
Turn your eyelids from my passionate love for a little while,

ردي جفونك عن حشاي قليلا

1. Turn your eyelids from my passionate love for a little while,
For I have filled it with sharp swords and tips of spears.

١. ردّي جفونَك عن حشاي قليلا
فلقد حشته صوارماً ونصولا

2. And remember those pacts, for I have become
Infatuated and preoccupied with them.

٢. وتذكري تلك العهود فإِنني
أمسيت مشغوفاً بها مشغولا

3. Do not think the length of separation has made me
Long for you all the more confusedly.

٣. لا تحسبي طول التباعد زادني
إِلاّ اشتياقا نحوكم وذهولا

4. By Allah, frivolity has not occurred to me,
And I was determined, but found no way.

٤. والله ما عرض السلو بخاطري
ولقد هممت فما وجدت سبيلا

5. Would that I knew if a greeting of mine
Had come to you, sent by the messenger wind?

٥. يا ليت شعري هل آتتك تحية
منى بعثت بها النسيم رسولا

6. I who was known to keep the pact of love for you,
Seek no crookedness or change.

٦. أنا من عرفت بعهد ودك حافظٌ
لا ابتغي عوجاً ولا تبديلا

7. Do not deny my anguish for your love, for passion
Has left me no composure or sense.

٧. لا تنكري جزعي بودك فالهوى
لم يبق لي جلداً ولا معقولا

8. I ransom my farewell one who was not calmed
Save by my hastened farewell.

٨. أفدي مودعتي التي ما راعها
إِلاّ قيامي للوداعِ عجولا

9. She said, as she leaned weakly by the travelling supplies,
“Would that I had not taken you as a friend!”

٩. وتقول وهي إِذاً على حرف النوى
يا ليتني لم اتخَذَكَ خَليلا

10. She shed tears, and each time she sprinkled them
On her rosy cheek, I wiped them away with a kiss.

١٠. تذري الدموع وكلّما رشت بها
وردَ الخدودِ محوتها تقبيلا

11. So I stood up while she pulled my cloak
And said “Won’t you stop for a little?”

١١. فنهضت عنها وهي تجذب ميزري
وتقول لي هل لا وقفت قليلا

12. I paused seeking to restrain her worries
And prolong my pleading and begging.

١٢. فوقفت ملتمساً أروض جماحها
وأطيل في استعطافها التطفيلا

13. She continued to address me in talks that in my hearing
Swayed with submissiveness.

١٣. وبقت تعاطيني حديث ذللت
في مسمعي قطوفه تذليلا

14. Until when she was relieved and the reins of her supplies
Were held by the palm trees, she approached me farewelling.

١٤. حتى إِذا راحت ولان قيادها
ليد النوى تطرق إِلي وصولا

15. So I cast at her glances that pierced my soul
And sought help from her for a short time.

١٥. فرمت بتفتير اللواحظ مهجتي
وأستنصرت منها غلي قبيلا

16. There my eyes poured out tears
And I took on a heavy burden of passion.

١٦. فهناك أرخصت الدموع محاجري
وحملت حملاً في الغرام ثقيلا

17. I stayed with my noble lady until when
They said that I had clearly taken to traveling.

١٧. وحللت عند كريمتي حتى إِذا
قالوا على قد أخذت رحيلا

18. I turned away from talk of love and its people,
With forbearance, and awakened my wishes and determination.

١٨. أصرمت عن ذكر الغرامِ وأهلهِ
صفحاً وايقظت المنى والسولا

19. I headed to his noble field asking
For his kindness, so he returned me satisfied.

١٩. وقصدت ساحته الكريمةَ سائلاً
إِحسانَه فاعادني مسئولا

20. So he settled me in a position such that if I wished
To sacrifice myself for his mighty dignity, I could have.

٢٠. فاحلني في رتبةِ لو شئت أَن
أضحى لعزته العزيز ذليلا

21. He whose nobility, generosity, perfection and lineage
Men praise is the brilliant, pure one.

٢١. من لاتنا سبه الرجال شهامة
وسماحة وأرومة وأصولا

22. Verses of his wise governance were revealed,
Whose occurrences against his enemies are recited morning and night.

٢٢. الأبلجُ الطلقُ الذي قد نزلت
آيات حكم سعوده تنزيلا

23. Inevitable destiny flows freely by his will,
He does not seek to divert it from its purpose.

٢٣. تضحي وقائعهن في أعدائه
تتلى عليه بكرةً وأصيلا

24. In the field of his nobility are rising signs
That do not fear setting each day.

٢٤. يجري القضا المحتوم طوع مرادِه
لا يبتغي عن قصدِه تحويلا

25. He vowed to enshrine a Quran in the pages of his cheek
When “you will not be wronged” was revealed.

٢٥. في صحن غرته السعود طوالعٌ
في كل يوم لا يخاف أُفولا

26. Look at him when he sits steady in his assembly,
And lower your wing if you wish to alight.

٢٦. نذر قرانا في صحائف خدهِ
لما بدا لا تظلمونَ فتيلا

27. For there is that which humbles eyes in reverence
And averts glances from you in submission.

٢٧. انظر إليه إذا استوى في دسته
واخفض جناحك إن اردت مثولا

28. He of pure, cheerful countenance whose creed
Is praised, for it has undertaken testimony.

٢٨. فهناك ما يثنى النواظر خشعاً
ويرد حد الطرف منك كليلا

29. He was granted leadership until we thought him
To be God's deputy in sustaining people.

٢٩. طلقُ المحيَّا نشره لعقائدٍ
قد قام عنه الثناءِ كفيلا

30. His virtues have been perfected and his perfection increased,
So he clothed Perfection, leaving no need for addition.

٣٠. أُعطى الورى حتى حسبنا أَنه
لله في رزق العبادِ وكيلا

31. Whoever meets them meets a brimming sea
On the day of pride that has been burnished smooth.

٣١. كملت محاسنُه وزاد كمالُه
فكسا الكمالَ فما بقى تكميلا

32. He has purified his speech, so he says nothing
Unless he intends praise.

٣٢. من يلق منهم يلق بحراً زاخراً
يوم الفخارِ وصارَ ما مصقولا

33. For the family of Mu'aybid is an abode so high
None can hope to reach it.

٣٣. قد صان منطقه فلم ينطق بلا
مذ كان إِلا أن نوى تهليلا

34. Close in virtues, lineage and ties,
Resembling in manners, natures and dispositions.

٣٤. لبني معيبد منزلٌ بعليهم
لا يرتجي أحدٌ إِليه وصولا

35. They have outshone stars in glory and have been adorned with life
By generosity, surpassing all minds.

٣٥. متناسبون فضائلاً وتواصلاً
متشابهون ضراغماً وشبولا

36. O chief minister, to you I have presented her,
Telling of wishes and acceptance.

٣٦. فضحوا البدور سناً وازروا بالحيا
جودا وفاقوا العالمين عقولا

37. A maiden whose bride-price none can pay,
So greet her abundantly and prepare her.

٣٧. يا سيدَ الوزرا إليك زففتُها
تحكي الأماني لذةً وقبولا

38. Dress her in a system of jewels that detail
Praise of you, strung on a necklace.

٣٨. عذراء غير لا يقوم بمهرها
فاكثر بها الترحيبَ والتأهيلا

39. Poetry I have established on the sincerity of my love,
Bearing undisputed testimony to you.

٣٩. البس نظام جواهر قد فصّلت
مدحاً عليك عقودها تفصيلا

40. With it I do not deserve reward from you -
Poetry humbles me if it is recited.

٤٠. شِعر أقمتَ على صفاءِ مودتي
منه شهودا لا تردُّ عذولا

41. If what I have breathed in praise of you
Is abundant, you have given abundantly.

٤١. لا استحقَ به عليك إِجازةً
الشعرُ فيك يهزّني إِن قيلا

42. You have clothed me in status and I have been enriched by your favor.
You have laid out for me in your field a place to rest.

٤٢. إِن كان ما نفحت فيك من الثنا
جزلا فإنك قد أثبت جزيلا

43. You have raised me up and I have trampled the brows of foes,
Strutting among them, dragging my train.

٤٣. أكسيْتَني جاهاً غنيتُ بفضلهِ
ومهدت لي في ساحتيْك مقيلا

44. So when I praise you, you are a generous celebrant,
Drenching yourself in poetry praising you.

٤٤. ورفعتني فوطيت هامات العدى
متبخترا فيها اجر ذيولا

45. In truth, your great length has left me
No extensive praise or eulogy to recount.

٤٥. فإذا مدحتكَ كنتَ حبرا شاكراً
متبتلاً لك بالثنا تبتيلا

46. May God lengthen the shade of His protection over you,
A sheltering shade over you.

٤٦. وعلى الحقيقةِ طولكم لم يبق لي
حمداً ولا مدحاً يعد طويلا

٤٧. والله يمدد عليك بفضلهِ
من سترهِ ظلاَ عليك ظليلا