1. If you knew the people of Zabid
And how intensely Zabid longs for you
١. لو كنت تعلم ما بأهل زبيد
وزبيد من شوق إليك شديد
2. You would have singled it out among all cities
And singled out its people for more grace
٢. لخصصتها دون المدائن كلها
وخصصت أهليها بكل مزيد
3. A land whose dwellers love you, yet I see
No recompense you give equals their worth
٣. بلد احبك ساكنوه وما أرى
خير اتجازيهم به ببعيد
4. Hearts are witnesses over hearts
And the heart is the most just judge and witness
٤. أن القلوب على القلوب شواهد
والقلب أعدل حاكم وشهيد
5. You who made their hearts your possession
With virtues beyond what is customary
٥. أنت الذي ملكت يداه قلوبهم
بمكارم خرجت عن المعهود
6. You adorned them with your favors and promised them more
Nobler to one who initiates and repeats kindness
٦. قلدتهم مننا وعدت بمثلها
أكرم به من مبتدى ومعيد
7. You were never a benevolent master who preserved
Good deeds except for the best slaves
٧. ما كنت الخير مولى محسن
أبقا له الاحسان خير عبيد
8. No kingdom was dearer than the kingdom of creation
And their hearts and affection, however affectionate
٨. لا ملك غلا ملك من ملك الورى
وقلوبهم ووداد كل ودود
9. They became enamored with love for you after you saved them
From every apprehension and every threat
٩. هاموا بحبك بعد ما انقذتهم
من كل محذور وكل وعيد
10. You saved them from the palm tree affliction which
Nearly turned the head of every newborn gray
١٠. أنقذتهم من محنة النخل التي
كادت تشيب رأس كل وليد
11. And losses that devoured its fruits
And exhausted the limited goods
١١. ومغارم أكلت على ملاكه
ثمراته وأتت على الموجود
12. After adversity was most intense and they were excessive
In it, in estrangement and exclusion
١٢. من بعد ما أشر البلاء وأسرفوا
فيه على التعريف والتطريد
13. Had it lasted one year, they would have scattered
Throughout every land, however dispersed
١٣. لو دام عاماً واحد التبددوا
في كل أرض أيما تبديد
14. You came to them while they were entangled in problems
And the grip on every vein was tightened
١٤. وافيتهم وقد التوين حبائل
واشتد ضيق خناق كل وريد
15. You were but a cloud that did not cheat
It came according to the promised measure
١٥. ما كنت الاغارة ما أبطات
جاءت على قدر من الموعود
16. So it uncovered them as you uncovered
And counted these palm trees as the best number
١٦. فكشف عنهم ما كشفت من البلا
وعددت هذا النخل خير عديد
17. A number that relieved every heart of its worries
That had spread, and secured every frightened fugitive
١٧. عدد اجلا عن كل قلب غمة
عمت وامن خوف كل طريد
18. You made it an excellent provision again as
It was before, by your blessed deed
١٨. صيرته نعم الذخيرة مثلما
قد كان قبل بفعلك المحمود
19. And erased misfortunes that were determined
In the book of misfortune upon the newborn
١٩. ومحودت عنه حوادثا قد قررت
كتب الشقاء بها على المولود
20. The owner of palm trees knew no comfort
Among the palm trees, from fear and harshness
٢٠. ما كان يعرف رب نخل راحة
في النخل من خوف ومن تشديد
21. You deprived men of the livelihood you granted
So wear from it every new garment
٢١. حرمت رجال ما رزقت من الثنا
والأجر فالبس منه كل جديد
22. The palm tree is sister of Adam, father of mankind
So honor through it the aunt of every newborn
٢٢. النخلة أخت أبي البرية آدم
أكرم بها من عمة لوليد
23. No one will be guided to fulfill its right duty
In God, unless he sees every fortunate one
٢٣. لا يهتدي لقضاء واجب حقها
في الله إلا رأى كل سعيد
24. You created it blessed, and your justice returned it
To us as you created it without change
٢٤. خلقت مباركة وعدلك ردها
فينا كما خلقت بلا تنكيد
25. It is a justice whose blessings are seen in both worlds
Whenever it flows like water in the stream
٢٥. عدل ترى بركاته في العالمين
إذا خرجت كالما جرى في العود
26. The king is just, and gentleness in collecting from him
Did not make him tired in pursuit
٢٦. الملك عدل والمشد برفقه
لم يال في طلب عن المجهود
27. And God is pleased, and the public with him
Extend to you every palm in supplication
٢٧. والرب راض والرعية منهم
لك كل كف بالدعا ممدود
28. Tell the advisor what his nature dictated
Of the misguidance in his corrupt opinion
٢٨. قل للمشير بما اقتضته طباعه
من ضله في رايه المفسود
29. Silence your mouth, for if a man fails
To remove dregs with a hard rock
٢٩. اسكت بفيك الترب أن عجز امرء
عن فضه بالصخرة الجلمود
30. High are you, son of Ahmad, to be fooled by advice
That was reformed by your like, oh enemy of generosity
٣٠. أعلى ابن أحمد تجترى بمشورة
صلحت بمثلك ياعدو الجود
31. The most honorable son of the victorious
Son of the superior of the two greatest in hunting
٣١. الأشرف ابن الناصر
ابن الأفضل بن الأكبرمين الصيد
32. Justice in his fathers, but he
Nurtured fathers for him, possessed of love and friendship
٣٢. العدل في ابائه لكنه
اربا بابآء له وجد ود
33. He takes care of the people from present torture
And their days are secure in what is guaranteed
٣٣. يرعى الرعية من عذاب واقع
وأنامهم امنا على ممهود
34. Never did our Lord's mercy
Descend upon Jonah or the people of Thamud
٣٤. ما كان الأمثل رحمة ربنا
نزلت بيونس لا بقوم ثمود
35. Justice is not easy, O son of Ahmad, so be patient
In it, in repairing and guiding straight
٣٥. ما العدل سهل يابن أحمد فاصطبر
فيه على الترقيع والتسديد
36. And injustice, leave it, for it is strong, and desire
Calls him to weaken driving away every potent one
٣٦. والجوربا عثه قوى والهوى
داعيه يضعف دفع كل جليد
37. God is the best supporter if you obey Him
And tire yourself, for He is not far
٣٧. الله نعم العون ان راعيته
وصبرت جهدك فهو غير بعيد
38. So you may reap the fruits of your patience with Him
And live in His extended shade
٣٨. فلتجنين ثمار صبرك عنده
ولتسكن بظله الممدود
39. Accomplish matters in your love, and women
Spend evenings asking about you, every increase
٣٩. ادرك رحالا في هواك ونسوة
تمسى تسائل عنك كل يزيد
40. Vows to your arrival, vows, and the noble
Deemed extravagance seemly to every rightly-guided one
٤٠. نذورا لمقدمك النذور وأسرفوا
واستحسن التبذير كل رشيد
41. They said: the arrival is tomorrow, so they fell prostrate
In thanks, and the day remains a day of prostration
٤١. قالوا القدوم غداً فخروا سجداً
شكراً وظل اليوم يوم سجود
42. If you come, remain the wish
That no dweller in Zabid has ever attained
٤٢. فلئن قدمت فابقى امنية
لم يلاْتها متوطن بزبيد
43. Otherwise, the matter is yours, and hearts are yours
Except the remnants - greatest endurance.
٤٣. وإلا الأمر أمرك والقلوب لديكم
إلا بقايا أعظم وجلود