1. If benevolence turns away from us
We praise Him, knowing that the cause is from us
١. إذا ابطات عنا من المحسن الحسنى
حمدناه علما إن موجبه منا
2. So my heart does not resent His loyal servants
Nor does the father hate the son out of anger
٢. فما عن قلي يجفوا الموالي عبيدها
ولا بغضة ما يوجع الوالد الابنا
3. In man's weeping, not his laughter
Lies reform, weeping reforms him
٣. وفي مبكيات المرء لا مضحكاته
صلاح تربه المبكيات به إحنا
4. So do not be surprised at one who examines his condition
And corrupts some words to improve the meaning
٤. فلا تعجبوا ممن تأمل طرسه
فأفسد بعض اللفظ كي يصلح المعنا
5. I do not praise the generous or blame the stingy in vain
I extensively praise him whenever he gives or deprives
٥. فما أحمد معط ولا مانع سدى
فاوسعه حمدا كلما جاد أو ضنا
6. For in every act from Him there is wisdom
With an apparent aim to achieve success through it, guaranteed
٦. ففي كل فعل صادر عنه حكمة
لها ظاهر تلقى النجاح به ضمنا
7. His pleasure is awesome like a sword, dreaded in its sheath
And its dread is stronger when it leaves the sheath
٧. مهيب الرضا كالسيف خيف بجفنه
وخيفته أقوى إذا فارق الجفنا
8. When He says "Forbearance and suppressed rage"
He who held the sword casts it from his hand in cowardice
٨. إذا قال يا للحلم والغيظ قابض
على ألسيف القى السيف من يده جبنا
9. And he whose reforming people is his concern
Considers even the farthest people as the nearest
٩. ومن كان اصلاح الورى من همومه
يكن عنده الإقصى من الناس كالأدنا
10. I clung to him, not despairing if he was distant
Nor letting down my guard if he came near, feeling secure
١٠. علقت به لا آئساً منه ان نأى
ولا مرخيا ثوبي إذا ما دنا أمنا
11. I was fortunate, though I slept a sick man's sleep
Whenever I stand up, I stumble from weakness
١١. أنبه حظاً نام نومة مدنف
متى ما أقمه خر من قامة وهنا
12. And they said "Move on and tomorrow will be good"
But running water turns foul, and long stays make it rotten
١٢. وقالوا تنقل واغد فالما بجريه
يطيب وطول المكث يكسبه نتنا
13. I said "Yes", though the moon wanes
Whenever it moves, weakening and fading away
١٣. فقلت نعم والبدر يأخذ كلما
تنقل في النقصان والوهن أو يفنا
14. If I don't say "Enough!" when given water
I will be left in a desert with snakes disdaining the dwelling
١٤. إذا لم أقل ريا على الماء ناله
ببيداء فيها الضب يستنكر المكنا
15. Leave me be, for I found no days like Ahmad's days
That the wretched or the pessimist can attain
١٥. دعوني فلم أظفر بإيام أحمد
لا مسيى بها الأشقى أو الخائب الظنا
16. His slipper's heel stays with me, and no other face
Even if they pledged the slipper for the face, I would not sell
١٦. قفا نعله عندي ولا وجه غيره
ولو بايعوا في النعل بالوجه ما بعنا
17. I have missed men who were contemporaries of others, not Ahmad's
For they did not live by the endless sea or lofty peaks
١٧. غبنت رجالا عاصروا غير أحمد
فما جاوروا البحر المحيط ولا المزنا
18. I singled him out and his time singled me out
With the best praise for the best of all givers
١٨. خصصت به واختص مني زمانه
بأحسن من أثنى على خير من أغنا
19. So you who pledge your eulogy to others for reward
Have made a deal full of loss
١٩. فيا بايعا من غيره المدح بالعطا
عقدت ولكن صفقة ملئت غبنا
20. God forbid that my praise of others brings me misery
For none but him satisfies me to emulate
٢٠. ابا الله ان يشقي مديحي بغيره
فما غيره أرضي يقلدني منا
21. By God, whenever someone turns away
I become hopeful, and my good opinion of him grows
٢١. ووالله إني كلما صد معرضا
طمعت وزاد الظن عندي به حسنا
22. For I know he is the best to deal with
And that he has no reward for benevolence but benevolence
٢٢. وذاك لعلمي أنه خير آخذ
وأن ليس للحسنى لديه سوى الحسنى
23. I made his right hand, son of Ismail's
From his generosity, a fortress for me
٢٣. وإني بحمد الله من جعلت له
يمين ابن إسمعيل من جودها حصنا
24. A generous man who sees undeserved kindness as duty
And generosity itself was the first thing he instituted
٢٤. كريم يرى ما ليس فرضا فريضة
وكان افتراض الجود أول ما سنا
25. When he hears of kindness, he insists on spreading it
And if he hears of disgrace, he insists on burying it
٢٥. إذا سمع الحسنى استبد بنشرها
وان سمع العوراء أوسعها دفنا
26. He loved high goals from childhood and swore
When he saw one not yet named, with no experience or age
٢٦. أحب العلا طفلا وأقسم لا راى
له قبل أن يكنى بها مقلة وسنا
27. He was so fervently longing for them
Until God let him attain the two, happily
٢٧. وكان بها من لاعج الشوق ما به
وقد ظفر أهناهما الله ما هنا
28. In the morning he became, as they became for him
An intimate friend, each in love with his companion
٢٨. وأصبح للعليا كما أصبحت له
خليلا هوى كل بصاحبه اغنا
29. No young man in their service attracted them
Like Ahmad, since they began to tread their path
٢٩. فما لفت العليا فتى في ثيابها
كأحمد مذ كانت ترام ومذكنا
30. He built for the high goals a palace, a fortress
Where stars enter on their feet graciously
٣٠. بنى للعلا منحصنه الفص منزلا
يقبل فيه النجم في رجلها اليمنا
31. They gave favor while opponents fought over it
One took a fortress and the other took a fortress
٣١. وكانت تعز والحصيب تساهما
فذي أخذت حصنا وذي أخذت حصنا
32. When the palace of Bani Fas was built
Those who loved and favored him for his goodness increased
٣٢. فلما بنيت الفص طالت به التي
جمعت لها حبا إلى حسنها الحصنا
33. From you they attained the pride and glory, nothing remained
For the others with him, nor matching weight
٣٣. فتم لها منك الفخار وما بقى
لتلك لديها ما تقيم به وزنا
34. You surpassed them in the best name and lineage
Matching between word and meaning in limitation and sense
٣٤. نسخت بخير منهما الاسم والنبا
فطابق بين اللفظ في الحصر والمعنا
35. Happy are the buildings, the delegation flocks to them
When the hopeful comes to your munificence, needing no other
٣٥. سعيد المباني يشمل الوفد يمنه
إذا أَمك الراجي نداك به استغنا
36. And none who love you returns disappointed
While all we hate return from you disappointed
٣٦. وما عاد منه من يحبك خائبا
إذا عاد عنه خائبا كل من تشنا
37. Through it you repel enemies, it is itself
That repels when intimacy and souls are cut off
٣٧. رددت به عنه العدى فهو نفسه
يرد إذا ما أعلق الأنس والجنا