
Your enemies will hear of what comes from you, O Yahya,

عدوك مما عنك يسمع يا يحيى

1. Your enemies will hear of what comes from you, O Yahya,
Of reputation—the deaf who does not die or live,

١. عدوك مما عنك يسمع يا يحيى
من الصيت عان لا يموت ولا يحيى

2. And the most wretched envier whenever he sees
Sees in himself weakness and frailty,

٢. واشقى البرايا حاسد كلما رأى
رأى في نفسه الوهن والوهيا

3. So say to the sick from you will heal him his deed,
You blame him—your treatment has weakened,

٣. فقل لمريض منك يشفيه فعله
عليك بها لوم دواؤك قد اعيا

4. Die if you wish out of rage and if you wish do not die
So Yahya is wed every day to the most high,

٤. فمت ان تشا غيظا وأن شئت لا تمت
فيحيى عروس كل يوم على عليا

5. Your good deeds have provoked the enemies
With rage—they died from it while they are alive,

٥. صنعائك الحسنى أثارت على العدا
من الغيظ ما ماتوا به وهم أحيا

6. So whoever lives from them lives in what harms him
And whoever does not live perishes while in his heart are embers

٦. فمن عاش منهم عاش فيما يسوءه
ومن لم يعش يهلك وفي قلبه أشيا

7. Whenever the enemies see what you possess of hands
With which you collared their necks, they bowed in humiliation,

٧. إذا ما رأى الأعداء مالك من يد
بها طوقت اعناقهم اطرقوا خزيا

8. So take and give for the Creator and trust in the care
From God—their necks twist away from you obediently,

٨. فخذ واعط بالباري وثق بعناية
من الله تلوى عنك أعناقهم ليا

9. You reached without effort what you want
And how many you deprived while they exerted great effort,

٩. بلغت بلا سعي إلى ما تريده
وكم حرمت قوم وقد افرطوا سعياً

10. He who does not have God's support, his aims
Will not hit their mark, even if he follows shooting,

١٠. ومن لم يكن في عونه الله لم تصب
مراما مراميه وأن تابع الرميا

11. Do you not see the making and kindness of God
And His easing of what was difficult of things?

١١. الست ترى صنع الإله ولطفه
وتسهيله ما كان صعباً من الاشيا

12. Firm knots God made easy their untying,
Until establishing them became denial,

١٢. عقود شداد يسر الله حلها
عليك إِلى أن صار إثباتها نفيا

13. So sleep reassured by God without losing
Resolve in anything—for that necessitates effort,

١٣. فنم واثقا بالله غير مضيع
من الحزم في شيء فقد أوجب السعيا

14. And Ahmad said: “Tether your camel and rely,”
So do not neglect wisdom in the matter and opinion,

١٤. وأحمد قال اعقل بعيرك واتكل
فلا تدعن الحزم في الأمر والرأيا

15. For your Lord concealed His power in causes
So no planting except by plowing and watering,

١٥. فربك في الأسباب اخفى اقتداره
فلا زرع إلا بالحراثة والسقيا

16. He who desires children without marriage—
That is a man who deserves a branding on the head,

١٦. ومن رام أولادا بغير تناكح
فذاك امرء في الرأس يستوجب الكيا

17. It is upon man to strive and for God what He wills
So the striver should not insist too much nor resist,

١٧. على المرء ان يسعى ولله ما يشا
فلا يكثر الساعي اللجاج ولا الليا

18. Before you is what you accept, for the decrees of our Lord
You see them with what you accept hastening,

١٨. ودونك ما ترضى فأقدار ربنا
تراها بما ترضى به تسرع الجريا

19. And whoever is amazed that ships should sink
Woe to those who embarked upon wickedness,

١٩. ومن عجب بغي المراكب هذه
بتجويرها ياويل من ركب البغيا

20. They were warned of this but in their wickedness they were
Deaf when they heard and blind when they saw,

٢٠. لقد حذروا هذا فكانوا ببغيهم
لما سمعوا صماً وما أبصروا عميا

21. So I turned away from them and fate behind them
Drives them like the badr moon toward you as guidance,

٢١. فاعرضت عنهم والمقادير خلفهم
تسوقهم كالبدر نحوكم هديا

22. So when they approached you and you did not care for them
Every beast of prey felt jealous of them,

٢٢. فلما دنوا منكم ولم تحفلوا بهم
أغارت عليهم كل داهية دهيا

23. And waves came upon them from every side
And did not cease taking them to the shore folded,

٢٣. وجاءتهم الأمواج من كل جانب
وما برحت للبر تطويهم طيا

24. And they had a ship in which was merchandise
So they continued watering their wealth as watering,

٢٤. وكان لديهم مركب فيه بلغة
فظلوا به يسقون أموالهم سقيا

25. And battalions came to them from what you sent
Their ships walking with them toward them walking,

٢٥. وجاءتهم مما بعثت كتائب
مراكبهم تمشى بهم نحوهم مشيا

26. So they fled in a ship in which they entrusted
Thinking the sea in it would remain for them,

٢٦. ففر بهم قد اودعوا فيه مركب
يظن بأن البحر فيه لهم بقيا

27. But fate seized them at the side of the Mandab
With a wind that tore out the innards of their ship violently,

٢٧. فادركهم في جانب المندب القضا
بريح فرت أوداج مركبهم فريا

28. And the good news came to them of this while you have
Their group as prisoners—so it was wickedness for them,

٢٨. وجاءتهم البشرى بهذا وعندكم
جماعتهم اسرى فكانت لهم بغيا

29. Thus it became clear to them that the Guardian singled them out
And the command of God was not forgetful before them,

٢٩. فبان لهم أن المهيمن خصهم
وما كان أمر الله عندهم نسيا

30. They lost multiples of what they were tyrannized with
And this which has occurred is enough as plunder,

٣٠. لقد ضيعوا أضعاف ماجوروا به
ويكفيهم هذا الذي قد جرى نهبا

31. So increase, my Lord, in thanking—it increases Your care
And caring for what You granted of Your grace and caring,

٣١. فزد ربنا شكرا يزدك عناية
ورعيا لما أولاك من فضله رعيا

32. You are only of abundant grace and Giving
You created favor—You do not know stinginess,

٣٢. فما أنت إلا واسع الفضل واهب
خلقت من المعروف لا تعرف الليا

33. For wealth has clamored from what destroys it
And from what you see between people themselves covetous,

٣٣. فقد ضجت الأموال مما يبيدها
ومما ترى بين الورى نفسها فيا

34. You see the sea insufficient to quench the thirst of a guest
And you consider a lodging in your eyes the world too small,

٣٤. ترى البحر لا يكفيك للضيف شربة
وتصغر في عينيك نزلا له الدنيا

35. So gently—for the sultan wealth has need
Take it and spend the best on your remaining wealth,

٣٥. فرفقا فبالسلطان للمال حاجة
أهم فخذ وأحسن على مالك البقيا

36. For it is said the middles of affairs are their best
Reason is their enemy and their edges excess,

٣٦. فقد قيل أوساط الأمور خيارها
هي الرشد عدوها وأطرفها غيا

37. So say to the kings of earth: “You are His servants,”
And whoever of you says no has spoken it disobediently,

٣٧. فقل لملوك الأرض أنتم عبيده
ومن قال لا منكم فقد قالها عيا

38. Is there among you a youth in kingship like him
Then eighty forefathers in the graves while they are alive?

٣٨. أفيكم فتى في الملك قد عد مثله
ثمانين جدا في القبور وهم أحيا

39. Is there among you a youth in generosity with wealth like him
Who sees the sea insufficient for its comer to drink?

٣٩. أفيكم فتى في الجود بالمال مثله
يرى البحر لا يكفي لوارده ريا

40. Unless it was in the time of Tubba
For his past forefathers your fathers were captives,

٤٠. ألا ربما قد كان في عهد تبع
لآبائه الماضيين أباؤكم سبيا

41. He is the pure son of the noble king whom
If he surpassed in generosity and Snake and Pig would feel ashamed,

٤١. هو الطاهر ابن الأشرف الملك الذي
إذا فاض جودا والحيا قد هما استحيا

42. A youth whose donations the endless sea drowns in
So it swims in them for life and does not live,

٤٢. فتى تغرق البحر المحيط هباته
فيسبح فيها للحياة ولا محيا

43. Woe to he who opposes you—as long as misery remains
I do not see the likes of him among the wretched alive,

٤٣. فويل لم عاداك ما بقى الشقا
أرى مثله في الأشقياء ما بقى حيا

44. And it congratulates the man whom you grant success with what is due
The youth attains the utmost of ranks and most high,

٤٤. ويهني امرء أولاك فوزاً بما يجب
ينال الفتى أقصى المراتب والعليا

45. He does not cease to find at your doors a place to alight
And wrap himself in your courtyard—so greetings,

٤٥. فلا زال يلقى كلُّ كَلٍ ببابكم
مناخا ويلفي في فنائكم فيا