
Have no mercy or compassion

لا تأخذنك رأفة أو رحمة

1. Have no mercy or compassion
For one who has a connection to your Lord's enemy

١. لا تأخذنك رأفة أو رحمة
فيمن له بعدو ربك علقة

2. Indeed the son of Rawbah and al-Suhuli are a faction
For the Karmanians against God and a promise

٢. إن ابن روبك والسحولي عصبة
للكرمني على الإِله وعدة

3. It is he whose prayers they performed
And it is he, if they face the qiblah and pray

٣. فهو الذي بأذانه صلواتهم
وهو الذي إن يعقدوها القبلة

4. What he said about our Lord they said the same
So upon him be the curse from the Lord of the Heavens

٤. ما قاله في ربنا قالا به
فعليه من رب السماء اللعنة

5. His strife settled when he was dissolved
But they refused and jealousy overcame them for him

٥. سكنت فتنته لما اخملته
فأبوا وأدركهم عليه حمية

6. And bin Rawbah saw it was time for him
So he went and spoke to you with much hearing

٦. ورأى بن روبك أنه في وقته
وجه وكلمته بكم مسموعة

7. Wanting to raise whom has been debased and who
The Lord of the Sky has become an enemy and hated

٧. فأراد يرفع من وضعت ومن له
رب السما أضحى عدوا يمقت

8. So he came to mention about him merits that are not his
Neither origin nor reality in illusion

٨. فأتاك يذكر عنه فضلا ما له
أصل ولا للوهم منه حقيقة

9. Bin Rawbah said look what is between them
To show you who is leaned on

٩. قال ابن روبك ناظروا مابينهم
ليبين عندك من عليه العمدة

10. Do you see him think disbelief can substitute faith
Wanting to know which saying is most certain

١٠. اتراه ظن الكفر كفوا للهدى
فأراد يعرف أي قول أثبت

11. If the King of the Worlds answered him
Bin Rawbah would regret and shame would overcome him

١١. لو أن ملك العالمين أجابه
ندم ابن روبك واعترته الخجلة

12. And he saw his blasphemous companion against his Lord
Straying with no excuse to be said for his stumble

١٢. ورأى بصاحبه الكفور بربه
زللا به ليست تقال العثرة

13. And the smallest seeker of guidance
Would make him embarrassed and regretful

١٣. ولكان أصغر طالبي علم الهدى
يلقي عليه فتعتريه اللكنة

14. Tell bin Rawbah, why no affection between us
And for the loyal there is hatred

١٤. قل لابن روبك لم لاعدار بنا
منك الوداد وللموالي الشنأة

15. You fought me when I said your Lord is One
And supported him when he said they are many

١٥. حاربتني إذ قلت ربك واحد
ونصرته إذ قال بل هم عدة

16. Obey him in God, don't obey
God in him, it is a great sin

١٦. اتطيعه في الله جل ولا تط
يع الله فيه إنها لكبيرة

17. And you have tried so you groom him over
The necks of God's people, don't be fooled

١٧. وبلغت جهدك كي تربه على
أعناق أهل الله لا تستلفت

18. But the King refused as the Lord of the Sky refused
So go back, the result of your effort is failure

١٨. فأبى المليك كما أبا رب السما
فارجع وعقبي السعي منك الخيبة

19. You didn't think you committed a crime
That punishment would come to you from the King

١٩. ما كنت تحسب أن جنيت جناية
أن تعتريك من المليك عقوبة

20. These are his morals, but his heart
Is in God's hand, so no argument upon him

٢٠. هذى خلائقه ولكن قلبه
بيد الإِله فما عليه حجة

21. The King has no free will in what occurred
Rather, God's will was in it

٢١. ما للمليك مشيئة فيما جرى
بل كان فيه للإِله مشيئة

22. Your Lord has guided you to say a saying
That made hatred cast into hearts

٢٢. انحاك ربك أن تقول مقالة
ألقى بها لك في القلوب البغضة

23. Not said by a mind, but by fate
Flowing, robbing logic and argument

٢٣. ما قالها عقل ولكن القضا
يجري فيستلب الحجا والحجة

24. The testimony of the jurists has no doubt
They are truthful and no doubt about it

٢٤. وشهادة الفقهاء لا شك بها
هم صادقون وما بذلك ريبة

25. God made them testify to what they witnessed
No power made those who testified stay quiet

٢٥. الله انطقهم بما شهدوا به
ما في قوى من أنطقوا أن يسكتوا

26. How much did I warn you, O son of Rawbah, before
From what you fell into, tribulation came to you

٢٦. كم قد نهيتك باابن روبك قبلها
عما به انجرت إليك الفتنة

27. You angered your Lord by following His enemy
And you say, from it the stumble comes to me

٢٧. اتغيظ ربك باتباع عدوه
وتقول مثلي منه تأتي الزلة

28. Do not deny that the way of fate is to
Blind eyes that see and insight

٢٨. لا تنكرن فعادة الاقدار أن
يعمي بها بصر يرى وبصيرة

29. Tell bin Rawbah to repent, perhaps
Acceptance for him is found by the Protector

٢٩. فمر ابن روبك أن يتوب فربما
قبلت له عند المهيمن توبة

30. And ask him how much did I warn him from the ill omen of whom
Misfortune appeared and lessons arose

٣٠. وأسأله كم حذرته من شؤم من
ظهرت له في الشؤم منه عبرة

31. They groom fifty people that their ignorance deceived
They counted them yesterday and all died

٣١. يربى على الخمسين قوم غرهم
قد عددوا أمسوا وكل ميت

32. He stayed in the jurist's house and no longer remains
For their good, the jurist's house remains

٣٢. وأقام في بيت الفقيه فما بقى
لخيارهم بيت الفقيه بقية

33. I warned Ismael beforehand from his ill omen
But no care arose for that

٣٣. حذرت إسماعيلها من شؤمه
قدما فما انبعثت لذلك همة

34. And Abu Bakr, his brother, and Ahmad went
While they are for the Muslims imams

٣٤. ومضى أبو بكر أخوه وأحمد
وهم بها للمسلمين أئمة

35. And a group after them perished by it
May God's mercy be upon their death

٣٥. وجماعة من بعدهم هلكوا به
ومماتهم عنه عليهم رحمة

36. The sin he loves even if they wanted to exile him
Forcibly, and the night did not remain upon him

٣٦. والذنب يهواه ولو شاؤا نفي
كرها وما أمست عليه ليلة

37. The saints will be seized without ransom
If my Lord willed, that would be the blood money

٣٧. والأولياء يؤاخذون بدون ذا
لو شاء ربي كان ذاك الفدية

38. O King, fortunate, and one with whom
The Lord of the Sky is pleased and the nation is pleased

٣٨. يا أيها الملك السعيد ومن به
رب السما يرضى وترضي الأمة

39. He has no mercy except for those who believe in their Lord
Not an obstinate disbeliever

٣٩. لا يرحمن إلا الذين بربهم
قد آمنوا لا كافراً يتعنت

40. If that was grieved for and lamented by a disbeliever
His term of torment remains upon him

٤٠. لو كان ذاك رثى ورق لكافر
دامت عليه في العذاب المدة

41. Rather, whenever they call Him to have mercy
His wrath upon them increases from Him

٤١. بل كلما نادوه كيما يرحموا
زادت عليهم من لديه نقمة

42. He answers, "You will remain" while they called
A thousand years with no answered prayer

٤٢. فيجيب أنتم ماكثون وقد دعو
ه ألف عام لا تجاب الدعوة

43. And God ordered their killing and necessitated it
Upon the tongues of the messengers as law

٤٣. وبقتلهم أمر الأَله وأوجبته
على لسان المرسلين شريعة

44. But if they repent, your Lord welcomes
From them and forgives when intention is sincere

٤٤. لكن إذا تابوا فربك قابل
منهم ويغفر حين تسلح نية

45. Order bin Rawbah to restrain his tongue
For how much animosity it has with the Muslims

٤٥. فمر ابن روبك أن يكف لسانه
فلكم لها بالمسلمين وقيعة

46. As for God's enemies, he loves them
And distinguishes them with praise and eulogy from Him

٤٦. أما أعادى الله فهو يحبهم
ويخصهم منه الثنا والمدحة

47. You have continued advocating heresy
Innovations that die by you and Sunnah lives

٤٧. لازلت عن دين الإِله محاميا
بدع تموت بكم وتحيى سنة