1. Welcome, Peter, from his imam whose term
From a sea of overflowing knowledge with its wisdom
١. أهلا بطرس من إمام مدته
من بحر علم فائض بحكمته
2. Who has never stopped rolling up his sleeves
For God in his obedience and service
٢. من لم يزل مشمراً عن ساقه
لله في طاعته وخدمته
3. Admiring the questioner who came to him
Scratching, confused, from his burning
٣. معجبا من سائل قد جاءه
محولقا محسبلا من حرقته
4. A man said, "I freed a slave of mine
For my Lord's pardon and seeking His paradise."
٤. قال امرؤ أعتق مملوكا له
لعفو ربي وابتغاء جنته
5. So they obliged upon him for freeing
His freed slave the full value
٥. فأوجبوا عليه في اعتاقه
لعبده المعتق كل قيمته
6. And obliged upon another half of it
His story of freeing is like his story
٦. واوجبوا لآخر كنصفه
قصته في العتق مثل قصته
7. So I said to the questioner, who is of intelligence
He realizes what I have cast with his wit
٧. فقلت للسائل وهو ذو ذكا
يدرك ما القيته بفطنته
8. Do not wonder, for it is a case
That has proceeded according to its law and legitimacy
٨. لا تعجبن فانها قضية
جرت على قانونها وشرعته
9. This is a young man who did not own the slave whom
He freed except with some of his nation
٩. هذا فتى لم يملك العبد الذي
اعتقه الا ببضع امته
10. He had another master, so he was content
To make his slave the dowry of his wife
١٠. كان له مولى سواه فرضى
بجعل عبده صداق زوجته
11. So his wife annulled their marriage
Before he touches her with his intimacy
١١. ففسخت نكاحه زوجته
من قبل أن يمسها ببضعته
12. So the law obligated upon her master
To return what he has pledged to her responsibility
١٢. فأوجب الشرع على سيدها
ارجاع ما أصدقها بذمته
13. And he had destroyed it by freeing him
So its value became obligated in his responsibility
١٣. وكان قد أتلفه بعتقه
فوجبت قيمته في ذمته
14. To the first owner, except that he
Had generosity for the slave with possession of his inclination
١٤. للمالك الأول إلا أنه
قد جاد للعبد بملك مهجته
15. Permitting him to make himself
A possession for him to dispose of in his desire
١٥. باذنه له بجعل نفسه
ملكا له يصرفها في شهوته
16. So the value became for the slave. Take
The truth of the ruling and origin of its cause
١٦. فصارت القيمة للعبد فخذ
حقيقة الحكم واصل علته
17. And there is no injustice upon the emancipator
In an emancipator who emancipated with its value
١٧. وما على المعتق حيف أجره
في معتق أعتقه بقيمته
18. And did not pay anything else for his emancipation
So do not blame or be stingy of his deed
١٨. ولم يسلم غيرها في عتقه
فلا تلم ولا تضق من فعلته
19. And the other one's wife did not annul and did not
Come with a matter warranting their separation
١٩. وزوجة الآخر لم تفسخ ولم
تأت بأمر موجب لفرقته
20. He divorced her before consummation, so he ruled
With half of what he pledged for his married
٢٠. طلقها قبل المسيس فقضى
بنصف ما أصدق في منكوحته
21. And praise be to God, the answer is such
And our Lord has taught us of its correctness
٢١. والحمد لله الجواب هكذا
وربنا أعلمنا بصحته