
You are the sea, and this world is the fish

البحر أنت وهذا العالم السمك

1. You are the sea, and this world is the fish
If you abandon them for an hour, they will perish

١. البحر أنت وهذا العالم السمك
فان تخليت عنهم ساعة هلكوا

2. They are the subjects, the obedient slaves, they are
While you, you are the obeyed, the master, the king

٢. هم الرعايا العبيد الطائعون هم
وأنت أنت المطاع السيد الملك

3. Why would you leave them to one who does not have mercy on them
And does not see their destruction as a matter of concern

٣. هلا تكلهم إلى من ليس يرحمهم
ولا يرى هلكهم أمرا به درك

4. For you are the most generous, O you whose hope
In your grace has never been dashed, whenever you cast your net

٤. فانت أكرم يا من لم يخب أمل
في فضله كلما مدت له شبك

5. You have been patient with them and done all good
And there has been from you no rebuke or groan

٥. أمهلتهم وفعلت الخير أجمعه
ولم يكن منك تعنيف ولا نهك

6. So favor them again and forgive them and lower yourself but do not
Abandon your good customs, even if they abandon theirs

٦. فامنن بأخرى وسامحهم وحط ولا
تترك عوائدك الحسنى وإن تركوا

7. So cover their harm, and gain prayer and praise
That will remain, and what the ships have made remain

٧. فضرهم بينّ فاغنم دعا وثنا
يبقى وتبقى له ما أبقي الفلك