
You have pleased your Lord with the justice that spread

ارضيت ربك بالعدل الذي انتشرا

1. You have pleased your Lord with the justice that spread
About you and reached the nomads and the settled

١. ارضيت ربك بالعدل الذي انتشرا
في الأرض عنك وعم البدو الحضرا

2. And eliminate injustice until no trace of it
Remains with you, nor any news reaches it

٢. وأذهب الجور حتى لا يرى أثراً
له لديك ولا يلقى له خبراً

3. You have toppled sixty thousand from one side
Angering Iblis until he was shattered

٣. اسقطت ستين الفاً من جبا جهة
فغظت إبليس حتى راح منفطراً

4. So do not fear what his omens have brought
For soon He will please you for pleasing Him

٤. فلا يهولك ماساءت بوادره
فسوف يرضيك من أرضيته سيراً

5. Justice does not decrease wealth flowing from one direction
Except that Allah blesses it, so it is restored

٥. ما نقص العدل مالاً سيق من وجهة
إلا وبارك فيه الله فانجبرا

6. Nor does the hoarding of wealth by an unjust collector
Continue except that causes for its dispersion occur

٦. ولا تكاثر مالاً جار جامعه
إلا جرى موجب تفريقه شذراً

7. For the dirham of justice is increased by tranquility
From adversities until it fills the full moon

٧. فدرهم العدل تنميه مسالمة
من الخطوب إلى أن يملاء البدرا

8. While the dirham of injustice is crushed and gathered
By calamities that erase its traces

٨. ودرهم الجور ممحوق يلم به
من الحوادث ما يمحو به أثراً

9. The land belongs to Allah, and He is angered by those who assign equals to Him
He is pleased when humans please Him

٩. أرض الإِله واسخط من سواه له
يرضى ويرضى إذا ارضيته البشرا

10. Do not test Him with His power
For whoever tests Him commits blasphemy

١٠. ولا تعامله تجريباً بقدرته
فمن يعامله تجريبا لها كفرا

11. O Lord, increase for him what You are pleased with
Help him and facilitate what is difficult

١١. يا رب زده على ما ترتضيه له
عونا ويسر له في الخير ما عسرا

12. And increase his good faith and satisfy him with nobility
In what he has taken on of making and responsibility

١٢. وزده حسن يقين وارضه كرما
فيما تولاه من صنع وما وزرا

13. Al-Ashraf, the King son of An-Nasir, the son of
Al-Ashraf, the King son of Al-Muzaffar the insightful

١٣. الاشرف الملك ابن الناصر الملك ابن
الاشرف الملك ابن المعدم النظرا

14. What he rules today is only mercy and guidance
And zeal that awakens those who are observant

١٤. ما ملكه اليوم إلا رحمة وهدى
وغيرة نبهت من كان معتبراً

15. A young age yet wisdom of elders within him
Amazing, with perfection that bewilders thoughts

١٥. سنٌ حديثٌ ورأى للكهول به
تعجب وكمال حير الفكرا

16. Virtues that leaders have not attained
Nor eighty year olds except some exceptional seventeenth ones

١٦. محاسن ما اهتدى للاتصاف بها
بنو الثمانين خل السابع العشرا

17. His new reign did not take him far
But is not He who granted you capable?

١٧. العهد بالمهد لم يبعد له أمد
لكن أليس الذي أعطاك مقتدراً

18. He has spoken to people during Eid al-Fitr, not
Violating tradition, from the Lord of the Heavens

١٨. قد كلم الناس في الهد المسيح وما
جرت العوائد من رب السما نكرا

19. The best successors are just to their peoples
Who love them and they love, as mentioned

١٩. خير الخلائف عدل في رعيته
أحبهم وأحبوه كما ذكرا

20. Proof of your fortune is that all good
Comes through you, even in Ramadan it flowed

٢٠. دليل سعدك أن الخير أجمعه
على يدك وفي شهر الصيام جرا

21. How many hands supplicate for you while fasting
Sometimes and other times praying for you at dawn

٢١. كم من يد لك تدعو وهي صائمة
طوراً وطوراً تناجي بالدعا سحرا

22. You revived them after they died and were of benefit
After harm revived them, removing the harm

٢٢. احييتهم بعدما ماتوا وكنت لهم
نفعا نفى بعد ما أحياهم الضررا

23. God will protect you with benevolence if
Nothing can protect when matters come

٢٣. سيدفع الله بالإِحسان عنك إذا
ما كان يدفعه شيء إذا حضرا

24. And you will remember my words today
And thank Allah, better than any gratitude

٢٤. وتذكرون مقالي اليوم حينئذ
وتشكرون إلها خير من شكرا

25. You have planted goodness while awaiting
To reap tomorrow what you planted of fruits

٢٥. غرست خيرا وأنت اليوم منتظراً
ستجنين غدا من غرسك الثمرا

26. For it is Allah whom you have worked hoping in Him
And no hopeful in Him has ever been disappointed or lost

٢٦. فإنه الله قد عاملته طمعا
فيه وما خاب راجيه ولا خفرا

27. Yet some people delude themselves
With other than this and retire fearful, cautious

٢٧. وقد يحدث بعض الناس أنفسهم
بغير هذا ويمسى خائفاً حذراً

28. Heeding analogy and what the minds deduce
That one with no power is mounted on danger

٢٨. يرعى القياس وما تقضى العقول به
من أن من لم يقدر راكب خطرا

29. Say to him that the Merciful has a power
That runs its course, leaving analogy and logic behind

٢٩. فقل له أن للرحمن مقدرة
تمضي وتترك أحكام القياس ورا

30. The Prophet came with what opposed people
And he was an individual while the world disbelieved

٣٠. جاء النبي بما عاد الانام له
وكان فرداً وملء الأرض من كفرا

31. But his matter grew by His power
Until it appeared, and disbelief faded and hid

٣١. ولم يزل أمره ينمو بقدرته
حتى بدا واضمحل الكفر واستترا

32. And it was more wondrous than this, their harmony
For all that would repel and warrant caution

٣٢. وكان أعجب من هذا تآلفهم
لكل ما يوجب التنفير والحذرا

33. Is there any proof in analogy that its prerequisite
Is guidance for the misguided or banding the dispersed?

٣٣. هل في القياس بأن الحرب موجبه
إرشاد من ضل أو وتأليف من نفرا

34. He, peace be upon him, would kill them
Until the sighted lover saw clearly

٣٤. وكان صلى عليه الله يقتلهم
حتى يحبوه المبصر البصرا

35. Can one you killed at night love you?
A father, uncle, while the sharp sword drips?

٣٥. أهَلْ يحبك من أمسيت تقتله
أباً وعماً وتروي الصارم الذكرا

36. Yet they loved him though vengeance roused them
To follow his passions. This refutes analogy

٣٦. لقد أحبوه والثارات تبعثهم
على هواه هذا في القياس جرا

37. Allah persists in easing every gentle approach
For the reverent and facilitating the difficult

٣٧. الله باق على تسهيل كل رخا
للمتقي وعلى تيسير ما عسرا

38. Whoever tries force and disobedience, He distances
Him from his hopes and draws nearer what he feared

٣٨. من حاول الأمر بالعصيان أبعده
مما رجاه وأدنى منه ماحذرا

39. All matters are left to the Merciful
Injustice He forbid and justice He ordered as He willed

٣٩. كل الأمور إِلى الرحمن مطرحا
جوراً نهى عنه وأعدل مثلما أمرا

40. You will find Him supporting you in what you seek
And do not care if money is little or plentiful

٤٠. تجده عونك فيما قمت تطلبه
ولا تبال أقلَّ المالُ أم كثرا