
He whose eyes in his affair deafened his ears

من قلدت عينه في أمره الاذنا

1. He whose eyes in his affair deafened his ears
And turned away from his opinion the opinion of an unfair man

١. من قلدت عينه في أمره الاذنا
واعتاض عن رايه راى امرء غبنا

2. And we have seen and the best opinion is the most correct
That in it we should not imitate other than ourselves

٢. وقد رأينا وخير الرأى أصوبه
أن لا يقلد فيها غير أنفسنا

3. The opinions multiplied with us and were confused
And the secret of the people was about to be exposed publicly

٣. تكاثرت عندنا الأقوال واضطربت
وكاد سر أناس يفضح العلنا

4. So I said there is no opinion unless it is comprehensive
And we find new things that cut off disputes

٤. فقلت لا رأى إلا أن يلم بها
ونستجد أمورا تقطع الشحنا

5. These battalions and flags have gathered
As if they were near, with deer and estrus does

٥. هذى الكتائب والرايات قد عقدت
كأنهم عن قريب بالظبا وبنا

6. Woe to whoever our horses ambush with deer
Releasing the head in their desires, the body compliant

٦. ويل لمن صَبَّحتهُ خيلنا بظبا
يطلق الرأس في مرضاتها البدنا

7. We leave the homes and they do not remain when filled
With anger for the soul of a man, in his body a homeland

٧. نخلي الديار ولا تبقى إذا امتلأت
غيظاً لروح امرئ في جسمه وطنا

8. They meet enemies with it in war, what they met
Our money the day of peace from our gifts

٨. تلقى الأعادي بها في الحرب ما لقيت
أموالنا يوم سلم من مواهبنا

9. Our power will vanish and our generosity will suffice forever
With this and that our kingdom of Syria and Yemen

٩. تفنى سطانا ويغنى جودنا أبدا
بذا وهذا ملكنا الشام واليمنا

10. So praise be to God, we sought honor in the world
And kingship after God belonged to us

١٠. فالحمد لله قد طلنا الورى شرفا
وأصبح الملك من بعد الإله لنا

11. So say to Key of Keys of conquests tomorrow
Mount your horse and beware of hindering us

١١. فقل لمفتاح مفتاح الفتوح غدا
اركب بخيلك واحذر أن تعوقنا

12. With every victory the century folds
Away from the spear and does not fold when we stab

١٢. بكل أغلب يثنى القرن منجدلا
عن السنان ولا يثنى إذا طعنا

13. A lion like you does not desire his abode
For himself from fear of it safety on the day of meeting

١٣. أسد كمثلك لا يرجو منازلها
للنفس من خوفها يوم اللقا أمنا

14. You are not today our servant but a son
It suffices the important and satisfies us when tested

١٤. ما أنت عبداً لدينا اليوم بل ولدا
يكفى المهم وترضينا إذا امتحنا

15. And our gratitude to you only after knowledge
And experience, so we praised the secret and the public

١٥. وما شكرناك إلا بعد معرفة
وخبرة فحمدنا السر والعلنا

16. Travel the countries to us, we will be pleased with you
From what you planted and reap from it good harvest

١٦. فاطو البلاد الينا نلق عنك رضا
مما غرست ونجني منه خير جنا

17. And we have no need calling for anyone
But they are our delegation and the delegation pleases us

١٧. وما بنا حاجة تدعو إلى أحد
لكنهم وفدنا والوفد يعجبنا

18. And convey to their elders our greetings, so
Do not forget their status with us, our virtues

١٨. وابلغ مشائخهم عنا السلام فما
تنسى مكانتهم منا مكارمنا

19. They have true affection, not denied
The atmosphere surrendered its reward to them

١٩. لهم مودة صدق ليس ينكرها
أضحى لهم بجزاها الجو مرتهنا

20. This is my letter, so whoever hears of its arrival
With citrus in his head, let him wash it here

٢٠. هذا كتابي فمن يسمع بمقدمه
والسدر في رأسه فليغسلنه هنا