
Every word that calls to God's religion is best spoken

كلات ودين الله أفضل ما تكلا

1. Every word that calls to God's religion is best spoken
And the best thing I believe in is the joy of requests

١. كلات ودين الله أفضل ما تكلا
وأفضل ما امنت في بهجة السبلا

2. So your crying out about God's religion takes precedence
Over everything, in your view is it clear or ambiguous?

٢. فذبك عن دين الإله مقدم
على كل شيء دق عندك أم جلا

3. You are nothing but God's deputy in the land
So if you have never tasted one day of His deputyship without isolation

٣. وما أنت الا نائب الله في الورى
فلا ذقت يوما من نيابته عزلا

4. You inherited the Messenger of God after the caliphs
So be the best of them in supporting his exemplary tradition

٤. خلفت رسلول الله بعد خلائف
فكن خيرهم في نصر سنته المثلا

5. For among the people, if you call
To supporting Islam, foremost and without hesitation

٥. فما أحد في الناس منك إذا دعا
إلى نصرة الإسلام أولا ولا أملا

6. Perfection and forbearance in you adorned the caliphate
You took charge while they were exhausted by its burdens

٦. كمال وحلم فيك زانا خلافة
نهضت وقد أعيوا بأعبائها حلا

7. Power was handed over to you when guidance was harmed
And it was afflicted by those who oppose it beyond measure

٧. رفعت إليك الأمر إذ أُوذى الهدى
وحل به ممن يعاديه ما حلا

8. They have revealed what they used to conceal and awakened
While the matter of guidance has declined and their matter has risen

٨. وقد أظهروا ما يكتمون وأصبحوا
وأمر الهدى واه وأمرهم فحلا

9. And in the abode of Islam you read their books
In which they composed chapters in crowded assemblies

٩. وفي بلد الإسلام تقرأ كتبهم
وقد عقدوا فيها لها مجلساً حفلا

10. Guidance has no sword but you, its progeny
You are a sword that cannot be withstood when it is drawn

١٠. وما للهدى سيف سواك نسله
وإنك سيف لا يطاق إذا سلا

11. We protect the text of the scriptures about it, and we have nothing
Except your conquering sword, it harms so it harms not in vain

١١. نحامي بنص الكتب عنه ومالنا
سوى سيفك الماضي يضر فلا فلاّ

12. Reconsider the matter without following blindly
You will find them to be issues you cannot deny with reason

١٢. أعد نظرا في الأمر غير مقلد
تجدها قضايا لست تنكرها عقلا

13. And take the religion's right from its adversary with justice and leave off
For one who seeks justice is no oppressor of the adversary

١٣. وبالعدل خذ للدين من خصمه ودع
فما ظالم للخصم من طلب العدلا

14. I have not been negligent of God's right
But they consented to bear its burden heavily

١٤. وما كنت في حق الإله مقصرا
ولكن رضوا أن يحملوا وزرها ثقلا

15. If scholars give a legal opinion to a young man in a case
With what is not God's ruling they have gone astray and not astray

١٥. إذا العلما أفتوا فتى في قضية
بما ليس حكم الله ضلوا وما ضلا

16. The imitating king has been excused, scholar
So leave off the several who gave him this rope

١٦. لقد اعذر الملك المقلد عالما
فدع عدة افتوه في هذه الحبلا

17. Let me ask them and order them to answer
So we may know who was correct and who slipped

١٧. فدعني اسائلهم ومرهم يجوبوا
لتعم منا من أصاب ومن زلا

18. Oh scholars of religion, why do I see you
With the enemies as if you were the morning star with the moon

١٨. فيا علماء الدين مالي أراكم
عليه مع الأعداء كالطالب الذحلا

19. Yet in your religion it is that divinity we have made
And that creatures have made their Lord a fabrication

١٩. وفي دينكم ان الالوهة صنعنا
وان البرايا جاعلوا ربهم جعلا

20. That the god of a person is like a pearl built
So the builder knows it but the ignorant deny it

٢٠. وإن اله العبد كالدر تبتنى
فيعرفها الباني وتنكره جهلا

21. Is it in your religion that the one who prays bows to a planet
And to the sun and idols when he has prayed?

٢١. أفي دينكم ان المصلى لكوكب
وللشمس والاصنام لله قد صلى

22. Why did they yell it and your knowledge
Says to you, refute them, yet you said to them no?

٢٢. فما بالهم صاحوا بها وعلومكم
تقول لكم ردوا فقلتم لهم كَلاّ

23. You meet them affectionately like a lover meets his beloved
And you placate them in word and placate them in deed

٢٣. تلاقونهم لقيا محب حبيبه
وترضونهم قولا وترضونهم فعلا

24. The youth's love of one hostile to God negates
Faith in your scriptures that are recited

٢٤. وود الفتى من حادد الله سالب
من المؤمن الإيمان في صحفكم يتلى

25. Islam has come undermined from where it felt secure
And it counted among its enemies those it considered friendly

٢٥. لقد أتى الإسلام من حيث أمنه
وعدد في الأعداء من عدهم أهلا

26. It has only come from its partisans, and sometimes
There comes from the branches of origin what severs the origin

٢٦. ولم يؤت الا من ذويه وربما
أتى من فروع الاصل مايقطع الأصلا

27. Did He not say, shatter the one who utters heresy with a rock
That would scatter what gathered in his mouth

٢٧. أما قال فض الله فاه بصخرة
تبدد مما التف في فمه الشملا

28. By saying that praise has no meaning because you
Came affirming what was already negated before

٢٨. بأن ليس للتهليل معنى لأنكم
بإثباتكم جئتم بما قد نفى قبلا

29. So the furthest in there is no god, He is the One
Who came affirming after your saying, not

٢٩. فابعد لا في لا إله هو الذي
أتى مثبتا من بعد قولكم إلا

30. And He said He decreed that none but Him be worshipped
So worship whoever you wish for He is the Lord of the Most High heaven

٣٠. وقال قضى أن ليس يعبد غيره
فمن شئت فاعبد فهو رب السما الأعلى

31. Words that nearly cause the earth to split and the sky
To rupture or nearly become addled

٣١. كلام تكاد الأرض تنشق والسما
تفطر أو كادت تكون مهلا

32. They have innovated a sin whose evidence
Is a dream seen or a lying informer they roast

٣٢. لقد أحدثوا ذنبا أدلتهم به
منام يرى أو وارد كاذب يقلى

33. And they said we took it from God without
Intermediation of revelation so we asked the Most High

٣٣. وقالوا أخذناه عن الله لم يكن
بواسطة توحى فاستاذنا أعلى

34. We said you lied, there is no youth after Ahmad
Who takes rulings from our Lord the Majestic

٣٤. فقلنا كذبتم ليس من بعد أحمد
فتى يأخذ الأحكام عن ربنا جلا

35. Rather He left a book and tradition
Whoever pursues a ruling other than them has strayed

٣٥. ولكنه أبقى كتابا وسنة
فمن يقتفى حكما لغيرهما ضلا

36. That was Satan displaying to some of you
And he may not even see a thing so he fabricates speciously

٣٦. وذلكم الشيطان يبدى لبعضكم
وقد لا يرى شيئا فيخلق مستملا

37. And the vision of a youth and demon's whisper in the mind, if in line
With Scripture it is good, so do not roast him

٣٧. ورؤيا الفتى والنفث في الروع أن أتى
على الشرع وفقا فهو خير فما يقلى

38. If it contradicts Scripture suppress it for it is
The devil's temptations cast with arrows

٣٨. وان لم يوافقه فخفه فإنها
وساوس شيطان رشقت بها نبلا

39. Whoever sees him walking on air in his imagination
And does not consider Scripture forbidden or permitted

٣٩. ومن تره يمشى على الماء في الهوى
ولم تعتبر بالشرع حرما ولا حلا

40. That is an imposter so deny his claim to have seen
For he is not truthful in his accounts even if upright

٤٠. فذلك دجال فكذبه أن روى
فما هو في أخباره إن روى عدلا

41. And in sorcery is that which resembles miracles, and what
Distinguishes this from that and elevates the exalted

٤١. وفي السحر ما يحكى الكرامات والذي
يميز ذا عن ذا ويعلي الذي استعلا

42. Is Scripture so let them seek protection in its rope
While the wretched and happy are those who cut the rope

٤٢. هو الشرع فليستعصمون بحبله
وليّون والأشقون من قطعوا الحبلا

43. And they said the spiritual stations of sainthood are with us
Equalling the stations of prophethood, rather higher

٤٣. وقالوا مقامات الولاية عندنا
تضاهي مقامات النبوة بل اعلا

44. They have lied, the saint's enemy is the enemy
So one who fears the former does not resemble

٤٤. فقد كذبوا ضد الولي هو العدو
فما متق الأولى كما بتلا

45. One who knows disobeys and does not stand
And makes God's enemies a preoccupation for him has erred

٤٥. لقد خاب ذو علم تعاصى ولم يقم
ويجعل أعداء الإله له شغلا

46. Do you not know that silence on harm
To the Lord of the heavens since it was forbidden is unlawful

٤٦. ألا فاعلموا أن السكوت على الأذى
لرب السما من يوم حرم ما حلا

47. You fear what? God has separated between you
And wrapped those who revive His tradition that was fragmented

٤٧. تخافون ماذا فرق الله بينكم
ولف من المحيين سنته الشملا

48. You fear the positions will be emptied of you?
No, they belong to you and you are their rightful people

٤٨. تخافون أن تخلى المنازل منكم
ألا إنها منكم وأنتم بها أهلا

49. Will this foreigner stay empowered in his blasphemy
While you are like bubbles in a pool, humiliated?

٤٩. أيبقى هذا الاعجمي بكفره
عزيزا وأنتم مثل فقع الفلا ذلا

50. And we hear from our Lord what pains us
So we compromise it and loosen the rope for him

٥٠. ويُسمعنا من ربنا ما يسؤنا
فنغضي له عنها ونرخي له الحبلا

51. They say it suffices the person to reform himself
And reform what evil and injustice touch him

٥١. يقولون حسب المرء إصلاح نفسه
واصلاح ما يسنى له الشر والأكلا

52. Oh no, we were not created for this, and worse
Than that is one whose main concern is to fill his stomach

٥٢. وهيهات لم نخلق لهذا وشر من
قرا أو ورى من همه البطن أن يملا

53. No one lives who compromises on harm
To his Master except the life of one estranged and barren

٥٣. فلا عاش من للعيش يغضى على الأذى
لمولاه إلا عيشة الواله الثكلى

54. For what can the youth possess if his soul
Falls short in religion, and religion is his greatest value

٥٤. فما للفتى للنفس واق ونفسه
تفي دينه فالدين قيمته أعلى

55. Did you not struggle in God's cause His true struggle?
An address to us from our Lord including all

٥٥. أما جاهدوا في الله حق جهاده
خطاب لنا من ربنا عمم الكلا

56. So the incapable among us, his struggle is with the tongue
And the fierce with striking with the sword, so no languor

٥٦. فذو العجز منا باللسان جهاده
وذو البطش ضربا بالحسام فلا شلا

57. How excellent is consciousness of God and how prosperous is guidance
And fortunate the servant who draws in supporting it a sharp sword

٥٧. فما أحسن التقوى وما أيمن الهدى
وأسعد عبد سل في نصره نصلا

58. How Able is the Creator to support Himself
But by way of choice He tests those tested

٥٨. وما أقدر البارى على نصر نفسه
ولكنه يبلى اختياراً لمن يبلى

59. Regarding struggle with the tongue I say it
While you, son of Ishmael, struggle against them with action

٥٩. على جهاد باللسان أقوله
وأنت ابن إسماعيل جاهدهم فعلا

60. By God I will not cower to anyone in my religion
Or make my soul to its Creator a disgrace

٦٠. فوالله لا حابيت في ديني امرءا
ولا صانعت نفسي بخالقها خلا

61. By God they will not harm my God in His land
While I sleep in it with closed eyes or walk in it on feet

٦١. ووالله لا يؤذي إلهي ببلده
أنام بها عينا وأمشى بها رجلا

62. And in it to idols a caller to misguidance
Believes they belong to God if worshipped in seclusion

٦٢. وفيها إلى الأصنام داعي ضلالة
يرى أنها لله أن عبدت مجلى

63. And he has settled in it and remained over the people
And those in it have yielded to their saying, disgraced

٦٣. وقد رسا فيها وطالا على الورى
وأذعن من فيها لقولهما ذلا

64. God refused that they repent and return
To Islam's creed or else they will be killed

٦٤. أبى الله ألا يستتابا ويرجعا
إلى ملة الإسلام أو يمضيا قتلا

65. And until I see it I will not see a Muslim in it
Debased while over him a defiant unbeliever rises

٦٥. وحتى أراها لا ارى مسلما بها
ذليلا عليه كافر طال واستعلا

66. Do not neglect them, O son of Ishmael
He has ordered insulting our religion so it's easy

٦٦. ألا يا ابن إسمعيل لا تهملنهم
ما أمرهم بالطعن في ديننا سهلا

67. And do not listen to the legal opinion they spoke
Men of passion placated men of similar form

٦٧. ولا تصغ للفتوى التي نطقت بها
رجال هوى حابوا رجال هوى شكلا

68. And if you want to know the essence they concealed
And the confusion they burdened you with unloading

٦٨. وإن شئت أن تدرى بكنه الذي انطووا
عليه وما قد خاتلوك به ختلا

69. Then ask about them in history, their lines
In what they opposed the prophets and messengers

٦٩. فسل عنهم في الطرس وضع خطوطهم
بما خالفوا فيه النبيين والرسلا

70. And task them to write, each person among them
What they had decreed in secret and recited

٧٠. وكلفهم إن يكتب المرء منهم
بما كان أفتى فيه سراً وما أملى

71. You will find them downcast, silent, disgraced
Whoever disobeys God's command or prohibition is disgraced

٧١. تجدهم حزانا مطرقين أذلة
ومن يعص أمر الله أو نهيه ذلا

72. They fear the lines will remain about them
A shameful disgrace that does not die or fade

٧٢. يخافون أن تبقى الخطوط عليهم
من العار خزيا لا يموت ولا يبلى

73. So their pens will shame them in their lives
And shame when they die, their descendants after them

٧٣. فتخزيهم أقلامهم في حياتهم
وتخزى إذا ماتوا وراءهم النسلا

74. But here is the legal opinion of men whose lines
Were their garments when they died upon their superior merit

٧٤. ولكن هنا فتوى رجال خطوطهم
كستهم وقد ماتوا على فضلهم فضلا

75. The legal rulings of Badr al-Din ibn Jama'a
And their like, so be generous to him and their kind

٧٥. فتاوى بدر الدين ابن دماعة
وامثاله اكرم به وبهم مثلا

76. When recited to the Muslims, they will pray for mercy upon them
And hearts will want for them a place of descent

٧٦. إذا قرئت للمسلمين ترحموا
وودت قلوب ان يكون لهم نزلا

77. Histories that maintained after them a reputation of goodness
For the righteousness they put forth before

٧٧. تواريخ أبقت حسن ذكر وراءهم
بما قدموا من صالح لهم قبلا

78. With them you will attain the truth unveiled
And reveal a matter they confused you with carrying

٧٨. ظفرت بها تبدى لك الحق واضحا
وتكشف أمراً كلفوك له حملا

79. While others do not despair if the face of guidance
Turns away, whether turning to or from the truth

٧٩. وأنت التقي الطاهر العرض شوشوا
عليك بقول ما أبيح ولا حلا

80. For you are the one who, if you wish, can strengthen its pillar
And they intend to uproot from it the fundamental enemy

٨٠. تأمل فتاوى المسلمين وخُذ بِهَا
ودع قول من يحكي المحال ومن ضلا

81. O joy of Islam, if the covering is removed
For Ahmad from one who confused us with fraud

٨١. فتاوى لا يسطيع ينكرها امرؤ
ومن منكر شمسا على طرفه تجلى

82. Who then for guidance, when empowered one day
Will clothe its nakedness after their empowerment's humiliation?

٨٢. وما سرني نفيانها ليزيدني
يقينا فان الأمر أوضح ان يجلى

83. Through it hands will extend to you, all people in supplication
And the Merciful and the angels will be pleased

٨٣. ولكن لتجلو عنك ما لبسوا به
وتغسل امراً خادعوك به غسلا

84. And Muslim hearts will be filled with a happiness
That will encompass and its secret will fill grief and aridity

٨٤. وغيرك لا يأسى على وجهه الهدى
أقبل إقبالا على الحق ام ولىّ

85. For love of the world, Islam has mixed with blood
And it has penetrated psyches, flesh, and nerves

٨٥. فأنت الذي إن شئت وطدت ركنه
وقد هم أن تجتث منه العدى الاصلا

86. Your path a faction has assailed
Taking its weak points and eating it bit by bit

٨٦. فيا فرحة الإسلام إن كشف الغطا
لأحمد عن من بالغرور لنا دلا

87. And they have legislated a law that permitted them through
Their imam to worship the sun and calf

٨٧. فمن للهدى منه بيوم يعزه
ويكسو عراه بعد عزتهم ذلا

88. And they wrote lies praising him
To provoke the ignorant and heedless against your religion

٨٨. تمد به الأيدي لك الخلق بالدعا
ويرضى به الرحمن والملأ الأعلى

89. And some have agreed with them praising him
Ugly for them and for what they have worn out

٨٩. وتملى قلوب المسلمين مسرة
تعم ويملا سرها الحزن والسهلا

90. And here are their shaykh's legal opinions in his book
Whose disgraces shame their embarrassed faces

٩٠. فحب الورى الإسلام قد مازج الدما
وقد خالط الامشاج واللحم والأشلا

91. Leave them off, for you have no substitute for
Our Lord and His Prophet, no origin

٩١. شريعتك انثالت عليها عصابة
تناولن أشلاها وتاكلها أكلا

92. Take the advice of one whose eighty years have humbled him
For that is the age of one nearing his end

٩٢. وقد شرعوا شرعا أباح لهم به
إمامهم أن يعبدوا الشمس والعجلا

93. I advise it though the Lord of heaven and Ahmad
Master of creatures, foreigner and compatriot, advised it

٩٣. وقد صنفوا في المدح فيه أكاذبا
ليستفززوا عن دينك الجاهل الغفلا

94. To gain good through supplication from the pious
And insults from the wretched bearing burdens

٩٤. ووافقهم في مدحه بعض من بلي
من العلما أقبح به وبما أبلى

95. Do not, O son of Ishmael, return to the pious
And those in whom is goodness, not the sperm-like rabble

٩٥. وهذي فتاوي شيخهم في فصوصه
فضائحها تخزى وجوههم الخجلى

96. My God, inspire him with Your approval so please him
With truth and let truth be pleased with him, great pleasure

٩٦. دعوه فما عن ربنا ونبيه
لكم عوض فيه ولا غيره أصلا

97. And oppress the enemies through it, for You and Yours a blow
So through it reform in the people of Your law what was corrupted

٩٧. خذوا نصح من دانا الثمانين سنه
وذلك عمر من يقاربه قلا

98. And let him love what You love, honoured
And hate what You hate and burns

٩٨. نصحت به رب السمآء وأحمدا
مليك البرايا والأجانب والأهلا

99. And through it harmonize hearts, and through it
Be a protector, and increase, O Lord, his enemies' isolation

٩٩. لأكسب خيرا بالدعا من ذوى التقى
وبالسب من ذى شقوة حمل الثقلا

100. And complete for him this perfection with infallibility
So its rainfall of approval remains for him a spring

١٠٠. ألا يا ابن إسمعيل راجع ذوي التقى
ومن فيه خيراً لا ذوى النطفة الطحلا