
You have become one of us, O Ja'far

قد صرت منا واحدا يا جعفر

1. You have become one of us, O Ja'far
What is ours is yours, you must not deny

١. قد صرت منا واحدا يا جعفر
لك ما لنا وعليك أن لا تنكر

2. Grip tightly the rope of Ahmad and hold fast
For you have held to a firm handhold that does not break

٢. فاشدد يديك بحبل أحمد واعتصم
فلقد وثقت بعروة لا تهصر

3. And you knew the noble qualities that you knew
And were clothed with a protection that does not wear away

٣. وعرفت من عرفت مكارمه الورى
ولبست منها ذمة لا تخفر

4. So draw down blessings from him, for they
Are clouds upon us that rain every year

٤. فاستمطر النعماء منه فانها
سحب علينا كل عام تمطر

5. Indeed the King himself is preparing
And his armies from every gorge assembling

٥. ان المليك بنفسه متجهز
وجيوشه من كل فج تحشر

6. Even the regiments he led with their men
And the wretched deprived - who among them would lag?

٦. حتى الجحافل قادها برجالها
والبائس المحروم من يتأخر

7. You were the first among your people to be called
So hurry - your fortune when you hasten is greater

٧. ولأنت أول من دعى في قومه
فاسرع فحظك حين تسرع أوفر

8. And increase the horsemen and gather an army
That will praise you when you enter the encampment

٨. وأكثر من الفرسان واجمع عسكرا
يثني عليك إذا دخلت العسكر

9. And descend in a place of descent with him
Honor lasts with which men are proud

٩. وإنزل بساحة من نزولك عنده
عز يطول به الرجال ومفخر

10. And stab with your spear in front of him
A stab for which he will praise and thank you

١٠. واطعن برمحك في عداه أمامه
طعنا به يثنى عليك ويشكر

11. Indeed, valor with him is counted
Among the blessings that do not diminish

١١. إن الشجاعة عنده معدودة
من جملة النعم التي لا تكفر

12. And its people with him have a status
That cannot be surpassed and gifts that cannot be counted

١٢. ولإهلها في ما لديه مكانة
لا ترتقى ومواهب لا تحصر

13. And it is good fortune if you go to him
On a matter and you obey what you are ordered

١٣. ومن السعادة إن تحرك نحوه
أمر فتفعل طاعة ما تؤمر

14. And he sees you among his loyal friends battling
His enemies, having straightened what was bent

١٤. ويراك بين الاولياء محاربا
اعداءه وقد استقام العيثر

15. For there you will attain what you hope from him
And your eye will be delighted with bounty and you will triumph

١٥. فهناك تبلغ منه ما أملته
وتقر عينك بالنعيم وتظفر