1. Your joy with Hussein's arrival suffices,
As the stars of his fortunes rise upon you,
١. كفاك سرورا بالحسين قدومه
عليك بسعد طالعات نجومه
2. The angels descend around him,
And lull him to sleep in his cradle.
٢. تنزل والأملاك والروح حوله
تردده في مهده وتنيمه
3. Victory and triumph came to you after him,
And the souls were amazed by his attack,
٣. أتى وأتاك النصر والفتح بعده
وفاجا بما تهوى النفوس هجومه
4. Blessings came from all directions,
Like pearls brought together on a string.
٤. واقبلت الخيرات من كل وجهة
دراكا كسلك قد تداعى نظيمه
5. God has fulfilled His lofty promise through him,
So pray your vows and fast for him,
٥. لقد صدق الله المعالي وعده
به فلتصلي نذرها وتصومه
6. Birth has decreed and God has ordained,
That through him you will attain what you seek.
٦. وقد حكم الميلاد والله قد قضى
بأنك فيها بالغ ما ترومه
7. Whenever you wish, his rising dispels worries,
If you meet a person, their troubles disappear,
٧. تقابل منه كلما شئت طلعة
إذا قابلت شخصا تجلت همومه
8. He has filled the world with joy and pride,
The coming of this noble one was the best coming.
٨. لقد ملأ الدنيا سرورا وغبطة
قدوم نجيب كان خيرا قدومه
9. Everyone rejoices excitedly because of him,
Their joy humbles and calms them,
٩. وأصبح كل في ابتهاج يهزه
فتقعده أفراحه وتقيمه
10. Whoever missed his private joys,
Did not miss his public joys.
١٠. فمن فاته مما يسر خصوصه
فما فاته مما يسر عمومه
11. The air is fragrant from the spreading of his goodness,
Leaves sway and breezes blow gently,
١١. تعطر هذا الجو من طيب نشره
ورق له ظل ورق نسيمه
12. The days overflow with blessings because of him,
With abundant rains after clearing clouds.
١٢. وفاضت على الأيام من بركاته
شآبيب مزن ما انقشعن غيومه
13. We congratulate you on a birth that elevates the High One,
And elevates every great matter because of him,
١٣. نهنيك بالمولد يسمو به العلى
ويسمو له من كل أمر جسيمة
14. With the most generous newborn of the most generous father,
A branch has emerged whom he desires to be tall.
١٤. بأكرم مولود لأكرم والد
وأنجب فرع شف منه أرومه
15. Through him the world revealed the treasures of its beauty,
No life thrives except the fresh remains in it,
١٥. به أبدت الدنيا ذخائر حسنها
فلا عيش إلا اخضر فيها هشيمه
16. Welcome O Hussein, for he is a polished sword in your hands,
That you sheathe with dignity.
١٦. فأهلا وسهلا بالحسين فإنه
حسام صقيل في يديك تشيمه
17. Except he is a branch and you are its root,
And it did not flourish until what came before it did,
١٧. إلا أنه فرع وإنك اصله
وما طاب حتى طاب من قبل خيمه
18. He precedes in generosities but follows in virtues,
His event is recent but his qualities are ancient.
١٨. وأوله في المكرمات أخيره
وحادثه في الصالحات قديمه
19. And he whose essence the prepared kingdom refines,
His fortunes will rise with prosperity.
١٩. ومن يكن الملك الممهد عنصرا
لجوهره يطلع بسعد نجومه
20. May God complete your wishes, so you thank Him,
And through thanking the Master, bliss lasts,
٢٠. أتم لك الله المنى فشكرته
وبالشكر للمولى يدوم نعيمه
21. When we received joy through his right,
We knew God will make it last.
٢١. ولما تلقيت السرور بحقه
علمنا بأن الله سوف يديمه
22. The reign of the King has lasted and his kingdom fortified,
Sprouting from the house of the King strongly,
٢٢. لقد طال باع الملك واشتد عوده
بابلج من بيت المليك صميمة
23. His beauty heals hearts from grief,
His influence is praiseworthy and exemplary.
٢٣. مجائله تشفى القلوب من الصدا
وآثاره محمودة ورسومه
24. Do not be surprised by the miracles of his empowerment,
For he has a glorious character that nurtures nobly,
٢٤. فلا تعجبوا من خارقات سعوده
فان له عرفاً نماه كريمه
25. His father stands witness for him,
His stature will reveal knowledge.
٢٥. وإن عليه من أبيه لشاهدا
وإن له شأنا ستبدو علومه
26. With his sword he will strike the necks of oppressors,
And protect your religion from those who undermine it,
٢٦. سيضرب أعناق الكماة بسيفه
ويحمى لديك الدين ممن يضيمه
27. He pursues what you secretly and openly desire,
And your worries rise to their peak through him.
٢٧. ويسعى لما تهواه جهرا وخفية
وتسمو إلى اقصاه ذاك همومه
28. It suffices you that none can deter what he wants but you,
And none receives the like of him but you who empower him,
٢٨. ويكفيك في الأمر الذي لا يرده
سواك وتلقى مثله فتقيمه
29. You see from his sons and their sons,
Youth rising high through the ages gracefully.
٢٩. وتنظر من أبنائه وبنيهم
شبابا تسامى دهرها وتسيمه
30. When you say be righteous in your satisfaction, even if some
Fall short in satisfying you, oh woe to them!
٣٠. إذا قلت أصفو في رضاك وإن يقل
فيا ويل من هم في رضاك خصومه
31. You remain eternally, preserved,
May He who knows all, protect you from every loss,
٣١. بقيت بقاء النيرين مخلداً
يقيك الردى من كل قطر عليمه