
In a glance of his eyes, drunk from the nectar of his mouth

في لحظ عينيه سكر من رحيق فمه

1. In a glance of his eyes, drunk from the nectar of his mouth
It increased his passion, so he flew high on his passion

١. في لحظ عينيه سكر من رحيق فمه
قد زاده حوما طار على حومه

2. And the apples of his cheeks flowed with his tears
Water with which the embers of the cheek increased in their inflammation

٢. وقد جرى تبر خديه بوجنته
ماء به ازداد جمر الخد في ضرمه

3. I seek forgiveness from Allah for what He has adorned with gold
And fire does not meet with water in its inflammation

٣. استغفر الله ما خدّاه من ذهب
والنار لا تلتقى والماء في ادمه

4. Rather the redness of the cheek is from the blades of his eyelashes
For he who is killed, his blood stains it

٤. بل حمرة الخد من أسياف مقلته
لأن من قتلت لوثته بدمه

5. When he inclines like a branch above a pure ceiling
Swaying softly from its slenderness to its foot

٥. إذا تثنى كغصن فوق حقف نقي
يهتز من فرته لينا إلى قدمه

6. And every ankle like genuine ivory you would think
Is of perfumed amber with this cover on his mouth

٦. وكل كعب كحق العاج تحسبهم
من عنبر خرطوا ذا الغطا بفمه

7. And the moles on his cheek are stars that stayed
Protecting the flowers like some of his servants

٧. والخال في الخد ناطور أقام به
يحمى الزهور كبعض الزنج من خدمه

8. As if his smile is from a necklace of his essence
And the necklace of his essence is from his smiling pearls

٨. كأن مبسمه من عقد جوهره
وعقد جوهره من در مبتسمه

9. My body and his eyes are each an example of its companion
Revealing to it what it reveals of its own sickness

٩. جسمي وعيناه كل مثل صاحبه
يبدى له مثلما يبديه من سقمه

10. But with his eyelids is a sickness without pain
And the sickness of my body, the soul complains of its pain

١٠. لكن بأجفانه سقم بلا ألم
وسقم جسمي تشكو النفس من ألمه

11. The glance and the speech from him are two sorcerers so take
Caution from the glance of his eyelash and from his speech

١١. واللحظ واللفظ منه ساحران فخذ
من لحظ مقلته حذرا ومن كلمه

12. O dwellers of Sufah and Sil`a, realize there is a man
Death behind him and death in front of his nation

١٢. يا ساكني سفع سلع أدركوا رجلا
الموت في خلفه والموت من أممه

13. He complains of your love and refuses to abandon it
And woe to him from your love and woe to him from losing it

١٣. يشكو هواكم ويأبي أن يفارقه
ويلاه من حبكم ويلاه من عدمه

14. So ask the night about me, for it will inform you
Of what the passions have done to me in its darkness

١٤. فسائلوا الليل عني فهو يخبركم
بما تعاملني الأشواق في ظلمه

15. Nothing more worthy to take me in Ahmad's land
Aggressively and in its sanctuary

١٥. لا شيء احرى من الاهواء تأخذني
في أرض أحمد عدوانا وفي حرمه

16. And his sword made the shepherd return his flocks
Yearning from the wolf in the wilderness over his sheep

١٦. وسيفه صير الراعي سوائمه
يستا من الذئب في البيدا على غنمه

17. And protected who wore adornment from those who intend
To violate the protection of the jealous over her honor

١٧. وصان من بالعرا عن من يهم به
صون الغيور ذوات الريب من حرمه

18. The victorious king, son of the most generous parents
And the branch from its origin grows and from his generosity

١٨. الناصر الملك ابن الاكرمين أباً
والفرع عن أصله ينبى وعن كرمه

19. Look at him, you will find what knowledge does not encompass
Even if you were one of his family or protector

١٩. انظر إليه تجد ما لا تحيط به
علما وان كنت من أهليه أو حشمه

20. And if you gain nearness then be an ear
That hears from it whatever satisfies you of his wisdom

٢٠. وإن ظفرت بتقريب فكن أذنا
تسمع بها كلما يرضيك من حكمه

21. And take its apparent and examine its interiors
You will find for it a source that guides you from its ambitions

٢١. وخذ ظواهرها وافتش بواطنها
تجد لها مأخذاً ينبيك عن هممه

22. O you who deceives him about what he tells you
Your speech exposes you, so it warns him of what you conceal

٢٢. يا من يخادعه فيما يحدثه
بادى حديثك ينبيه بمنكتمه

23. If it is your trait to conceal secrets
Then praise the understanding of what trait you harbored

٢٣. ان كان شيمتك الأسرار تكتمها
فأحمد فهم ما اضمرت من شيمه

24. The planters of the world fold up when they hear
That a lion in a roaring land has unsheathed among its valleys

٢٤. تطوى عزامئه الدنيا إذا سمعت
بان ليثا بأرض هاج في أجمه

25. Unsheathing the swords without leaving a neck
Crooked or a nose left crooked from its stabbing

٢٥. ما أغمد البيض حتى لم يدع عنقا
على اعوجاج ولا انفا على شممه

26. So his writings today have made his battalions sufficient
In action and weight with what he guaranteed of blessings

٢٦. فكتبه اليوم أغنت عن كتائبه
فعلا وزن بما ضمن من نعمه

27. So he does not pass by a land with vegetation in it
Except he waters it from the rain of his bucket

٢٧. فما يمر بأرض لانبات بها
إلا سقاها الحيا الوسمي من ديمه

28. And it produced from it, and swayed with it, and grew
And Allah blessed the people in his footsteps

٢٨. وأنبتت منه واهتزت به وربت
وبارك الله للأقوام في قدمه

29. And he did not cease ruling with truth, executing it
And whoever refused his rule, the ground watered with his blood

٢٩. ولم يزل حاكما بالحق يمضيه
ومن أبي حكمه روى الثرى بدمه

30. Until men straightened and nations were guided
And the disobedient to truth submitted against their will

٣٠. حتى استقامت رجال واهتدت أمم
وانقاد للحق عاصيه على رغمه

31. He has compassion on the creation through the essence of God
As the generous has compassion when he becomes without need of his womb relatives

٣١. يحنو على الخلق في ذات الإِله كما
يحنو الكريم إذا استغنى على رحمه

32. A master, but he pastures them and protects them
The protection of a trust, not of a slave in his service

٣٢. مولى ولكن يراعيهم ويحفظهم
حفظ الوديعة لا المملوك في خدمه

33. So they are all supplicants, hands outstretched
Praying to Allah to keep you in His blessings

٣٣. فكلهم باسط كفيه مبتهل
يدعو لك الله ان يبقيك في نعمه