1. I stood upon two verses of the heaviest poetry
The disbeliever saw good in them, the Muslim saw oppression
١. وقفت على بيتين من أثقل الشعر
رأى الكفر خيرا فيهما مسلم القهر
2. And he openly declared in them his return
To disbelief without shame or cover
٢. وصرح فيما ضمنا برجوعه
إلى الكفر من غير احتشام ولا ستر
3. I saw my silence on them contains guidance
And for the religion what contains of wrong and fracture
٣. رأيت سكوتي عنهما فيه للهدى
وللدين ما فيه من الضيم والكسر
4. And glory is only for God and His party
As for His enemies, theirs is humiliation and smallness
٤. وما العز إلا للإِله وحزبه
واما أعاديه فللذل والصغر
5. And we have asserted the lie of who warned creation
Worship other than God like the sun and the full moon
٥. وقد ضمنا تكذيب من حذر الورى
عبادة غير الله كالشمس والبدر
6. And said the certainty of disbelief covers who prohibited
And warned from it while it is imagined disbelief
٦. وقال يقين الكفر يغشاه من نهى
وحذر منها وهي موهومة الكفر
7. And who chose the All-Dominant as his Lord
Over others, does not know confusion from purity
٧. وقال الذي اختار المهيمن ربه
على غيره لا يعرف الهر من تر
8. Do you, having likened creation to Creator
Distinguish between purity and confusion alone?
٨. أأنت وقد شبهت خلقا بخالق
تميز بين التر وحدك والهر
9. Indeed the blind sees, the seeing becomes blind
And testifies to his rising, the first of the month
٩. لقد أصبح الأعمى يرى المبصر السها
ويشهد باستهلاله أول الشهر
10. Two honored me complain of the "haa" that came to them
From one who articulated "dhaad" and "thaa", acting coy
١٠. أكرماني يشكو من الهاء جاءه
بمن مارس الضاد والظاء يستزري
11. Oppression said by my light it is guided
And darkness said to the sun, "You have led astray who walks straight"
١١. لقد قالت الظلما بنورى يهتدي
وقال الدجى للشمس أغويت من يسري
12. Had you not repented yesterday while the sword was unsheathed
And your eyes spun from fright's intensity?
١٢. ألم تستتب بالأمس والسيف ينتضي
وقد دارتا عيناك من شدة الذعر
13. It was a day great and an occasion
In which scholars unanimously and rulers gathered
١٣. وكان ندا يوم عظيم ومشهد
به العلما قد أجمعوا وذوو الأمر
14. And they unanimously decreed that killing you is obligatory
And leaving you misguide people a great sin
١٤. وأفتوا جميعا أن قتلك واجب
وتركك تغوى الناس من أعظم الوزر
15. You were declared openly from pulpits an unbeliever
Before all witnesses with loud proclamation
١٥. ونوديت من فوق المنابر كافرا
على أرؤس الأشهاد بالمنطق الجهر
16. You submitted unwillingly fearing the sword so what
Gave you security such that you returned to disbelief?
١٦. وأسملت خوف السيف كرها فما الذي
أمنت به حتى رجعت إلى الكفر
17. And you came to us striving with your opinion
And crept seeking only betrayal and deception
١٧. وأصبحت ترمينا برأيك جاهدا
وتنسل لكن استلالا على غدر
18. You thought the religion has no supporter
So you came so by it your chest's ailment may be healed
١٨. ظننت بأن الدين لا ناصر له
فجئت لكي تشفى به علة الصدر
19. You lie while Ismail's clothes are filled
So if you do not know, you must come to know
١٩. كذبت وإسمعيل ملء ثيابه
فإن كنت لا تدري فلا بد أن تدري
20. The King of the land whose only concern
Is to defend the religion of the All-Dominant and give victory
٢٠. مليك البرايا والذي ليس همه
سوى الذب عن دين المهيمن والنصر
21. By God, I have not been wronged or followed whims
And I seek only the Exalted Creator and His pure Messenger
٢١. فوالله ما عوديت بغيا ولا هوا
وفي في سوى البارى ومرسله الطهر
22. You have tempted and pained creation with what
No man can endure with patience
٢٢. فتنت وأوجعت الورى في الههم
بما لا يطيق المرء فيه على الصبر
23. And you likened Him to creation in ignorance and said
Worship of Him is like worship of a boulder
٢٣. وشبهته بالخلق جهلا وقلتم
عبادته مثل العبادة للصخر
24. And you said God, Most High is His Majesty
Is in a state needful of creation, compelled
٢٤. وقلتم بأن الله جل جلاله
على حال محتاج إلى الخلق مضطر
25. And you belittled the esteem God gave Himself
And esteemed what God made low in esteem
٢٥. وحقرتم من عظم الله قدره
وعظمتم ما حقر الله من قدر
26. Like your saying Moses is a calf-worshipper and describing
Pharaoh as of sound opinion and prestige
٢٦. كقولكم موسى عجول ووصفكم
لفرعون بالرأى المرجح والحجر
27. And the vision of Abraham sacrificing you said in your enmity
For his vision is interpretation, though we do not know
٢٧. ورؤيا الخليل الذبح قلتم ببغيكم
لرؤياه تأويل ولكن لم ندري
28. And you said each that came from God's Messenger
Of prohibitions and commands is a dream inside a dream
٢٨. وقلتم منام في منام لكل ما
أتى من رسول الله والنهى والأمر
29. Why should a man abundanty curse you after this
For the Lord of the Heavens from excuse?
٢٩. فما لامرئ ان يكثر اللعن بعدها
عليكم لذي رب السموات من عذر
30. Consensus has been reached among all Muslims
On your disbelief, so let all the deluded know
٣٠. لقد حصل الإجماع من كل مسلم
على كفركم فليعلمن كل مغتر
31. Whoever doubts among those who know not the proof
With which scholars give religious rulings, let him inquire
٣١. ومن شك ممن ليس يعرف حجة
بها العلماء يقرى العلوم ويسنقرى
32. Your evil from it is abundantly evident and its indications
Have become like the sun, clear of doubt
٣٢. فشومك منه مقنع ودلاله
فقد بان مثل الشمس ما فيه من نكر
33. Indeed the Sultan of the land Ahmad when he prayed
No sea or land could repel him
٣٣. لقد كان سلطان البرية أحمد
إذا صال لم يدفع ببحر ولا بحر
34. If he intended a distant matter he easily attained it
Brought to him by power and might
٣٤. إذا هم بالأمر البعيد مناله
تأتي له بالاقتدار وبالقهر
35. The people of fortresses bared to him their fortresses
When he led in procession of victory and aid
٣٥. تجلى له أهل الحصون حصونهم
إذا أمهم في موكب الفتح والنصر
36. Ask Numaan and ask our poets
And Dumat and the land's edges to the desert valley
٣٦. فسل عنه نعمانا وسائل كوابنا
ودمتا وأطراف البلاد إلى الشحر
37. And ask Khawlan and the Makhlaf about him and Mecca
And how its people feared him, both Bedouin and sedentary
٣٧. وسل حلى والمخلاف عنه ومكة
وما سام أهليها من البدو والحضر
38. And the earthquake of Sanaa, their fear of him
And the hearts of its inhabitants fled in fright
٣٨. وزالزال صنعا الخوف منه وصعدة
وطارت قلوب ساكنيها من الذعر
39. The world submitted to him and its people were humbled
And rightfully so, those in the sea and on land
٣٩. ودانت له الدنيا ودوخ أهلها
والحق من في البحر بالساكن البر
40. He commanded a fortress and in one assault took it
Their siege of it until the month's end
٤٠. لقد أمّ حصنا في أصاب مقدرا
حصارهم فيه إلى آخر الشهر
41. When they saw him, the protectors of it fled
Abandoning the provisions they had stored within
٤١. فلما رأوه فرّ عنه حماته
وعما حموه في ذراه من الذخر
42. Men fled many fortresses
As has been related, close to ten
٤٢. وفرت رجال عن قلاع كثيرة
كما أخبروا عنها قريبا من العشر
43. He conquered all and seized them entirely
From mid-day to afternoon
٤٣. حوى الكل واستولى عليها جميعها
وذلك من نصف النهار إلى العصر
44. Until a cursed devil crept into his court
And opposed the experts of Sacred Law with deception
٤٤. إلى أن غشى شيطان كرمان بابه
وعارض أرباب الشريعة بالمكر
45. And insulted the God of the Throne among them and insulted them
Proclaiming clearly the wicked and offensive speech
٤٥. وسب إله العرش فيهم وسبهم
وأعلن بالقول القبيح وبالنكر
46. And equated him and them equally, so
Men recoiled thinking it was by order
٤٦. وخلى وإياهم سواء فقهقرت
رجال وظنوا أن ذلك عن أمر
47. And he deceived the Sultan about him by attributing to him
Adornment while the deceiver works subtly
٤٧. وقد خادع السلطان عنه بنسبة
تزيا والخدع يعمل في الحر
48. The decree of God will be carried out on him, following
Who deluded him while the truth is bitter
٤٨. يمض حكم الله فيه مقلدا
لمن غره والحق ذو مطعم مر
49. Noble, and the noble is beloved
He suffers for what would detract from mandatory punishment
٤٩. كريما والكريم محبب
يعاني بما يثنيه عن موجب الوزر
50. Signs came to him making them clear to him
So he may know the wicked one's disbelief
٥٠. أتى له بالآيات يظهرها له
ليعلم ما عند الخبيث من الكفر
51. The first evil portent appeared to him
The story of al-Shawafi, latest news of the age
٥١. وأول شؤم للخبيث بدا له
حديث الشوافي وهي أحدوثة الدهر
52. And a lad not yet mature was murdered
Who was celebrated, throngs from many lands sang his praise
٥٢. وفتك فتى لم يبلغ الحلم سنه
بمجمعة تغنى جموع ذوى القطر
53. And he fought a fortress in Kawnab Humayr
None has planned this, ever, in a breast
٥٣. وحارب حصنا في كوانب حمير
وما حاك هذا لامرئ قط في صدر
54. And he was showing him sign after sign
Reminding him of the matter, following up the matter
٥٤. وكان يريه آية بعد آية
يذكره بالأمر يقفوه بالأمر
55. So fortresses were lost whose loss he cares not for
And what he missed was returned, subduer of spines
٥٥. ففاتت حصون لا يبالى بفوتها
ورد له ما فوته قاصم الظهر
56. Like the loss of Zabid, then it returned, and like it
He saw the great sign in Yafi' and al-Thuqb
٥٦. كفوت زبيد ثم عادت ومثلها
رأى الآية الكبرى بيافع والثغر
57. And two fortresses in Ta'iz after that and after them
The story of al-Habishi and the raid on the land
٥٧. وحصّين تعز بعد ذاك وبعده
حديث الحبيشي والوثوب على البر
58. And the late one spoke truth until events happened to him
That prove true, among the most truthful warnings
٥٨. وما صدق المرحوم حتى جرت له
قضايا أصاب وهي من أصدق النذر
59. They transgressed upon him though the fortresses were in his grip
And besieged them those who know not caution or piety
٥٩. تعدوا عليه والحصون بكفه
وحاصرها من ليس يحرى ولا يمرى
60. And spent much money beyond counting
And God inspired him subtly through the secret holders
٦٠. وأنفق أموالا كثيراً عديدها
والهمه البارى فنا في ذوى السر
61. And he called on the people of God and favored some of them
And was generous to them in the end of his life
٦١. ونادي بأهل الله واختص بعضهم
وعمهم بالفضل في آخر العمر
62. And called on the Shaykh of the Muslims Muhammad
Abu Talhah al-Ghazali, the righteous Muslim
٦٢. ونادى بشيخ المسلمين محمد
أبى طلحة الغزالي المسلم البر
63. So he mentioned what happened from some of your evil
And he said "Yes, this and more in my memory"
٦٣. فذكره من بعض شومك ما جرى
فقال نعم هذا وأكثر في ذكرى
64. And he did not die until he disavowed you
And kept you far from him like keeping dogs from tents
٦٤. وما مات حتى قد تبرأ منكم
وأقصاك عنه من جر الكلب عن حير
65. And he died, praise God, the best death
That one granted bounty in the grave dies upon
٦٥. ومات بحمد الله أحسن ميتة
يموت عليها من ينعم في القبر
66. On the Greatest Statement that made incumbent for him
Reward from his Lord of green gardens
٦٦. على الكلمة العظمى التي أوجبت له
على ربه الأجر بجنانه الخضر
67. Disavowing all you said, all of it
Praising the God of all worlds and thanking
٦٧. تبرّا مما قلتموه جميعه
بحمد إله العالمين وبالشكر
68. You tricked Ahmad ibn Ismail a while
And made him drink terrible evil with patience
٦٨. خدعت ابن إسمعيل أحمد مدة
وجرعته شؤما أمر من الصبر
69. And you came to Ismail seeking to trick him
Can two sultans exist? Woe to you from rocks!
٦٩. وجئت لإسمعيل تبغي خداعه
أيلسع سلطانان ويلك من حجر
70. So fear his evil, O Ahmad's son, it is
Tremendous evil, so be on your guard against it
٧٠. فخف شومه يا نجل أحمد إنه
مشوم عظيم فامس منه على حذر
71. For his matter is not slight to God, he is
An enemy to Him, tempting about His religion
٧١. فما أمره هين على الله إنه
عدو له يمسى على دينه يغري