
He who retrieves the plunder has come to you,

أتاكم من يسترد الغصبا

1. He who retrieves the plunder has come to you,
And who forbids pillage,

١. أتاكم من يسترد الغصبا
ومن يثني الناهبين النهبا

2. So seek protection in glory from meeting him,
For Yahya cannot be withstood in war,

٢. فاعتصموا بالعز عن لقائه
فان يحيى لا يطاق حربا

3. He has come to you from above while you are
Below him, if only you would settle the clouds,

٣. قد جاءكم من فوقكم وأنتم
من تحته لو تسكنون السحبا

4. And whoever throws at what is above him a stone,
It comes back to his pate wrapped up,

٤. ومن رمى ما فوقه بحجر
عاد على هامته ملبا

5. Do not think your fortresses will stop him
From you, so a sheath does not stop wrath,

٥. لا تحسبوا حصونكم ترده
عنكم فما غمد يرد غضبا

6. Citadels, but they make you reason
Until the one who was far from you became near,

٦. معاقل لكنها تعقلكم
حتى دنى كانت عليكم ألبا

7. Turn aside from them, for whoever sees what
He hates, leaves whom he loves,

٧. تجانفوا عنها فمن أبصر ما
يكرهه فارق من أحبا

8. Do not out of ignorance overcome yourselves
Thus becoming under the soil as ashes,

٨. لا تغلبوا جهلا على أنفسكم
فتصبحوا تحت التراب تربا

9. And whoever tasks himself beyond his ability
In the matter hopes for nothing but defeat,

٩. ومن يكلف نفسه مالم يطق
لم ينتظر في الأمر إلا الغلبا

10. The most ignorant of men, weak, powerless,
Wages war on the hide of the strong,

١٠. وأجهل الناس ضعيف عاجز
شن على جَلد قوى حربا

11. Thus throwing himself into ruin,
Which throws him down, crushed,

١١. فكان ملقيا بنفسه إِلى
تهلكة تلقيه إرباً إرباً

12. Indeed the son of Ismael has warned you
Woe to whomever he warns but refuses!

١٢. إن ابن إسماعيل قد أنذركم
ويل لمن ينذره ويأبا

13. The victorious king of glorious renown,
If he calls to a caller, his call is heard,

١٣. الملك الظاهر ذو المجد الذي
إذا دعا داع نداه لبا

14. And he overflowed until, if his delegation said
His munificence is endless, inexhaustible,

١٤. وفاض حتى لو يقول وفده
لقال جوده لا ولا حسبا

15. If his right hand went beyond the clouds of heaven
You would see victory in the face of the clouds,

١٥. لو جاوزت سحب السما يمينه
رأيت في وجه السحاب الغلبا

16. Do not ask, besides Him, anyone for a need,
Which Yahya counts against you as a sin,

١٦. لا تسألن من سواه حاجة
يعدها يحيى عليك ذنبا

17. For it displeases him that a man
Should ask, besides Him, increase,

١٧. لأنه يسوءه أن أمرءاً
يسأل من سواه إلا الربّا

18. So that he see for Him no partner in what
He guides to him of praise and tribute,

١٨. كي لا يرى له شريكا في الذي
يهدى له من الثنا ويجبا

19. And it is the way of people, if a man suffices
In plight and closes the door to love,

١٩. وعادة الناس إذا امرء كفى
في مغرم وسد أن يحبا

20. But you, between the grave and the soil
Have widened for us the strangeness from you and them,

٢٠. لكنكم بين الثريا والثرى
أوسعتنا منك ومنهم عجبا

21. If they sufficed the questioner, they were cheerful, but if
You sufficed him, you strode off angry,

٢١. إذا كفوا السائل سروا وإذا
كفيته رحت بنفس غضبا

22. Never before Yahya was there anyone like him
We have heard and read the books,

٢٢. ما كان قط قبل يحيى مثله
فقد سمعنا وقرأنا الكتبا

23. This one, for whom God enlisted soldiers
For he intends war for the soldiers of God,

٢٣. هذا الذي جند الإِله جنده
فهو لجند الله ينوى الحربا

24. By God, he did not seize the saddlebags through deception
Nor is taking them from you difficult,

٢٤. والله ما حض الحقيب معجز
وليس أخذه عليكم صعبا

25. Rather, in the hearts of these people more tender
Appeared to the adversary, so he took heart,

٢٥. بل في قلوب هؤلاء أحن
ظهرن للخصم فشد قلبا

26. They did not consent to the leadership of some of them
To necessitate for him a step or nearness,

٢٦. لم ترتضوا لبعضهم تصدراً
يوجب خطوة له وقربا

27. Nor did he seize them through trickery
Of the miraculous feats of your good fortune,

٢٧. وليس أخذه لهم مستكرا
من خارقات سعدك الملبا

28. Good fortune in which the father becomes enemy to his son,
And the son enemy to his father, if he refuses!

٢٨. سعد به عادى الأب له ابنه
والأبن عادى الأب ان تأبا

29. Thanks be to God who ordains destiny
Through his servant Yahya as he loves,

٢٩. والحمد لله الذي يجرى القضا
بعبده يحيى بما أحبا

30. There is none today who has not feared
The outpouring of fear of you upon him,

٣٠. ما في أصاب اليوم إلا وجل
صب عليه الخوف منك صبا

31. And the people of each province have held
For it a funeral and eulogy,

٣١. وقد أقام أهل كل قطعة
فيه عليها مأتما وندبا

32. Destruction befell them from the ill-omened Buyid
Who disobeyed God, the Prophet and the Companions,

٣٢. أدركهم شوم البعيثي الذي
عصى الإِله والنبي والصحبا

33. He said to them, "A noble command has come to me
From my Lord, so obey the Lord!"

٣٣. قال لهم أمر شريف جاءني
من عند ربي فأطيعوا الربا

34. "He has permitted me to kill a people whom Muhammad
Forbade killing and plunder,"

٣٤. أحل لي القتل لقوم قد نهى
عن قتلهم محمد والنهبا

35. And the scholars said, "Do not weary yourselves with him
For he has transmitted lies about God,"

٣٥. وقال أهل العلم لا تعبوا به
فقد روى عن الإِله كذبا

36. But they opposed them and imitated his actions
Oh, evil is that which they undertook seriously as play!

٣٦. فخالفوهم وأقتدوا بفعله
يا بئس ما اعتاضوا بجد لعبا

37. The Buyid has no mention in the world today
Where do you see him? He is destroyed or hidden,

٣٧. ما للبعثي اليوم ذكر في الورى
أين تراه اندثر أو تخبا

38. Where are his claims with which he claimed
And where is the ally of his play army?

٣٨. أين دعاويه التي بها أدعى
وأين ولى جيشه المعبا

39. The truth that destroyed his falsehood came to him
So he fled from it in fear and alarm,

٣٩. اتاه حق مزهق باطله
ففر منه خيفة ورهبا

40. So achieve your hopes and be as you desire
A heart of compassion and a chest of breadth.

٤٠. فابلغ أمانيك وكن كما تشا
قلبا رؤفاً وصدرا رحبا