1. This patience and this dream have acted
What weakened the whites on the day of fright and night weapons
١. هذا التأني وهذا الحلمُ قد فَعلا
ما أَعجزَ البيضَ يوم الروع والأسلا
2. A dream and opinion, not their age
They were not complete before in the master of completion
٢. حلمٌ ورأي وليس السنُّ سنهما
لم يكملا قبلهُ في سيدَ كَمُلا
3. So his good deeds, when tested
Made for him a place among others
٣. فما بأفعالهِ الحسنى إذا امتحنَت
فعل له موضعُ في غيره جُعلا
4. The noble king, son of Nasser the king, son
Of the most virtuous, the most virtuous
٤. الأشرفُ الملك بن الناصر الملك اب
ن الأشرف الملك ابن الأفضل الفضلا
5. Kept alive all whose life was good
And did not make with a sword that precedes rebuke
٥. أَبقى على كل من إبقاؤه حسنٌ
ولم يصن بحسامِ يسبق العَذلا
6. He meets the enemies before the army he sends
An army of opinion and management, unfailing
٦. تلقى العدى منه قبل الجيش يبعثهُ
جيشُ من الرأي وَالتدبير ماخُذلا
7. And opinion helps when luck assists it
About sending your army or dispatching your messengers
٧. والرأى مغنٍ إذا ما السعدُ ساعدَهُ
عن بعثك الجيشَ أو إرسالك الرُسلا
8. So today whatever corrupter on earth you know
Is at his door for advice, exerted
٨. فاليوم ما مفسد في الأرض تعرفه
إِلا على بابه للنصح قد بَذلا
9. His horses are swords in their sheaths
And his whites have not found a way out of their sheaths
٩. فخيلُه صافناتٌ في مرابطها
وبيضُه لم تجد عن غمدِها حِولا
10. Happy with him are the ignorant rebels overnight and
He has been given wisdom that the mind did not give
١٠. سعد به آجهل الباغين بات وقد
اوتى من الحزم مالم يؤته العقلا
11. Those who dare disobey you have no solution
In the consequences of disobeying you, compliant
١١. من هم منهم بأن يعصيك لاح له
ما في عواقب من يعصيك ما امتثلا
12. They are with you delegations who fear
Whites who have executioners that shorten life
١٢. فهم لديك وفود يتقون سطا
بيض لديها ضراب يقطع الأجلا
13. And they protect heads in their roots
With what is owed, no shortage of what was guaranteed
١٣. ويحفظون رؤوساً في منابتها
بما يجب ولا نقص لما كفلا
14. You were given a kingdom and did not ask for it when it came
But it is yours, beyond all other people, asked
١٤. أوتيتَ ملكاً ولم تسأله حين أتى
لكنه لك دون الناس قد سألا
15. And the God of the throne did not deprive you of it
To strike necks or what would sin the man
١٥. ولم يحجك إِله العرشِ فيه إلى
ضرب الرقاب ولا ما يؤثم الرُجلا
16. And time kept its promise to you, not preceded by its brothers
Yearning for you cut the longing
١٦. والعهد وافاك لم تسبقه اخوته
عليك بعد اشتياق قطّع الشَكِلا
17. The holidays raced toward you and crowded
So this one, which arrived, won with you
١٧. تسابقت نحوك الأعيادُ وازدحمت
ففاز منها بكم هذا الذي وصَلا
18. And it reached you, and victory and clear conquest
In its footsteps and possessions filling the roads
١٨. وافاك والنصر والفتحُ المبينُ
على آثاره ومعالٍ تملأ السبُلا
19. And it reached you glorifying what you were described with
Thinking it a description of one who attained greatness and ascended
١٩. وافاك مستعظماً ما قد وصفت به
يظنه وصف من حاز المدى وعلا
20. Until I saw you in front of the army smiling
So the description became small and the one who did recoiled
٢٠. حتى أراك امام الجيش مبتسماً
فاستصغر الوصف واستردى الذي فعلا
21. Saw violating habits for you coincided
And every king strikes with it as an example
٢١. رأى خوارقَ عاداتٍ لك اتفقت
أمسى بها كل ملك يضربِ المثلا
22. You revealed from the barren position of king
What dressed the slave in the garment of loss and shame
٢٢. أظهرت من رتبةً الملك العقيم به
ما ألبس العبد ثوب التيهِ والخجلا
23. You came while creation filled the space with them
And the army spread over the regions of elevation and height
٢٣. أقبلت والخلق قد غص الفضاء بهم
والجيش قد عم أقطار الفلا وملا
24. And deeds had risen towering
And people stretched out necks longing for them
٢٤. وقد تطاولت الأعمال شاخصة
ومدت الخلق أعناقاً لهم وِطلا
25. And some people continued riding others
While the air from the dust of hooves was murky
٢٥. وظل يركبُ بعض الناس بعضهم
والجو من حثو أيدي الخيل قد طحلا
26. Until your blessed face appeared and dispersed
Those dark clouds with the light that sparked
٢٦. حتى بدى وجهك الميمونُ فانقشعت
تلك الغياهبُ بالنور الذي اشتعلا
27. And people declared by glorification when
Your smile appeared to them after the darkness, son of prominence
٢٧. وأعلن الخلق بالتكبير حينَ جلا
لهم محياكَ بعد الظلمةِ ابن جلا
28. And every forbearing one was humbled by you
By a matter which distracted him from the conditions of forbearance
٢٨. وخفَّ كل حليمِ منك أذهله
أمرٌ به عن شروط الحلم قد غَفلا
29. If one of them was addressed while busy
With the pain of blows, he would not understand
٢٩. لو خوطب المرَء منهم وهو مشتغلٌ
عن نفسه بأليمِ الضرب ما عَقلا
30. This one gestures and that praises you and that
Offers prayer, raising his palms pleading
٣٠. هذا يشير وذا يثنى عليك وذا
يهدي الدعا رافعاً كفَّيه مُبتهلا
31. Until you came to a mosque, if it could
Run to you on its pillars, it would have done
٣١. حتى أتيتَ مصلى لَو أطاق بأن
يسعى إليك على هاماته فعلا
32. You came to it submitting to God, praying
Glorifying, standing by the order, compliant
٣٢. أتيته خاضعاً لله مبتهلاً
مكبّرا قائماً بالأمر ممتثلا
33. You have from His favor what you do not ignore
When a man ignores the rights of God
٣٣. لديك من فضلهِ ما لست تجهلهُ
إِذا امرؤً بحقوقِ الله قد جهلا
34. You asked Him for it, satisfied and seeking
His satisfaction with you and what you seek has been attained
٣٤. سألته عنه راضياً ومبتغياً
رضاه عنك وما تبغيه قد حَصلا
35. Whoever is distracted on the holiday or plays, while you
Are pleasing to God most high in grandeur
٣٥. من يلهُ بالعيدِ أو يلعب فأنت به
لله مرضٍ تعالى جده وعَلا
36. And this holiday, if an idle king enjoys it
You in it are forbidden by the one who acted
٣٦. والعيدُ هذا فإنَ هني به ملك
فأنت فيه مهنىً بالذي عملا
37. Fear of God, nothing approximates it
And obeying God, nothing equals it
٣٧. تقوى الإِله فما صنع يَقاربها
وطاعة الله ما شيء بها عدلا
38. So receive good tidings, for with the Merciful you are
An idle king, and virtues, and excellent conditions
٣٨. فابشر فأنت من الرحمن حيثُيرى
ملك عقيم وأفضال وحسن حلا