1. There is no courage in the stingy despite their doubts,
Stinginess is cowardice against the fall of the kingdom,
١. ما في شجاعة ذى السخا من شك
البخل جبن عن زوال الملك
2. If he is generous with money, beware of his nearness,
On the day of battle he is surely deceitful,
٢. لو جاد بالأموال فأحذر قربه
يوم النزال فإنه ذو فتك
3. Courage is certainty like generosity,
And humiliation and stinginess are the result of doubt,
٣. إن الشجاعة من يقين كالسخا
والذل والبخل نتيجا الشك
4. I knew that provision is already decreed,
For man whatever is inseparable from him,
٤. ولقد علمت بأن رزقا قد قضي
للمرء ما هو عنه بالمنفك
5. You did not fear scarcity with what you spent,
When you cut off doubt you cut off doubt itself,
٥. لم تخش إقلالا بما أنفقته
لما قطعت الشك قطع الشك
6. Who said generosity flows,
In people we denied him in what is narrated,
٦. من قال إن كجود يحيى قد جرى
في الناس كذبناه فيما يحكى
7. If your chroniclers saw your generosity,
They would regret and say who can surpass us?
٧. لو أبصروك مؤرخوا كرمائهم
ندموا وقالوا من لنا بالترك
8. The kings laughed in truth whoever lived with him,
And saw the lowness of his worth should weep,
٨. ضحك الملوك وحق من عاصرته
ورأى حقارة قدره أن يبكي
9. All the sons of Adam are from clay,
But Yahya’s clay is made from musk,
٩. أبناء آدم كلهم من طينة
لكن يحيى طينه من مسك
10. Generous, pure metal, the best of all men,
A man, though they matched him after refining,
١٠. شهم فول سبك الرجال جميعهم
رجلا لما كافوه بعد السبك
11. Al-Tare son of Al-Ashraf the king who,
Became a sign in the kingdom through his generosity,
١١. الطاره ابن الأشرف الملك الذي
بالجود أصبح آية في الملك
12. Stinginess is a trait among the sons of Adam,
While generosity is an obligation like fasting,
١٢. الشح في أبناء آدم شيمة
والجود تكليف كمثل النسك
13. And Yahya's nature is generosity, if it were refined,
He would fear stinginess like the fear of idolatry,
١٣. وطباع يحيى الجود لو لاطفته
ليشح خاف الشح خوف الشرك
14. He combines all virtues from their edges,
Arranged as if threaded on a string,
١٤. جمع المحاسن فيه من أطرافها
منظومة فكأنها في سلك
15. He gives and if you thank him he gives you more,
So you are shy to thank him, though gratitude calls for gratitude,
١٥. يعطي وأن تشكر يزدك فتستحي
من شكره والحك داعي الحك
16. The guardian of glory, his generosity never,
Ceased to flow, shedding his wealth in outpouring,
١٦. راع المعالي منه جود لم يزل
يمرى دما أمواله بالسفك
17. His gifts increased over his money,
So I was silent about what reached them of disclosure,
١٧. كثرت عطاياه على أمواله
فوجمت مما نالها من هتك
18. And I thought to leave some of it but he,
Gives independently so my leaving did not benefit me,
١٨. وهممت أترك بعضها لكنه
يعطي سواى فلم يفدني تركى
19. O Lord, I knew that Yahya,
With his gifts, eased every straitened life,
١٩. يا رب يحيى قد علمت بأنه
بعطاه وسع كل عيش ضنك
20. O Lord, you love those below him,
In generosity, so guarantee him the security of paradise,
٢٠. يارب أنت بحب من هو دونه
في الجود فاضمنه ضمان الدرك
21. And perpetuate his blessings and expand them,
And destroy his enemies with perdition,
٢١. وأدم له منك البقا في نعمة
وأبد عداه وعمهم بالهلك
22. And aid him, and aid every army he marched,
And repel with him the darkened afflictions,
٢٢. وانصره وانصر كل جيش جره
واكشف به داجي الخطوب الحلك