1. The father sees his son's perfection
Competing for the highest and transcending the lowliest
١. أتمَّ سرورٌ يرى الوالدُ الابنا
ينافسَ في الأعلى ويسمو عن الأدنى
2. The love of King Nasser for his son Muhammad
Was not a fanciful love without meaning
٢. وما كان حبُّ الناصر الملك ابنه
محمد حباً عن تشه بلا معنى
3. Rather, his insight decided for him
That among his sons he had prestige
٣. ولكن قضت فيه الفراسةُ عندَه
بأَن له من دون أَبنائه شأْنا
4. He saw in him a child, whenever his grandfather
Saw in his son the finest qualities
٤. رأى فيه طفلاً كلما كان جدهُ
يرى في ابنه من نحيلتهِ الحسنى
5. And the noble father has insight into his son
He is assured whenever suspicion leaves him
٥. وللأب في الابن النجيبِ فراسةٌ
تربَّعَ يقيناً كلّما خالَه ظنَّا
6. When a man's branch is the title of his progeny
The most deserving son is the one you love
٦. إِذا كان فرع المرءِ عنوانَ نسلهِ
فاجدر من أَحببته أنجب الإِبنا
7. Presided happily over his book while still young
And the pen of glory is upon his carpet
٧. فيهنا ابن إسماعيل أَنَّ محمداً
تربَّعَ في كتابه ضاحكاً سنّا
8. Its pens have adorned his right hand
When he says "In the name of God" the Most High says to him
٨. وأَن دواة المجد فوق بساطِه
وأقلامُها قد وشّحت كَفَّهُ اليمنى
9. Blessings and beautiful names be upon you
And when he began to shape the letters
٩. إِذا قال بسم الله قالت له العلى
عليك من الأَسماء وأَسماؤه الحسنى
10. The heads of glory leaned toward him and listened closely
Seek refuge in God as he traces them
١٠. ولما ابتدى يهجو الحروف تطاولتْ
رقابُ المعِالي نحوه وصغت أُذنا
11. And memorizes them in wording and understands their meaning
When he writes them on the tablet, glances smile at him
١١. تعوّذهُ بالله وهو يخطُّها
ويحفظُها لفظاً ويفقهها معنى
12. Congratulating him on what is near and far
Al-Mahdi acknowledges that his knowledge
١٢. إِذا خطها في اللوح لاحت مخائلٌ
بها عنه يثني عن قريب بما يثنا
13. Is more eloquent and purer than his teacher's mind
Al-Maqy wishes that their blackness
١٣. ويعترفُ المهدى له العلم إِنهُ
أَرقُّ وأَصفى من معلمه ذِهنا
14. Would be ink and the rest their written text
The pens have certainly boasted about preceding
١٤. يود المآقي أَن يكون سوادُها
مداداً وباقيها لمكتوبه متنا
15. His paralyzed hand and withered fingers
It is true that the sword and spear are subordinate
١٥. لقد طالت الأقلام فخراً بسبقها
إِلى يده الصممام والذابل اللُّدنا
16. To what he initiates with them then discontinues
Their superiority over the sword and spear is not hidden
١٦. وصحَّ بأَن السيفَ والرمحَ تابعٌ
فمن بعد ما يبدا بها بهما يثنى
17. And their companionship to the hand is greater still
Some were angry at the sword and rebelled
١٧. وما فضُلها خافٍ على السيف والقنا
وصحبتُها للكفِّ أكثر بل أَهنا
18. So we said to them, desist, your corruption is from us
Were it not for their abundant share
١٨. وقد غضبت للسيف قومٌ وظاهروا
فقلنا لهم كفّوا فسادتكم مِنّا
19. They would not have broken even in a deal with the spear
With it Ahmad begins his missions in war
١٩. ولولا لهم منها نصيب موفرٌ
لما استدركوا في صفقة بالقنا غبنا
20. As if he does not fear mankind or jinn
But in the pens there is a secret, if they yield
٢٠. بها أَحمد في الحرب يبدأ رسله
على أَنه لا يرهب الإِنس والجنَّبا
21. They change a people from their fear into safety
If they become angry, victory is for the sword and spear
٢١. ولكن في الأَقلام سراً فان تَطع
تبدل قوماً من مخافتهم أَمنا
22. They are servants, no doubt, who match them rank for rank
Tell them wait, soon you will shatter
٢٢. فإن غضبت فالنصر للسيف والقنا
فهم خدمٌ لا شكَّ يكفونها القرنا
23. When his hand excels at striking and stabbing
Do not hurry out of longing for Muhammad's hand
٢٣. فقل لهما مهلاً فسوف تحطما
إِذا ما أَجادت كفهُ الضربَ والطَّعنا
24. You are not needed on the day of hardship
Rather, he initiates with you what is
٢٤. ولا تعجلا شوقاً لكفِّ محمدٍ
فما عنكم يوم الكريهةِ يستغنى
25. More important, and everything in its proper place
The eloquent pen is more deserving of his hand
٢٥. ولكنَّه يبدا بما هو منكما
أهمُّ ووضعِ الشيء موضعه أسنى
26. When he finishes with it, then wait for permission
Neither the sword nor spear should fear loss
٢٦. فللقلمِ الريّانِ حاج بكفهِ
إِذا ما قضاها منه فانتظروا الإِذنا
27. With one who sees none but them as refuge
His spear must meet the armor of enemies
٢٧. ولا يخشيّنَ السيف والرمح ضيعةً
لدى من يرى أنْ ليس غيرهما حصنا
28. And his sword strike them two by two
O king of religion and son of its kings
٢٨. فلا بدَّ أَن يلقى بطعن عُداته
وضرب ترى الأَفراد من بعده مثنى
29. No king not borne of a king begets a prince like you
I congratulate you on your deed, young lion
٢٩. فيا ملكَ الدينا ويا بن ملوكِها
ومن لم يلد ملك كمثل ابنه ابنا
30. Though you cannot be described fully or partially
Yours is the highest office, valor and brilliance
٣٠. تهنيتهَ شِبلاً حكاك بفعلهِ
وإِن كنت لا تحكى بأَقصى ولا أدنى
31. And excellent praise, reputation, and finest manners
٣١. لك المنصبُ الأَعلى لك البأس والندى
وحسن الثنا والصيت والخلق الأسنى