
You were excessive in depriving your friend of his share

أسرفت في بخسك حظ صاحب

1. You were excessive in depriving your friend of his share
He is softer than a sprig of basil and more fragrant

١. أسرفت في بخسك حظ صاحب
أخف من ريحانة وأذكا

2. He is too proud to accept a favour or gain from his friend
You denied that he spent the whole night awake

٢. يأنف أن يقبل من صاحبه
صنيعة أو يستفيد ملكا

3. Your constant fault-finding against the two of you
He returned your envy with rage

٣. أنكرت حراً بات طول ليله
يكثر في العيب الجدال عنكما

4. Zealously, not for reward from you
He called you to make peace while he was happy

٤. ورد عنك حاسدا بغيظه
حمية لا للجزاء منكا

5. Yet you chose to withhold even a greeting
By God this is not appropriate

٥. ناداك للتسليم وهو في غنا
فاخترت في رد السلام التركا

6. The shame is on you when it is recounted
I had no need except for peace

٦. ما هذه والله في موضعها
فيها عليك العار حين تحكى

7. No, by Him who makes me laugh then cry

٧. ما كان لي سوى السلام حاجة
لا والذي أضحك ثم أبكى