8. And I excused them knowing that had it not been
For the inevitable decree they would not have done it
٨. ولقد عذرتهم لعلمي أنهم
لولا القضا المحتوم ما فعلوه
9. How great is the affliction that allured them
They cut him off, especially after they had connected to him
٩. ما أعظم البلوى على مغرى بهم
قطعوه لا سيما وقد وصلوه
10. O you who makes me despair though my heart
Has not ceased to think good, I know who I hope for
١٠. يا من يقنطني وقلبي لم يزل
حسن الظنون علمت من أرجوه
11. Indeed the one I hope for, woe to you Ahmad
He is the one who answers the supplication of those who call upon him
١١. إن الذي أرجوه ويحك أحمد
وهو المجيب دعاء من ادعوه
12. And if the response is delayed, say to me
Good thoughts, patience does not diminish it
١٢. وإذا تأخرت الإِجابة قلن لي
حسن الظنون الصبر لا يعدوه
13. So stick to the door of the Generous One, get accustomed
To attaining all that you sought
١٣. فلازمي باب الكريم تعودوا
أن يظفروا بجيمع ما طلبوه
14. Do not despair of the Generous One and the promise he makes
To the righteous, he has made them deserving of it
١٤. لا تيأسن من الكريم وعد يعد
للصالحات فإنها أهلوه
15. O leader of caliphs, the supplication of a servant for you
Is with supplication, and his family and sons
١٥. يا سيد الخلفاء دعوة خادم
لك بالدعاء وأهله وبنوه
16. Time played with him and scattered his group
So he came to your doors complaining
١٦. عبث الزمان به وشتت شمله
فأتى إلى أبوابكم يشكوه
17. He came to you readily, and has not ceased
To complain to you about time and its people
١٧. وافاك مستعد عليه ولم يزل
يشكو إليك من الزمان ذووه
18. And he stayed seeking your generosity that
Those asking have not lost hope in
١٨. وأقام ملتمسا لفضلكم الذي
ما خاب ظنا فيه ملتمسوه
19. And I arrived at the springs of your generosity
And found crowding there as they described
١٩. ولقد وردت على مناهل جودكم
وإذا الزحام بها كما وصفوه
20. One arriving and another leaving
And if the two burdens are watered, they will not carry it away
٢٠. ذا صادر راو وهذا وارد
ولو ارتوى الثقلان ما نزفوه
21. So I waited while my children waited for me
Whoever passed between their houses asked about me
٢١. فاقمت والأولاد ينتظرونني
من مر بين بيوتهم سألوه
22. Twenty of my children and grandchildren
Woe to them, what have they encountered?
٢٢. عشرون من ولدي ومن أولادهم
خلفي فيا لله ما لقيوه
23. Their situation has worsened and they were lost, destitute
O what pity for the child whose father was absent
٢٣. قد ساء حالهم وضاعوا عيلة
يا رحمتا للطفل غاب أبوه
24. Their elder ones grieving makes the younger ones cry
So when this one cried, the other cried as well
٢٤. يشجي كبيرهم بكاء صغيرهم
فإذا بكى هذا بكى وأخوه
25. And my intestines almost crumble with sorrow
No matter how many times their conversation is retold
٢٥. وتكاد أحشائي تفتت حسرة
مهما أعاد حديثهم راووه
26. There is no benefit in my hands nor solution for me
Except your work that I hope for
٢٦. ما في يدي نفع ولا لي حيلة
إلا صنيعكم الذي أرجوه
27. O Maker of kindness toward its people
You are the One I complain to of what I endure
٢٧. يا واضع المعروف في أربابه
أنت الملى بدفع ما اشكوه
28. So favor me by allowing their eyes to be joyful
And have mercy on them with what they missed
٢٨. فامنن علي بان تقر عيونهم
واعطف عليهم بالذي فقدوه
29. Until I see them altogether in a stand
Praying to their Lord having praised Him
٢٩. حتى أراهم أجمعين بموقف
يدعون ربهم وقد حمدوه
30. Praying for you for wellbeing, and suffice them
With outstretched hands and the tears they shed
٣٠. يدعونه لك بالبقا واكفهم
مبسوطة والدمع قد ذرفوه
31. The school of the fighter and the negligence counted them
So have mercy and hurry and take advantage
٣١. سببان مدرسة المجاهد والخطا
بة عدهما لي فهو ما أخذوه
32. Of the immense reward, and belie all they conveyed
Your Lord gave you double what humanity asked of Him
٣٢. واعطف علي بها واعجل واغتنم
أجرى وكذب كلما نقلوه
33. And double the reward for what they gained
٣٣. أعطاك ربك ضعف ما سأل الورى
منه وضعف ثواب ما اكتسبوه