
Take from the glances a glance that will protect my mind

خذوا لي من الألحاظ أمنا على عقلي

1. Take from the glances a glance that will protect my mind
And do not make me fall into the hands of alluring eyes

١. خذوا لي من الألحاظ أمنا على عقلي
ولا توقعوني في يد الأعين النجل

2. For I have no power over the magic of glances
That would suffice to advise me, the one who killed my heart

٢. فما لي على سحر اللواحظ من يد
كفا واعظا لي موت من قتلت قلبي

3. And the one who enchanted me, the more she tortured me, the more I loved her
And the one I killed said "Go, you are free"

٣. ومن سحرها من عذبته استزادها
ومن قتلت قال اذهبي أنت في حلى

4. She shot me with her eyes but did not miss my eyelids
And nothing was as sweet to me as my murder

٤. رمتني بعينيها فلم تخط مقلتي
ولا لذ لي شيء كما لذ لي قتلى

5. So I have never felt what I felt at that moment
When the arrows of love, those killer glances, pierced my heart

٥. فلا ذقت ما قد ذقت ساعة فوقت
سهام الهوى تلك اللواحظ من أجلى

6. And my reproacher stood up at night blaming me
So I said, had you wished, you would have shortened my torment

٦. وعاذلة قامت بليل تلومني
فقلت لها لو شئت أقصرت من عذلى

7. You have gained by this blame my enmity
For blame is not forgotten by love or soothed by union

٧. فربحك في هذا الملام عداوتي
إذا اللوم لا ينسى هواء ولا يسلى

8. When her weapons missed I was struck by lightning
And the Najdi wind ravaged and took away my mind

٨. إذا رمت أسلوها تعرض بارق
وهب الصبا النجدى فاستلبا عقلى

9. O you who prolonged the illness of my longing by her estrangement
Take me and leave me and let me be among those killed

٩. فيا من أطالت عمر سقمي بهجرها
خذي وذرى وابقى على من القتل

10. She accused me though I did no wrong against our bond of love
And burdened me with separation on top of my burden

١٠. صرمت وما اذنبت حبل مودتي
وحملتني بالبين ثقلا على ثقلى

11. And drove sleep away from my eyes to cut off
Along your floating image the road to my union

١١. وشردت عن جفني المنام لتقطعي
على طيفك الساري الطريق إلى وصلى

12. And you left, O Hind, no room for reconciliation
Gently, for love decays just as all things decay

١٢. ولم تتركي يا هند للصلح موضعا
رويدك ان الحب يَبلى كما يُبلى

13. Tomorrow time will judge between me and her
And after injustice there must come a just judge

١٣. غدا تحكم الأيام بيني وبينها
ولا بد بعد الجور من حاكم عدل

14. If I live, I will endure estrangements, and if I die
How great the regrets in my grave for one like me

١٤. فإن عشت كافيت الصدود وان أمت
فكم حسرة تحت الثرى لامرئى مثلى

15. If this is the description of my beloved's deeds
Then there is no difference between enemies and family

١٥. إذا كان هذا وصف فعل أحبتي
فلا فرق ما بين المعادين والأهل

16. I have no wrong against the days that I prepared
Yes a wrong but that was my superiority

١٦. وما لي إلى اليام ذنب أعده
بلى إن ذنبا ولكنه فضلى

17. If she does not forgive it, I will blame the one for whom
The turns of fate anxiously watched over a man

١٧. فإن هي لم تغفره عذت بمن له
تقوم صروف الدهر حفوا على رجل

18. The one who shook the vast earth with his might
And covered it with horses galloping and men marching

١٨. بمن زلزل الأرض العريضة بأسه
وطبقها بالخيل تعدوا وبالرجل

19. The victorious king, the just Ahmad
A descendant of Ishmael, look to the origin

١٩. مليك البرايا الناصر الحق أحمد
سلالة إسمعيل وانظر إلى الأصل

20. You will find, rooted in kingship, he pitched his tent
And a branch reaching to the seventh heaven

٢٠. تجد محتدا في الملك أعرق خيمه
وفرعا إلى السبع السموات يستعلى

21. God has decreed that judgment will go as he wishes
And that he will transform enemies through conquest and humiliation

٢١. قضى الله ان يجرى القضا بمراده
وأن يبدل الأعدا عن الغز والذل

22. And that he will rule the Farthest Sanctuary and attain his hopes
And that none can compete with him in perfection and merit

٢٢. وأن يملك الإقصى وأن يبلغ المنى
وأن لا يجارى في كمال ولا فضل

23. They attempt some of what he wants
And through excessive good fortune gain it all

٢٣. تهم ببعض الأمر فيما تريده
فتظفر من فرط السعادة بالكل

24. Ask the one whose eraser blots out
And writes in the folds of his family honor and merit

٢٤. سلوا من ظل يمحو مداده
ويكتب في اكناف أهليه بالفضل

25. And donkeys that have not stumbled and whose fortresses
Fell, and among them men as numerous as the sands

٢٥. وحمير لم ولت وحلت حصونها
ومنهم رجال فيهم عدد الرمل

26. There has come to them a fate unbearable to meet
And it took them by surprise, for seriousness is not like jest

٢٦. لقد جاءهم مالا يطاق لقاؤه
وفاجُاهم جد وما الجد كالهزل

27. They saw that the only choice was flight or resistance
So they fled in a flight that was worse than murder

٢٧. رأو أنه أما الفرار أو الردا
ففروا فرارا كان كان شرا من القتل

28. And they had some self-respect in what was said
So they were humiliated and the sanctity of wealth and family was clear

٢٨. وكان لهم فيما يقال حشيمة
فذلوا وضاحت حرمة المال والأهل

29. He gathered them in the wasteland of al-Hashid for doom
And no wavering disappoints like the sundering of kin

٢٩. حشدتهم في قفر حاشد للردى
وما صدع الأحشا كصادعة الشمل

30. If only Ishmael had an eye to see his son
Making his father happy today by grasping the beard

٣٠. فليت لإسماعيل عينا ترى ابنه
يسر أباه اليوم في الأخذ بالدحل

31. And defeating people who had defeated him
And killing them in sorrow at times and at times in the plain

٣١. ويغلب أقواما عليه تغلبوا
ويقتلهم في الحزن طورا وفي السهل

32. If this lion was absent from him, here are
Cubs that have been weakened in the lair of the old lion

٣٢. لئن غاب هذا لليث عنه فهذه
ضراغمة قد ضوعفت في سطا الشبل

33. Ishmael did not die as long as Ahmad lives
So may he live a thousand years, killing injustice with justice

٣٣. وما مات إسمعيل ما عاش أحمد
فعش الف عام تقتل الجور بالعدل