1. For the sights to see you, they save their gazes
Were it not for longing for you, sight would not be praised
١. لمثل رؤيتك الأبصار تدخر
لولا التملى بها لم يحمد النظر
2. God has honored people and made them joyful
With a glance from you in their lives they won
٢. قد أكرم الله أقواما وأسعدهم
بنظرة منك في أعمارهم ظفروا
3. So let the feast bring you joy and those who saw
Your smile on the day of Eid when they saw
٣. فليهنك العيد وليهن الذي نظروا
إلى محياك يوم العيد ما نظروا
4. You came towards the mosque while it was in ecstasy
About to hasten to meet you
٤. أقبلت نحو المصلى وهو من طرب
يكاد سعيا إلى لقياك يبتدر
5. And the horses around you and the heroes busying
And the whites glistening and the flags spreading
٥. والخيل حولك والأبطال عاكفة
والبيض تلمع والرايات تنتشر
6. And the horizon blocked by the dusk
And the sun appears sometimes and hides
٦. والأفق بالسمر قد سدت منافذه
والشمس تظهر أحيانا وتستر
7. And the light of your face extinguishes it with its radiance
And deprives it of light while it flares up
٧. ونور وجهك يطفيها ببهجته
ويسلب النور منها وهي تستعر
8. If you could see the people and the gazes aspiring
And if people were struck by the sword they would not feel
٨. فلو ترى الخلق والأبصار طامحة
والناس لو ضربوا بالسيف ما شعروا
9. When a man woke up he gestured to his companion
Turning his palm, not like this are humans
٩. إذا أفاق امرؤ أومى لصاحبه
مقلباً كفه ما هكذا البشر
10. Your Lord has clothed you in a light from His majesty
Minds and thoughts are perplexed by its essence
١٠. كساك ربك نورا من جلالته
تحار في كنهه الأوهام والفكر