
Time revolved its battalions in glory,

هو الدهر كرت في المعالي كتائبه

1. Time revolved its battalions in glory,
And gnawed with the fangs of mourning its disasters.

١. هو الدهر كرَّت في المعالي كتائبه
وعضت بأنياب حداد نوائبه

2. If this time whose currents never return
On its lofty mountain had fixed its sides,

٢. فإن كان هذا الدهر ما لا صروفه
على دكها الطور المنيع جوانبه

3. It would have cut off only the tips of its nose,
And no mountain but its back and calves.

٣. فما جدعت إلاّ عرانين أنفه
ولا جب إلا ظهره وغواربه

4. On that day, its sun was eclipsed,
And its stars began to wander in the darkness.

٤. لقد كورت في ذلك اليوم شمسه
وأمست تهاوى في الدياجي كواكبه

5. Alas for the glory which abandonment befell,
And adversities stood against the heights in spite.

٥. فوا أسفا للمجد طاف به الردى
وقامت على رغم المعالي نوادبه

6. And Abu Al-Abbas after his kingdom,
Became coffined beneath the soil,

٦. وأمسى أبو العباس من بعد ملكه
معفرة تحت التراب ترائبه

7. Alone in the belly of the earth, above him the clay,
While his loved ones and sweethearts pass by him.

٧. وحيدا ببطن الأرض من فوقه الثرى
تمر به أحبابه وحبائبه

8. And his armies filled the expanse of the desert,
And his cavalries covered the earth.

٨. وقد ملات عرض الفيافي جنوده
وطبقت الدنيا خيولا مواكبه

9. Had there been one to repel the misfortune,
His battalions would have driven back the firewood.

٩. فلو كان يغني في الردى دفع دافع
لردت وجوه الحطب عنه كتائبه

10. But it is fate which executes its will in the world,
With a command none can oppose.

١٠. ولكنها الأقدار تنفذ في الورى
بأمر غله أمره لا نغالبه

11. Oh how my soul burns! How his light was extinguished!
And how his brilliance disappeared after illumination!

١١. فيا لهف نفسي كيف اطفىء نوره
وكيف خبا بعد الإِضاءة ثاقبه

12. And how the arrows of death hit their mark on him
While his army and weapons did not avail him.

١٢. وكيف أصابته المنايا بسهمها
ولم يغن عنه جيشه ومقانبه

13. Oh you who weep around his grave,
Let your tears flow for one like him.

١٣. فيا أيها الباكون حول ضريحه
على مثله فليسكب الدمع ساكبه

14. You have lost a king merciful as a father,
His promises safe and his consequences good.

١٤. فجعتم بملك كالاب البر مشفق
بوادره مأمونة وعواقبه

15. If a sinner sought refuge he would be covered by his forgiveness,
And if the innocent made a promise, his gifts would cheat him.

١٥. فقدتم به ما تعلمون من الوفا
ومن كرم ما خاب في الناس طالبه

16. No eye deserves excuse if it did not shed its water for him,
No patience deserves excuse if its sides did not crack for him.

١٦. إذا أوعد الجاني تغشاه عفوه
وإن وعد العافي غشته مواهبه

17. You owe him a debt so repay it,
But how can tears repay what they owe?

١٧. وما عذر عين لم تفض فيه ماؤها
وما عذر صبر لم تصدع جوانبه

18. By Allah, if our eyes shed blood in weeping,
That would not equal what his due obliges.

١٨. عليكم له حق فوفه حقه
وكيف يوفي بالمدامع واجبه

19. It would be proper for us to wish death after him,
If the steps of a man could kill his companion.

١٩. فوالله لو تبكي الدماء عيوننا
لما قاربت من حقه ما يقاربه

20. If it were not for what we hope for and know,
That the highest stations of paradise are prepared for him,

٢٠. لقد كان منا يحسن الموت بعده
لوان امرءا قدمات إذمات صاحبه

21. And that he has in the presence of Holiness a dwelling,
From which he looks upon and speaks to his Lord,

٢١. ولولا الذي نرجو ونعلم أنه
ممهدة أعلى الجنان مراتبه

22. Then tears of sorrow and regret for him,
Would not cease flowing from the eyes of the weeping.

٢٢. وإن له في حضرة القدس منزلا
يشاهد منه ربه ويخاطبه

23. Let not the passage of time deceive anyone after him,
For time is but a stupid camel you ride.

٢٣. لما انفكَّ دمع العين حزنا وحسرة
عليه من الباكين تجرى شعائبه

24. It treats the youth gently until it finds an opportunity,
Then it pounces on him with its fangs and claws.

٢٤. ولا يخدعن الدهر من بعده امرءا
فما الدهر إلا ضيغم أنت راكبه

25. Abu Ahmad, the nation of Ahmad
Has surrendered to Ahmad, so the truth surrendered to its companion.

٢٥. يصافي الفتى حتى يرى فيه فرصة
فينشب فيه نابه ومخالبة

26. And the landmarks of right leadership that had vanished amongst us,
Rose by his order and its stars returned.

٢٦. أبا أحمد أسلمت أمة أحمد
إلى أحمد فاستسلم الحق صاحبه

27. He rolled up his sleeve for the high endeavor, which is his concern,
Taking hold of its edges and pulling them together.

٢٧. وقام بأمر الله من بعد ما عفت
معالمه فينا وغارت كواكبه

28. He secured those in fear, and brought near those aspiring,
And managed the lands while he freely gave his drink to those thirsty from him.

٢٨. وشمر عن سائق امرىء همه العلا
يجاذب من أطرافها وتجاذبه

29. The world and its people submitted to him,
And the rough trails of events were gentled by his experience.

٢٩. وأمّن من خوف وقرب من نوى
وساس البرايا وهو ماطر شاربه

30. Noble, he conserved wealth by his generosity, and who can disparage
One whose wealth was free to those begging from him?

٣٠. ودانت له الدنيا وأذعن أهلها
وراضت صعاب الحادثات تجاربه

31. By him the horizons shone and the sun rose
At his appearing, and the night disclosed its obscurities.

٣١. كريما أصان المال بذلا ومن يهن
لسائله أمواله عم جانبه

32. Oh helper of Islam, be patient, for when
The taste of patience is sweet, its consequences are pleasant.

٣٢. أنارت به الافاق والشمس أشرقت
بطلعته والليل تجلى غياهبه

33. You were the best of cures for the break after him,
So alas for a crack not matched by its mountain!

٣٣. فيا ناصر الإِسلام صبرا فانه
متى طاب طعم الصبر سرت عواقبه

34. The rain clouds continuously water his grave with bounty and dew,
Clouds that will not cease sustaining it.

٣٤. لقد كنت نعم الجبر للكسر بعده
فيالك صدعاً لم يلقه شاعبه

٣٥. سقى قبره الفياض بالجود والندى
سحاب ملث ليس يقلع راتبه